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[1.4.x] Ultimate Shuttle IVA - 1.0!! Woop Woop!


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I'm curious to know if this mod could incorporate the "Trajectories" mod display in some way or other to predict where the orbiter will land.  In this way, one could fly a precision reentry completely IVA.
Clearly the obvious solution is, "Use Trajectories and your map," but a CRT would be nice.  =)

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18 hours ago, slaintemaith said:

I'm curious to know if this mod could incorporate the "Trajectories" mod display in some way or other to predict where the orbiter will land.  In this way, one could fly a precision reentry completely IVA.
Clearly the obvious solution is, "Use Trajectories and your map," but a CRT would be nice.  =)

Trajectories support would be nice, if G’th could figure out how to make it work.

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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  • 1 month later...
On 8/22/2018 at 8:13 AM, slaintemaith said:

Actually it looks like there's already a landing prediction in the IVA.  On the landing tab. 


Since ASET/RPM are required, that should be a thing if memory serves.  I didn't have Trajectories installed in one of my earliest saves, but had ASET/RPM and there was something matching your description in the landing tab.



pretty sure anyways

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually the real shuttle does more of an 'energy management' program on a GPC which positions the shuttle in a 'funnel' of ideal potential energy.  Depending on the phase of reentry, the funnel changes shape, and the shuttle does roll reversals to accommodate both tracking a path to base, and to bleed off more or less energy, depending on the angle of roll.


Edited by slaintemaith
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Maybe I am missing something and am being an idiot, but I am having issues with this in 1.5+ where I am missing what appears to be a lot of the IVA components for the glass cockpit. Most of the center console flight computer is missing along with many other components which makes me think one of the requirements is not working for me. I am fairly confident I have correctly installed all requirements and have put the glass cockpit configuration in the correct place (inside the Spaces folder). I also made sure to install the file it says to use if you get an error.

Has anyone else ran into this issue? Anyone know what mod be failing to load based upon what is missing? Below is a screenshot of stuff I know is missing circled:


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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Sup guys. 

So, tentatively I may be coming back to bring this back to life. It really depends on how well my system will be able to handle the process and, admittedly, if I can remember how to even do it. 

I've been out of the game for the past year due to a personal situation (homeless) and I'm on the cusp of coming out of it. But in the meantime, I still have an obnoxious amount of free time to kill and not a whole lot to kill it with. Sooo, if all goes well, this may well be brought back. Or redone. Who knows. I haven't even looked around to see if anyone else has done something like this yet, so perhaps it'd be in vain. 

We shall see. 

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6 hours ago, G'th said:

Sup guys.

Dude! ... Good to hear from you... ;)

Also, i think MAS has matured and filled out a bit while you've been gone... MOARdV just announced full *touchscreens*, Coming to an IVA near you... **SOON™ **
But srsly, hope you're doing good... and dont forget to stop in on Discord... the fam would love to hear from you ;)

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 5 weeks later...

I love this IVA, i actual use both on a daily bases but love Full Retro the most.
Its great to hear your back and i hope you get back on your feet soon.
I was starting to wonder what will happen to this mod after RPM breaks, I haven't tested 1.7.2 but it was still working on 1.6.x and i think i had it working on 1.7

Cant wait for it to be converted to MAS entirely and see what new features will be added.

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  • 3 months later...

Just an FYI for anyone that cares this mod will be resuming development in the immediate future. It will take me a bit of time to get back on my feet making IVAs again, but after perusing through everything I'm confident enough to get back into it. And this time, my personal life will not be interfering (unless by random act of vindictive deities) 

As to what can be expected from the next update:

  • A full rebuild of both IVAs
  • A custom set of IVAs for Cormorants Block II Cockpit. It will be similar to the Block 1 Cockpit styling, but will push it a bit farther. Block II in real life would have originated sometime in the early 90's had it been built so depending on exactly when and what state NASA's budget was in, you could potentially have seen either an analog or glass cockpit for the Block II, despite being more advanced than the Block 1. As a result, both options will be made available.
  • Buran IVA. Initially I will go for an analog cockpit, as that was what was flown in real life. But I do intend on doing a "Block II" Buran style cockpit in the same vein as the glass cockpits, however I will need to locate a good amount of source material on what a Russian glass cockpit would look like for something as complicated as Buran would be, so that will take some time. 
  • Deprecation of RPM. Everything will be based on MoarDV's Avionics System (MAS) and the ever amazing ASET props from alexustas. Depending on whether or not I need to, NearFutureProps from Nertea may also be utilized as well. I'm aiming to not do that again to keep the mod a bit lighter for folks with limited install space. 

And for the farther future I intend on doing the following:

  • Setting up a system to allow easy, in-game switching of IVA's in an effort to reduce part count and make installation easier to manage. 
  • Integrating Robotic arm control into the IVA's, with support for stock Robotics and Infernal Robotics. 
  • Reintegrating this mod into a larger mod I will call the IVA Compendium, which will include MAS IVAs not just for the Mk3 Cockpits but also custom IVA's for popular mods such as Bluedog Design Bureau, Tantares, etc. 

So stay tuned. ;)

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  • 7 months later...

since its been a while since a post was made here, and i cant find IVA compendium so im assuming it hasnt got it's own thread yet, i was wondering what the state of this mod is. is work still being done, are there any major problems, that sort of thing. also i would like to say that i am not asking this out of impatience, instead I'm asking since it has been a while since there were any posts and i'm unsure whether this mod is still under active development or it has fell by the wayside due to other projects needing your attention. 


also, side-note, could anyone guide me in creating a module manager patch, or a cfg edit that would make this IVA available for the SOCK orbiter pod. preferably whilst keepung the middeck and lower deck seats available. or would i need to get my hands on compatible 3d editing software and essentially rebuild the SOCK iva from scratch. since with the free time i have on my hands RN i would be happy to give it a shot

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, NoahGoldFox said:

I unzipped it and put UltimateShuttleIVA in gamedata, and took the modern shuttle iva CFG from it and put it itself in gamedata

Did you install all the dependencies? RPM, ASET Props & Avionics, MAS and Near Future Props? if so maybe another iva mod is overrideing it. 

What IVA mods you have installed?

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6 minutes ago, xD-FireStriker said:

Did you install all the dependencies? RPM, ASET Props & Avionics, MAS and Near Future Props? if so maybe another iva mod is overrideing it. 

What IVA mods you have installed?

Yeah i have all the dependencies, and i have DE_IVAextension, warbird cockpics, and restock. I checked the files of those for mk 3 internals and deleted them if there were ones. 

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  • 4 months later...

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