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Shower thoughts


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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

When they extract square roots from something negative, to get something imaginary, why do they call this "mathematics", when it's a pure herbalism?

Perhaps.... the 2d graph of the square root of a negative number results in the imaginary roots being in the third dimension?

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5 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

When they extract square roots from something negative, to get something imaginary, why do they call this "mathematics", when it's a pure herbalism?

Because at some point in the past some mathematics professor wrote a paper describing the fact that taking the square root of -1 has to yield something, simply because of the fact that he could write it down on paper. And for that, they awarded him tenure.

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Also He-Man is. But Superman isn't,

We need to find a system.

What's common between Superman and Batman vs Spider-Man and He-Man?

At the first glance, Superman and Batman are things of DC Comics, while He-Man and Spider-Man aren't.
Supergirl, Catwoman, and Batwoman (or whoever she is) are also from DC.

Probably DC is afraid of using the minus sign , because it doesn't want negative characters.


3 hours ago, TheSaint said:

Because at some point in the past some mathematics professor wrote a paper describing the fact that taking the square root of -1 has to yield something, simply because of the fact that he could write it down on paper. And for that, they awarded him tenure.

At least that fan of the imaginary didn't call those roots "square weeds".

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  • 2 weeks later...

SpaceX should have named their large steel rocket "Millennium". It fits the existing naming theme, and better reflects the rocket's goal of extending humanity into the solar system. "Starship" just doesn't quite feel right for a planetship.

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On 4/24/2021 at 4:35 AM, Stormpilot said:

Why is Batman one word, Captain America is two words, and Spider-Man is two words with a hyphen?

Batman isnt the word for a Bat-like man, (although of course he is somewhat bat-like) he is a unique thing with its own name "Batman".

There isnt another Batman and if you created one, he wouldnt be Batman, he'd be something else with another name (Like "Ultimate BAtman" "Batman Alpha" or anything, but there would never be two "Batmen" - well not at the same time at least), because you would always be able to say, "Theres this guy, and theres Batman" and you'd always know which one is Bruce wayne, because he's Batman. And if someone were to liken himself to bats somehow or whatever, or dress up like Batman and call himself Batman, you'd always be right to say "You're not Batman", but you could say "You ARE a Bat-Man!".

Questionable whether or not Batman even *is* a Bat-Man, since he doesnt actually have any powers or mutations, bats are just his symbol.

Same with Superman. Technically, every Kryptonian has identical properties to Supe, but none of them are "Supermen". There is only one Superman, he isnt a "Super-man" he is Superman. (I mean, it *is* kinda overlooked that this kindhearted soul, this gentle god who tortures himself over hurting a fly and who would sacrifice his very soul for humanity, got up one day and decided that the name the world should know him as, that he calls himself and that other people should refer to him as, should be: ABOVEANDBETTERTHANALLHUMANS)

Of coure, Superman IS a Super-man, if you take that to mean that many of his abilities are superior to man's, which of course they are. But Superman is his name, a noun, and not his type or category.

Spider-Man implies that if someone else were bitten by a radioactive spider and acquired the same properties, then you would also become a Spider-Man - which is arguably true, and not something common to Superman or Batman. Thus Peter Parker considers his monicer, not a name, but an adjective. His catchphrase "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" also implies the existence of Spider-Men allocated to other neighborhoods - or at least it allows the implication. Its probably just his youthfully optimistic/humorous way of talking, but the idea is there. And now we have the "Spider Verse" which is literally full of Spider People.

Captain America is a more obvious superhero name, he is the USA literally in soldier form, the country itself given rank. "Captain America" implies that "America" is his superhero last name, his full name presumably being "Captain United States of America".

Strangely this implies the existence of higher ranking officers who arent America, although for some reason that never comes up.

He-Man is just a mess Im not even going to try. Man-Man? Masculine-Man? A man with all of the powers of a human male? wat?


My name is TypesTooFastTooMuch and this has been my TED Talk.

Edited by p1t1o
hilarity, obviously
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Before the industrial revolution of the XIX century had mutilated the face of the human civilisation with scars of the ore and coal mines, the oil pumps, and finally with barrels of radioactive goo, 
people of XVIII century and earlier were using the natural, ecologically perfect, carbon-dioxide-limited, renewable source of energy to light their homes and read books.


Gutting the whales for fat.


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"Caution!  Don't harm deer!"




"Caution! Don't harm cows!"


"Caution! Don't harm bugs!"



"Caution! Don't harm the drunk drivers!"


"Caution! It's a stadium!"


"Caution! Uruk-hai land!"


"Caution! Watch right!"

"... No, no, stupid. Even more right!"


"Stop gazing around! Watch the road, old moron!"

(the same on Mars)



"A car wash."



"Caution! They watch you!"



"Stop! STOP !!!"

(After the second one  you need a wrench to repair).



"Caution! Object zoom effect!"


"Caution! Humans with broken arms!"


"... and legs"


"Caution, or we'll bury you!"


"Caution! You may need hurry up before they've gone!"


(estimated aim distance)



"You may come here from both roads at once and unite,"



"Drink is allowed!"

"... but just a little."


"Caution! Pedestrians are there!"



"Oh, #$%@ !!!"
Locally - "Caution! Do not swear!"


"Caution! We hate them, too!"



"Sell your car and go by tram, you blockhead!"


"Caution! This isn't a road light!"


"Just ^$#&% off!"


"... or you'll catch a brick!"


"Yes. It is a mile long blind tunnel."


"Caution! Cattle is herded on top!"


"Caution! Mating season!"


"Caution! Stop following railways!"



"Caution! Loosers on bikes!"


"Daily limit: 5"


"Caution! Abusers!"


"Caution! Abusers with disabilities!"


"Caution! Get your smartphone ready!"


"You may follow any road side!"

"... and even jump out"


"Caution! Banshee!"


"Falling is cool!"

"Caution! They throw stones!"

"... and even cows!  $#%%dy &^$^#@ds!"



"Caution! Any kind of biotrash!"


"Our dog Din goes 23 km after you until gets tired and falls. Stupid dog. But angry."

"Caution! Perform roll maneuver!"


"Caution! Surfers cross your way!"


"Hot vacancies! Interesting job, friendly team, career perspectives!"


"Bless and go!"


"Caution! Are you blind and cannot see the road?!"


"Caution! Linux nerds!"


"We have no idea what's that, but better keep aside!"


"Caution! Electric cables!"


"While you are reading this, they will likely have rammed you from two sides."


"All your life!"


"We're tired, suggest yourself! Also here may be commercials"



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A plausible way to end world hunger is to break down biowaste into the key components of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon and other elements. Fusing those elements to form chains of molecules that eventually become Amino Acids, Proteins, Glucose, Starch, Ethanol and so on. These individual constituents can be fused yet again to make small little artificial foodstuff like carbohydrate balls which can be flavoured to create bread or so on and meat without needing to grow animals which is a waste of energy and farmland. Sure we'd need particle accelerators and billions of dollars worth of techonology but it might be well worth it in the future when food becomes scarcer after water shortages begin.

This was concocted in one shower over a span of 40-ish seconds.

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They mix the mercaptan into the gas for the gas cookers, to make the latter smellable.

Obviously, they will have to do the same to hydrogen for the so-called "hydrogen energetics".

So, the "green hydrogen" should smell like rotten eggs, thanks to its ecological purity.

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On 5/19/2021 at 5:40 AM, Mukita12 said:

Shower Thoughts right?

If you pour a milk into a tea, it automatically becomes and called a Milk Tea, yet when you pour a milk into a coffee, it was never a "Milk Coffee"

But if you've ever lived in Rhode Island (or lived with a Rhode Islander) you know what a coffee milk is. (I have a bottle of Autocrat in my pantry as we speak....)

Edited by TheSaint
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