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[1.5.0 <-> 1.8.1] Kerbalism v3.2


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  On 7/20/2018 at 4:36 PM, PiezPiedPy said:

@Masochist There are no support files for Universal Storage in Kerbalism. Post an issue on GitHub asking for its support and it might get added one day


Thanks for the heads up...I thought maybe that was the case given I could not find any info on them working together...kinda surprising and sucks to see....Maybe that means I need to make it happen....would be a good side project for me.


That being said I find it really odd....because it appears that all the Universal Storage stuff works. the problem is likely easy as just making the base fuel cell recognize the US supplies. Food and even water work just fine....just the pesky fuel cell that doesn't recognize Oxygen and Hydrogen.

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@scottadges All I can suggest is to delete the Kerbalism folder, reinstall Kerbalism and try again, or maybe there is a typo in your settings.cfg above the ui settings, a typo in the .cfg will stop it from being read by Kerbalism.

@Masochist As @lordcirth pointed out, Universal Storage 2 is coming soon, so I wouldn't work on it until then.

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Hello, please explain to me how many wastewater produces 1 kerbal? In the planner of kerbalism I did not find it, in the settings file it is indicated the following: "rate = 0.605 // 2.42 Kg per-day, Water to WasteWater mass difference is calculated internals", it turns out 25% of pure water? And tell me please how to calculate the real productivity of the water recycler. And will such a resource as wastewater be added to the planner?

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I have an issue and I'm not sure it can be corrected easily. well, I guess its 2 issues. First, high warp seems to produce more failures. I have 2 ships that each have had over 10 minor and 2 major failures in ~120 days all at 10000x warp. All of their components were set to high quality. This seems excessive.

Second issue is with repairing failures on mod parts that can fail like engines and parts with life support. It seems that with these parts your engineer must be touching the attachment node to get the repair button to show up. This creates problems when you have large parts that are in a stack or parts with only 1 attach node (that it's obviously using). This also seems to be the same issue with resetting experiments on mod parts like the aquaculture module in Nertea's Stockalike station parts expansion redux. Is there a way to increase the range that an engineer can fix things? If not, can someone enlighten me as to how to edit a quicksave to get rid of a failure?

I have tried changing broken = True to broken = False in this example code

name = Reliability
                    isEnabled = True
                    type = ModuleDataTransmitter
                    broken = True
                    critical = False
                    quality = False
                    last = 1163304.8847059938
                    next = 5467859.2573521659
                    stagingEnabled = True

The failure reappears as soon as the vessel is loaded. What do the last and next numbers represent?

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@Krik At the moment a Kerbal's WasteWater output is equal to its Water input. What goes in comes out. The water recycler reclaims 85% of the Water in the WasteWater, same as the ISS design targets.

I plan on adding Wastes to the Planner for the next release if N70 is ok with it ;)

@AngrybobH I'm not familiar with the reliability code yet, hopefully someone else can help. I would assume that last and next are the times that the last failure happened and next is when the next failure will occur, whether these times are in seconds or milliseconds I do not know.

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  On 7/22/2018 at 1:35 AM, PiezPiedPy said:

I would assume that last and next are the times that the last failure happened and next is when the next failure will occur


I am playing with the numbers right now. It seems that if last doesn't change or is lower, failure occurs immediately on reload. Higher and the failure is erased. For how long? Who knows. I might run a FINAL MM patch(if my rudimentary knowledge of MM can manage it) and remove failure possibility from all mod parts as editing saves is tedious.

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  On 7/22/2018 at 1:43 AM, AngrybobH said:

I might run a FINAL MM patch(if my rudimentary knowledge of MM can manage it) and remove failure possibility from all mod parts as editing saves is tedious.


Might be simpler to just disable the Kerbalism reliability system in its config file.

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  On 7/21/2018 at 2:33 PM, PiezPiedPy said:

@scottadges All I can suggest is to delete the Kerbalism folder, reinstall Kerbalism and try again, or maybe there is a typo in your settings.cfg above the ui settings, a typo in the .cfg will stop it from being read by Kerbalism.


To provide some closure on my issue, I went ahead and replaced my backup version of the "Settings.cfg" file and only changed the size from 1.0 to 4.0 and voila, it was huge in the UI. :rolleyes: 

So it was likely one of two issues: 

  • I previously made some other change (which I don't remember, maybe) in the file without my knowing it and this prevented the game reading the CFG file as @PiezPiedPy suggested
  • Also, I did have a copy of "Settings - BACKUP.cfg" in the main "GameData/Kerbalism" folder... so maybe having two CFG files in there caused a problem? Everything else with the mod seemed to be working, just not the UI (i.e. makes me think it's the 1st point)

Anyway, looks like I was able to make the UI bigger as I was wanting. So that's a good thing! Appreciate everyone's responses.

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  On 7/22/2018 at 11:24 PM, scottadges said:

To provide some closure on my issue, I went ahead and replaced my backup version of the "Settings.cfg" file and only changed the size from 1.0 to 4.0 and voila, it was huge in the UI. :rolleyes: 

So it was likely one of two issues: 

  • I previously made some other change (which I don't remember, maybe) in the file without my knowing it and this prevented the game reading the CFG file as @PiezPiedPy suggested
  • Also, I did have a copy of "Settings - BACKUP.cfg" in the main "GameData/Kerbalism" folder... so maybe having two CFG files in there caused a problem? Everything else with the mod seemed to be working, just not the UI (i.e. makes me think it's the 1st point)

Anyway, looks like I was able to make the UI bigger as I was wanting. So that's a good thing! Appreciate everyone's responses.


Probably the second one. KSP reads everything under GameData ending with .cfg, no matter what it's called, and the tags inside define what it is rather than the name.

I'd suggest making backups as "Settings.bak" or similar instead, that should prevent it from being read.

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  On 7/23/2018 at 12:02 AM, Maeyanie said:

Probably the second one. KSP reads everything under GameData ending with .cfg, no matter what it's called


Good to know, that makes sense then. Thanks for your comment.

So I guess that means Kerbalism is now actually fully working. :P I hadn't noticed anything that wasn't working, but then I'm just starting to get into my new career playthrough, so what did I know? 

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  On 7/23/2018 at 3:18 PM, lajoswinkler said:

Here's an idea for Kerbalism. Storms. Random spawning areas on planetary bodies that cause:

  • decreased illumination
  • variable wind, possibly flipping things and lowering the speed of rover wheels

That seems cool, but way outside the scope of Kerbalism, IMHO.

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  On 7/23/2018 at 3:18 PM, lajoswinkler said:

Here's an idea for Kerbalism. Storms. Random spawning areas on planetary bodies that cause:

  • decreased illumination
  • variable wind, possibly flipping things and lowering the speed of rover wheels

This could / should be a tie into whatever visual mods have dust storms on Duna?

  On 7/23/2018 at 8:33 PM, lajoswinkler said:

There was Kerbal wind, which requires FAR. As for the decreased illumination, it might take approach similar to Kerbalism's radiation.


Thinking out loud here...

I thought wind was definitly beyond Kerbalism - a hard mechanic to I'm plenty in a 'realistic way' in that it depends on local topography and distance from sun, atmospherix density etc. However, a limited implentation could be for a wind generator.

Wind COULD be applied the same way that Ore maps are generated.  Then apply it as a phantom force.  Kerbalism's part failures or solar flares could then be applied to severe weather events.


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I found something odd when comparing input and output resources in the profile configuration and as they are listed in the game UI. What am I doing wrong?

It appears that resource rates are listed in units per hundredths of a minute for processes like scrubbers, water purifiers, and waste processors; but in units per seconds for the greenhouse. Effectively, this means that the greenhouse consumption of Waste Atmosphere and CO2 don't quite match up with they way it is documented (line 1165) in Profiles/Default.cfg and doesn't quite replace the need for a scrubber: `Plants work on WasteAtmosphere and replace a scrubber`

There is an apparent discrepancy in the configured values for Processes in Profile/Default.cfg and those shown in the game, which only resolve if the Processes are configured in units per hundredth of a minute.

Scrubber in Default.cfg:     `input = WasteAtmosphere@0.020201` (*100/60 = 0.033668 per second)
Scrubber in game UI:     `WasteAtmosphere   0.034/s` (*60/100 = 0.0204 per hundredth of a minute)

And it looks like the greenhouse has a rate per second because the number in the profile match the numbers in the UI.

The greenhouse in Default.cfg for WasteAtmosphere: `rate = 0.020201`, CO2 `rate = 0.00505025` and Oxgygen `rate = 0.02758`
The greenhouse in game UI: `CarborDioxide  0.028/s` and `Oxygen 0.028/s`

What am I doing wrong here?


  On 7/21/2018 at 9:51 PM, Krik said:

Hello, please explain to me how many wastewater produces 1 kerbal? In the planner of kerbalism I did not find it, in the settings file it is indicated the following: "rate = 0.605 // 2.42 Kg per-day, Water to WasteWater mass difference is calculated internals", it turns out 25% of pure water? And tell me please how to calculate the real productivity of the water recycler. And will such a resource as wastewater be added to the planner?


The water recycler says it is enough to recycle the output of 1 crew member and has `input = WasteWater@0.0001115`, so we can assume that one kerbal produces 0.0001115 waste water per "tick". You can see the same thing in the game by configuring a pod with a water recycler, which shows 0.011 WasteWater per minute.

The other 25% of the mass comes out as Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia.

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@Aelios All rates are units/second. Don't forget densities matter. I don't see any discrepancies in the UI.

The rates in the config are maximum values a process can process per capacity. Capacity is defined it the config slots, for example the pods have a capacity of 1.67 per crew for a single slot, so one slot in a pod for the scrubber with a capacity of 1.67 allows (0.0202/s * 1.67 =  0.034/s). Also in game you may not reach these values if the resources are not available, the processes will only process what they can up to their limit.

If you are running a scrubber while you have a greenhouse then the scrubber will take priority. Note that one Greenhouse can only process the WasteAtmosphere and produce the O2 for one crew member and only half the food requirements for that crew member.

So two crew members with one scrubber and a greenhouse is 0.04/s WasteAtmosphere from breathing, the scrubber will process a max of 0.034/s leaving 0.006/s for the greenhouse which will then need 0.019/s CO2 from storage which makes the 0.025/s required. 0.034/s - 0.019/s = 0.015/s excess CO2 which will remain in storage if there is space or be vented overboard. All to produce 0.028/s O2 for one crew member with the other crew member using its 0.28/s of O2 from storage.

If you have any more questions it's easier to chat on Kerbalisms Discord. Also here are some images that may explain better ;)

See the image below with the Scrubber running. Breathing produces 0.020/s WasteAtmosphere, Scrubber converts that into 0.020/s CO2. Greenhouse then takes 0.025/s CO2 and produces 0.028/s O2 which is then used for breathing and the cycle repeats.


The image below without the scrubber. Breathing produces 0.020/s WasteAtmosphere, Greenhouse uses it in place of CO2 but it is not enough so it takes the extra CO2 it needs from storage at 0.319/m (/60 = 0.005/s). 0.020 + 0.005 = 0.025/s total CO2 The greenhouse then converts that into 0.028/s O2 which is used for breathing.uI6CNlP.png

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  On 7/26/2018 at 2:58 AM, PiezPiedPy said:

Capacity is defined it the config slots, for example the pods have a capacity of 1.67 per crew for a single slot, so one slot in a pod for the scrubber with a capacity of 1.67 allows (0.0202/s * 1.67 =  0.034/s). Also in game you may not reach these values if the resources are not available, the processes will only process what they can up to their limit.


Thank you. That helps, and means I need to re-evaluate how I'm calculating life support systems.

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I keep having an issue with Kerbalism. Icons sometimes fail to appear in game. As I've checked other functions work well. Sometimes restarting the game works, sometimes it doesn't. Anyone has met this bug?

Edit: I have installed the 1.8 version and the problem continues. It seems that removing the folder with Kerbalism, and installing it again works. (Reinstall via CKAN does not help.)

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@Darkherring It's a known problem, one of the reasons that causes it is if you Alt-Tab out of KSP while it is loading.

On a side note when installing mods you should delete the mods folder before installing an update, sometimes files can be moved or deleted in the mod and just copying the folder over can cause there to be duplicate files and/or files that should be removed remaining in the folder which can cause all sorts of mayhem. Kerbalism v1.8.0 is an ideal example because of the changes to the Parts folder.

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I love this mod.

I've just installed Realtic Rescale, which rescales the solar system and means that the game now runs on a 24hr day. But Kerbalism still appears to think that days are only 6 hours long. Is there any way to change the length of a day in Kerbalism's settings, or tweak the mod so it uses the same time as the game, instead of a hard-coded 6-hr day?

Thank you!


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