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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.1: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [17 March 2025]


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56 minutes ago, NotMyProblem said:

Is there a mod similar to this thats for RSS/RO/RP-1?

I can't find any, but here's a patch that should make this mod's parts real-sized (and increases mass). Untested:


//Real size rescale for MLP, untested
@rescaleFactor *= 1.6
@mass *= 4


Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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2 hours ago, NotMyProblem said:

Is there a mod similar to this thats for RSS/RO/RP-1?

The only thing remotely like this in RO-native scale are the special towers and launch bases that Katniss is making for his series of alternate and modified Saturns. They're not modular though, just single-piece parts for the highly specialized Saturn variants he's making for his videos (one of which is a crewed Uranus mission :D ); they are available on his GitHub.

Otherwise, yes, RO now has support for Modular Launch Pads that makes them bigger.

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On 3/10/2021 at 3:25 AM, AlphaMensae said:

The only thing remotely like this in RO-native scale are the special towers and launch bases that Katniss is making for his series of alternate and modified Saturns. They're not modular though, just single-piece parts for the highly specialized Saturn variants he's making for his videos (one of which is a crewed Uranus mission :D ); they are available on his GitHub.

Can i ask for the GitHub link?  The MLP glitch in ways i haven't seen with Katniss.

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8 hours ago, EndAllFilms said:



53 minutes ago, Cheesecake said:

He means: there is no launchpad/launchtower of the Starship in real and no plans how it look like.

Look at all those pictures that can't agree what the launch pad may look like!




ErcX SpaceX:



SpaceXVision's launchpad:




Edited by GuessingEveryDay
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One: Yes, I don't make things based on some glossified render from years ago.  I need actual hardware on the pad ready to launch. The prototypes don't count.

Two: I'm not interested in any more SpaceX stuff for Modular Launch Pads. I made the Falcon 9-style strongback and added the current condition appearance to the shuttle FSS tower since Falcon 9 has been around for quite a while now, and they have uses for other rockets.  I'm leaving any Starship/Super Heavy stuff to Tundra Exploration (if Damon wants to) or someone else.

Now, if a Starship actually ends up landing on the Moon in one piece, or better yet on Mars, then I'll might reconsider. :D 

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56 minutes ago, SpaceX_Boi said:

Hi, I downloaded this mod, and I only get 3, tiny parts in the VAB- what's up with that? :/ 

Are you in a career game? You'll need to unlock the parts in the tech tree if so.

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1 hour ago, SpaceX_Boi said:

Hi, I downloaded this mod, and I only get 3, tiny parts in the VAB- what's up with that? :/ 

Kind of impossible to know what's up when there's zero information given. What version? How did you install the mod? What does your gamedata folder look like?

My guess: you're missing the required dependencies. Even in a new career game you should have several parts at the start. 


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9 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Kind of impossible to know what's up when there's zero information given. What version? How did you install the mod? What does your gamedata folder look like?

My guess: you're missing the required dependencies. Even in a new career game you should have several parts at the start. 



17 minutes ago, Zelda said:

Are you in a career game? You'll need to unlock the parts in the tech tree if so.

Both of you might be right. I'm playing in a science mode, with the cheat that unlocks all parts in the tech tree - but since I installed this mod after I started the savegame, I might need to unlock it again. Thanks guys :) 


P.S. I do have the dependencies, cuz I installed it on CKAN lol

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Does the MountPlatform_MLP (title = MLP General Mounting Platform) suppose to be somehow cheated to a new location, where it will be supporting a surface base? 

Also it is the only part that isn't in the CCK category.

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19 minutes ago, flart said:

Does the MountPlatform_MLP (title = MLP General Mounting Platform) suppose to be somehow cheated to a new location, where it will be supporting a surface base? 

Also it is the only part that isn't in the CCK category.

It's meant to be used with KIS/KAS, as the suggestion for it came from that thread. That's why it's separate from the other MLP parts.

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2 hours ago, AlphaMensae said:

It's meant to be used with KIS/KAS

:NEEDS[KIS,KAS] then? Or add a mention of the KIS/KAS in the description of the part, please.

Also I just find out about the arm staging with the help of the Animated Decouplers mod.
Add please Animated Decouplers in the OP Recommended Mods section.


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