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[1.11.0] KTech v1.11 Weapons and Parts Extension For BDAc v1.4.0.0+


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KTech      wQUEBYl.png 

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This mod adds a few weapons and items from Star Trek and Star Wars, as well as a couple of new and original SciFi weapons like a Space missile and a super powerful Rail gun. Some of these parts are super OP, and are meant for pure unadulterated fun and destruction!


Star Trek:

Photon Torpedo - Functions like the HE-KV-1. It is radar guided with built in RCS, it can maneuver in a vacuum and has a 1000km range.

Federation Phaser Turret

NX Class Phaser Cannon

Klingon Phaser Cannon


Star Wars:

R2D2 - Advanced probe core with MechJeb capability, and full BDAc weapon manager!

Turbo Laser Cannon

Light Laser and Medium Laser (Star Wars theme... not actually in Star Wars)

Turbo Laser Turret (almost too OP, may change) This is not copied from another mod, the cfg and sound is original. I did however get the idea from @Aerolfos, creator of Future Weapons

The following 3 weapons are also from  SpannerMonkey(smce)

X10 Laser

X10b Laser

X10 Double Laser


M808 Scorpion tank and 2 turrets. 


Rail Gun Turret - Three skins available  Stock, Canadian CADPAT (replica), Snake and Dragon Scales (with texture switching provided by SM Industries), this is an extremely powerful Tank style/turret mounted rail gun, with a muzzle velocity of 5km/sec and a range of 150km!! Truly Devastating!!

S1 Space Missile - Three color options (if SM Industries is installed) Functions like the HE-KV-1, it's a radar guided space missile with built in RCS, can maneuver in a vacuum, has a 1000km range, and can survive re-entry!

Upgraded Target Cam with 200km range!

Upgraded Rover wheels... limited production, test of product viability.

Space Radar - *Most important part!!   This is needed for super long range targeting in space, has a 1000km range, and will only function in a vacuum or in extremely thin atmosphere above 27,000m.




BDArmory for Runway Project v1.4.6.2 or higher (USE THE NEWEST VERSION)

Module Manager

Optional Dependencies:

For S1 Space missile M808, and Rail Gun texture switching, you will require SM Industries

For R2D2 MechJeb functionality, you will need MechJeb2


Model creators:

@SpannerMonkey(smce) - The Two Phaser Turrets, Photon Torpedo, Modifications to R2D2, RailGun Turret, S1 Space Weapon,  TL Cannon, and the line of X10 Laser Cannons.

@BahamutoD - Original creator of BDArmory. BDAc Models used in: Space Radar,  KE Round Box, Klingon Phaser Cannon, and the Turbo Laser Turret.

@Devo - R2D2 Model.


Special Thanks:

@DoctorDavinci For your work on the Space Radar plugin (now part of BDAc) and for answing so many of my questions!

@jrodriguez, @Papa_Joe, @gomker @Eidahlil  for implementing every single fix and tweak I have asked for (especially the radar modification)... you guys are truly spoiling me! Cheers guys!


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. 

Source files


Change Log:

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vXMuCWf.png NOTE: Only for BDArmory for Runway Project v1.4.6.2 or higher!





Edited by TheKurgan
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KTech v0.92 Released.

  • Significant changes to the X10 line of weapons.
  • The "Laser" bullet def was based on the BDAc LaserBolt, and was causing extremely high damage output. BulletMass has been decreased aprox 30% to 0.08.
  • EC Storage and generator output for the X10 line also decreased.
  • Minor changes to the Turbo Laser Turret... to make it not quite so powerful.
  • Tweak Scale cfg added for X10 weapons


No name changes or path alterations have been made, so this update will not be craft breaking.





Feedback is appreciated :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/14/2018 at 5:19 AM, Ironcladsix said:

Would there be any way to engineer a turret as a dual rail gun mount? I want one for a ship of my own creation but don't have anything like the skills. 


Sorry, I honestly do not either... I don't make the models, I just do the config, and sometimes a simple paint job. It can be done, but would require a new model.


  On 6/19/2018 at 5:50 PM, Crazierinzane said:

Thank you for this. My friend has been pestering me about making a battleship and this will solve that.


My pleasure!! Please let me know what you think of the weapons. Yes, they are OP by design ;)

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  On 6/19/2018 at 7:51 PM, TheKurgan said:

My pleasure!! Please let me know what you think of the weapons. Yes, they are OP by design ;)


I'd love to, but I can't seem to find them in the editor. I have the latest BDAc and KSP 1.4.3 along with a bunch of other mods. I tried reinstalling the mod, but no luck. All the BDA stuff is there, tho.


Edit: Oddly, the Klingon Phaser Turret appeared for a second, and then I tried searching for "phaser" again to find the others, which didn't work, and poof...the turret was gone again.

Edit 2: I found them. I had to filter by manufacturer and then go to Ktech.

Edit 3: My feature request would be to add kickback to the weapons to exert backward force when they are fired. My fan suggestions are to make the railgun louder and slower firing (maybe different sound?), and to make a little guide on how to use the photon torpedo. 


I'm going to eventually make a video to show my friend. Hopefully I remember to post it here.

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Thanks for the feedback, I do not believe the energy weapons should have kick, but I do agree on the slower firing railgun. There will be a custom category released tonight or tomorrow. Thanks @SpannerMonkey(smce)

I'll see what I can do for a custom railgun sound.

The photon torpedo works the same as any BDAc radar guided air to air missile. The space radar has extreme extended range within the orbit of the planet you are located. The radar starts to get glitch at very high orbits exceeding 1000km.

This space radar does not function at all in atmosphere lower than 25km ish. 

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KTech v0.94 Released.

  • New custom category for KTech, no more searching by manufacturer.
  • Changes to the Railgun Turret; Rate of fire decreased from 60 RPM to 30 RPM and a new custom fire sound installed.

No name changes or path alterations have been made, so this update will not be craft breaking.





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Hey all,

I'm pretty sure I am going to reintroduce recoil on the railgun. I removed it because the projectile it fires is heavy enough, and is getting fires SOOOO fast that even 1% of normal recoil was too much, and would flip a tank over :P

But, I have changed it to 0.01% and it seems reasonable.

If anyone wants to try the recoil on the railgun, here is an MM patch:

Railgun Recoil MM Patch


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  • 5 months later...

KTech v0.95 Updated for KSP 1.5.1


Revival of an old SM_Industries M808 Scorpion tank with a choice of 2 very different turrets... One is a prototype Heavy Laser Cannon designed by KTech, and the other is the M512 Smooth Bore High Velocity Cannon!!
Addition of a modified Squad Rover wheel... not sure if this is staying... maybe.
Re-org of the folders, and addition of a Sounds folder.
New Bullet definition, 90mmtungstenAPBC the 90mm Tungsten Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped round for the M512 Smooth Bore High Velocity Cannon.
Inclusion of the SM_APU controller.
New Light Laser and a Medium Laser turret created in a Star Wars like theme.
Major redesign of the functionality of the Railgun Turret. It's muzzle velocity now matches real world Railgun tests, with 10.4kg rounds. In my opinion, it's much more realistic now, it has a much lower velocity, 2520, and has bullet drop, so it can shoot over the horizon. Still devastating!
Addition of a KTech Target cam with VASTLY higher range then the Stock BDA target cam.
Custom Hitpoint/Armor patch for most KTech parts.
Addition of a Change log!!
And maybe more... I have been playing around with KTech adding stuff... changing stuff since 1.4.0, so I may have missed a detail or two.
None of these changes should be ship breaking... but I can't be 100% sure on that.




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