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What crimes against Kerbin have you committed?


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When reentry effects were added, I deorbited a large, populated space station just to watch it burn.
I've built Kerbal launching catapults in a misguided attempt to teach Kerbals to fly.....
(mainsail powered cannons were similarly unsuccessful)
I've dropped Kerbals out of jets at high speed to test their tolerance to suddenly being ejected at high speed....or something.
In the days when Kerbals could survive unprotected reentry and then land "safely" if they landed headfirst, a fair few met their end due to improper landing technique.
I've have (and still do) made Kerbals cling to ladders during reentry because there weren't enough funds in the rescue mission budget to add a second capsule (this is actually a fairly reliable approach, I'd like to say it's been fatality free, but that wouldn't be entirely accurate).  
Kerbal darts - a fun game where you attempt to bullseye a rendezvous so perfectly that nothing survives upon arrival. 

These are just the highlights, the list of crimes goes on....

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14 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

I subjected Jeb to a 24 G ride out of the atmosphere then made him re-enter in his spacesuit.

He may have got pretty toasty, but at least he made a nice landing on the VAB roof afterward.

i take it thats where u got ur profile pic? XD

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19 minutes ago, katateochi said:

When reentry effects were added, I deorbited a large, populated space station just to watch it burn.
I've built Kerbal launching catapults in a misguided attempt to teach Kerbals to fly.....
(mainsail powered cannons were similarly unsuccessful)
I've dropped Kerbals out of jets at high speed to test their tolerance to suddenly being ejected at high speed....or something.
In the days when Kerbals could survive unprotected reentry and then land "safely" if they landed headfirst, a fair few met their end due to improper landing technique.
I've have (and still do) made Kerbals cling to ladders during reentry because there weren't enough funds in the rescue mission budget to add a second capsule (this is actually a fairly reliable approach, I'd like to say it's been fatality free, but that wouldn't be entirely accurate).  
Kerbal darts - a fun game where you attempt to bullseye a rendezvous so perfectly that nothing survives upon arrival. 

These are just the highlights, the list of crimes goes on....

na dont worry

danny has a much bigger one

his list goes from moho to ello:sealed:

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Carpet bombing the Kerbin landscape, only with nuclear bombs from weapon mods, just for Lolz

Detonating nuclear bomb in the middle of KSC for no other reason than just having fun

I think I've ever put at least one kerbal on scud missile (or at least any missile) and send it on a ballistic trajectory to unnamed region on Kerbin which ends with a bang

another carpet bombing, but with cluster bombs (that violates Keneva Konvention regarding cluster munitions :P)

making a kerbal cannon with mainsail/ vector engine and fire some poor kerbal over the horizon

Subjecting jeb to 124Gs just to see how long he can stay awake before falling unconscious

Doing an Eeloo interplanetary journey by using a direct burning to Eeloo instead of using any gravity assist, thus, subjecting Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val to a journey lasting more than 45 years. I didn't install any antenna on the craft, so there's no contact for that long (it's a miracle that they can still grinning all the way during the entire trip)

I can't remember the rest of my horrible atrocities, mainly because there's so many. But one thing is always clear: any experiement with questionable ethics by using a Kerbal as a test subject can always be justified by using a reason: FOR SCIENCE!

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11 minutes ago, crasher925 said:

how did u do that XD

By using GN drive mod. It's basically a cheat propulsion system that uses self replenishing GN particle. It cost GN particle based on vessel's mass and setting of acceleration (called "Max Overload"), There are level 1-5 in setting of acceleration with higher number means higher load that can be lifted. For example, on a single drive, level 1 stands for 10m/s^2, so that means 1t mass accelerated by 1m/s^2 cost 1 unit. There's also an option of TransAM, which is like overdrive mode, this will double GN energy consumption, but quadruple the propulsion power generated by a single drive

Now, if 2 GN Drives (00 version) are on the same vessel, it'll double the propulsion power of both drives, meaning it'll be 4 times stronger than a single drive. If a craft have 2 00 GN drive... And I set max overload to 5, and activate TransAM... You do the math :) 

For a sense ofperspective about how OP this drive, my SSTO escaped eve atmosphere in a span of 10 seconds (from surface liftoff to escape trajectory)

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Let's see...

I took a 16 Kerbal crew cabin and filled it with new recruits, and strapped some SRB's to it with no parachute, EVA'd the 16 Kerbals and watched them burn and left the survivors stranded in the ocean.

I subjected several Kerbals to crushing G-forces with HyperEdit in the name of warp drives.

I have exposed RP-0 Humbals/Kermans to 24G forces and left one on EVA for 24 hours to conserve electrical power without a suit heater.

And I stranded 10 Kerbals on Eve on purpose just to advance the plot of my mission report.

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I have not once purposely committed crimes, though some of my failed machines have certainly become them, though my greatest crime to date was Space taxi 1:.


I attempted to make a 13 Kerbal space taxi to go to orbit around Kerbin and the Mun and then back. At the time it was the most Kerbals I ever attempted to stick in a moving ship, and not a stationary one like a space station/base. Shortly after take off the ship became off balanced and promptly took a nose dive, smashing into the ground 1km away from the run way, killing all but 1 of the brave astronauts who managed to evac and land on his head. I built a grave in their honor and have yet to attempt to be another huge atmosphere capable transport ship, instead transporting my Kerbals up in no more then groups of 4.

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20 hours ago, crasher925 said:

i take it thats where u got ur profile pic? XD

No, that's just a GIF I got off google. And the re-entry effects in the pic are the pre-1.4 versions, if you look closely.

As another atrocity, I once got bored and fired SRBs at the VAB.

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Guilty of Kerbacide on a massive scale

HI, so far in developing/updating mods for KSP 1.4.$%£^"     I'm showing 43 KIA and 76 missing presumed atomised Kerbals  .   Just to add insult to injury many are killed over and over again as tests are repeated.  Even in sandbox volunteers are getting hard to find :) ( there's a crew of 20 for example, on this sub that's currently being hunted by the latest in Kerb ASW tech, they'll all die )
This trend for reducing the Kerbal population has continued since ksp 0.24 ( so i'm probably up in the 1000's)  when my all time favorite Kerb tripped climbing a ladder on some forgotten moon, fell and went poof, despite surviving many crashes , failed orbits and terrible planning, killed by a ladder.

  Yes they are all Kerbs. but what they aren't is Scotty Kerman!

Maybe counseling would have helped ,, but it's much too late now :)



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