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Shower thoughts


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A biological application of physics laws...

The Galilean invariance states that petting a cat's face by hand is the same like the cat was rubbing the hand with the face.


...and its practical disapprovement..

The cat doesn't think so.

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"Underestimate for a wrong reason"?



Alice thinks that Bob is weak because he wears green trousers,

But the color of trousers doesn't matter. His arm is broken.

So, actually she should think that he is weak as he couldn't lift 50 kg with that arm.

But actually he can, once his arm gets healthy.

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Not actually a thought, but a doubt/a question.

At least since M$ bad habits, In programming they call "business logic", "business object", "document" various things which have no relation to moneymaking or occupations, but describe the data structure and program logic, and its isolated parts.

Regardless of the programming, Is the word "business" money-colored, or it is an general abstract word applicable to any "thing, its purpose, and its behavior" in whole?
Say, if a stone is grey, hard, can get wet or dry, is it its "business"?

And what can be a proper word for "an isolated set of variables with decribed behavior" rather than "document" or "object"?

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Ancient Egyptians unboxing.

(They've discovered several tens new ones, and there is a lot of them more right there).



Shrunk due to drying or designed for growth?



And look! Nothing protects you from time like the blue duct tape.


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2 hours ago, The_Arcitect said:

There was an invention in Greece called the Aeolipile, but it was given no attention, what if they did give it attention?

They would get a funny steaming toy, because it's much less efficient than even a steam engine.

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in fighting movies they can kick with boots, beat with fists, and sometimes strike with (fore)head.

But what's strange, in the gym they just kick and beat the punch bag with fists, but I never saw somebody standing next to the punch bag and repeatedly striking it with head.

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52 minutes ago, probe137 said:

I actually found this on the internet but it would probably classify as a shower thought: If James Bond is the most well-known spy, wouldn't that make him the worst spy?

Presumably James Bond is considerably less well-known in the context of the films, or you'd be right: he wouldn't be a very useful secret agent.

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Nah, he's well known to us only because he has the camera man, the sound guy, the lighting van etc follow him around wherever he goes. His targets don't realize he's a spy. They think he's just some contestant from Big Brother or Love Island, Kardashian second cousin twice removed or a frontman of a K-Pop band, and the media is constantly pestering him. Of course, they all are preoccupied with world domination so they don't have time to watch TV, therefore they miss all the James Bond reality TV. It's perfectly reasonable.

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