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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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19 hours ago, kcs123 said:

Inserting version number into craft file would certainly help in future migration. Transition for proper craft files should not be much of issue. Problems might arise, though, with old craft files that contain parts with already built in broken TS patches. So, itm might be good idea to develop procedure how to detect already broken craft files within saved games and warn users about it, so savegame can be repaired before it become broken even more.

That's the interesting part... Unless the part was tampered by something else, I know how to seamless fix it about this particular mistake (i.e., using a wrong defaultScale). A simple rule of three should fix ir, since I know the wrong defaultScale, the right defaultScale and the current scale factor calculated on the wrong defaultScale.

And this can be cross checked by using some part attribute, as dry weight of heigh - as this can also be inferred using simple maths and compared with the current values to be sure about the issue. This stunt will give me a bit of trouble to implement, but would avoid mistakes on problem fixing.


19 hours ago, kcs123 said:

Can similar method as it is used on starting KSP, to detect broken MM patches on startup, to use it to detect broken craft files, inside savegame and standalone craft files ?

It's already being done, it's that "Houston" red alerts, as well that pesky yellow warnings (there's also a white alert, advising about the use of hot-fixes and overrules). I do this on TweakScale initialisation, that happens when Main Menu is loaded by the first time.

Checking flying crafts would be pointless, as currently KSP overwrites some default values of living parts with the prefab (state are preserved, otherwise we would not be able to recover the game state). You can check it by hand edit a craft file and changing the resource from a tank - you will note that when loading, KSP will inject back the original resource with 0 amount. This means that by the time TweakScale would had a chance to check the living part, any usable evidence is long gone.

On loading a new craft, however, is feasible and it's where I intent to "hot fix" the scaling problems.

You got an excellent point, sir. Fixing savegames should be done externally. I need to give this some more thought.


19 hours ago, kcs123 said:

But, "patch revision 0" can contain almost any kind of bug that is solved long time ago and it will be much harder to detect and fix.

Patch revision 0 is exaclty what we have now. Look into your tweakscale patch folder, no matter the TweakScale version - this is Patch Revision 0, and any problem I find until the next release with a new Revision Patch, is Patch Revision 0.

So I issue Patch Revision 1, with that Engine Mount problem fixed. Two days later, a fellow Kerbonaut complains about a new part with this problem. Damn, I will have to release the new Patch Revision 2, where migrations tools for problems detected on Rev0 (Engine Mount and that new part) and now Rev1 (the new part only) will be tackled down. And so goes one.

It's a simple defect versus release matrix, really - it's a matter of carefully documenting things to prevent running the migration tool on the wrong circumstances.


19 hours ago, kcs123 said:

Regardless, TS version number within craft files and savegame files would help a lot in any future attempt to salvage old career savegames.
Just few thoughts about it, not sure how feasible is idea of detecting broken MM patches within savegame and craft files.

Yep. But the thing is a bit different from what I did until the moment - by the time I will check for this problem, any reminiscent of information about the patch itself is long gone, I'm not checking things at startup anymore. I will kinda double checking some parts with known bad values (no matter how they get into there), so I can't fix anything else except when I'm sure I was the guy that patched the thing. 

So I can really only try this stunt on the stock and DLC parts, as these are the ones I have some control about - third--parties can choose to simply rework their model, and so I would be trying to fix a problem that doesn't exists, and causing damage myself.

So I can only act on a very narrow subset of problems: that ones that are blatantly obvious, as a stock Mk3 part (that always was a 3.75 size part) sizing 2M.

But once this mechanism is stablished and later normalised, it can be extended to everybody else.

Edited by Lisias
tyop! Surprised?
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10 hours ago, tinygrox said:

@Lisias Seems others works fine except the EP-xx Engine Plate and T-xx Structural Tube

The defaultScale is correct but they cannot be scaled correctly.

I'll let you know if there's anything else.


These two parts had MODULE PART VARIANT, one of that things I need to implement code to support (it's about them that yellow warnings talk about)

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It came to my attention that the newest release of Near Future Solar (1.1.0) changed so many things that the current default patches embedded on TweakScale are not useful.

So I decided to kick-off the TweakScale Companion Program, being NFS 1.1 the first target. :)

Users of Near Future Solar 1.1 are invited to TEST DRIVE the current PRE-RELEASE version of TweakScale Companion for NFS , downloading the latest release on the following link:


Please test it on a DISPOSABLE INSTALLMENT as this thing is BETA and things are expected to be buggy or wrong - something, however, must work fine. :D 

Please read the Known Issues file before filing a bug report - some new NFS parts use Module Part Variant, and this thing is not yet fully supported by TweakScale. Preliminary testes, however, suggest things are working right. :)

Users of NFS older than the 1.1 SHOULD NOT use this Companion yet. The current embedded NFS patches are good for NFS 1.0.5.

Diligence in insuring a seamless and clean transition is work in progress - no savegame will be left behind.

-- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- 

TweakScale Companion for NFS is double licensed using the GPLv2 or SKL 1.0 - you are free to choose the license that better suits you as long you respect the clausules of the selected one.

Edited by Lisias
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12 minutes ago, Lisias said:


It came to my attention that the newest release of Near Future Solar (1.1.0) changed so many thing that the current default patches embedded on TweakScale are not useful.

So I decided to kick-off the TweakScale Companion Program, being NFS 1.1 the first target. :)

Users of Near Future Solar 1.1 are invited to TEST DRIVE the current PRE-RELEASE version of TweakScale Companion for NFS , downloading the latest release on the following link:


Please test it on a DISPOSABLE INSTALLMENT as this thing is BETA and things are expected to be buggy or wrong - something, however, must work fine. :D 

Please read the Known Issues file before filing a bug report - some new NFS parts use Module Part Variant, and this thing is not yet fully supported by TweakScale. Preliminary testes, however, suggest things are working right. :)

Users of NFS older than the 1.1 SHOULD NOT use this Companion yet. The current NFS patches are good for NFS 1.0.5.

Diligence in insuring a seamless and clean transition is work in progress - no savegame will be left behind.


Thank you! Always need bigger solar panels lol.

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On 9/11/2019 at 4:14 PM, IronKerbal said:

@LisiasI made A Config File for all the ReStock+ parts. Could you insert that into your mod?
Config file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295199794102796288/621422952134737922/ReStockPlus_Tweakscale.cfg

I haven't tested this yet, Please correct me if you find anything wrong. I am quite new to this.

Hi, @IronKerbal. I'm resurrecting this subject as I'm starting the "TweakScale Companion Program", and now it's the time to handle your request.

Did you started a new Add'On for it? What do you think to be the co-author of a "TweakScale Companion for ReStockPlus" ?

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salut, j'ai besoin de désactiver l '"avertissement" lors du lancement du jeu, je pense que c'est uniquement à cause d'autres mods qu'il a provoqué.


[LOG 14: 39: 40.283] AssemblyLoader: Chargement de l'assembly dans D: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Kerbal Space Program \ GameData \ TextureReplacer \ Plugins \ TextureReplacer.dll
[LOG 14: 39: 40.284] Load (Assembly): TweakScale / Plugins / KSPe.Light.TweakScale
[LOG 14: 39: 40.284] AssemblyLoader: chargement de l'assembly dans D: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Kerbal Space Program \ GameData \ TweakScale \ Plugins \ KSPe.Light.TweakScale.dll
[LOG 14: 39: 40.307] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'KSPe.Light.TweakScale' V2.1.0
[LOG 14: 39: 40.307] Load (Assembly): TweakScale / Plugins / Scale
[LOG 14: 39: 40.307] AssemblyLoader: Chargement de l'assemblage à D: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Kerbal Space Program \ GameData \ TweakScale \ Plugins \ Scale.dll
[LOG 14: 39: 40.340] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Scale' V2.4.0
[LOG 14: 39: 40.341] Load (Assembly): TweakScale / Plugins / Scale_Redist
[LOG 14: 39: 40.341] AssemblyLoader: Chargement de l'assembly dans D: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Kerbal Space Program \ GameData \ TweakScale \ Plugins \ Scale_Redist.dll
[LOG 14: 39: 40.344] AssemblyLoader: chargement d'assemblys
[ERR 14: 39: 40.434] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: EVEManager, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.434] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: EVEManager, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.436] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: Utils, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.436] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: Utils, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.456] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: KSPDev_Utils.2.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.456] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: KSPDev_Utils.2.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.473] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: LmpCommon, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.473] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: LmpCommon, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.543] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: Scale_Redist, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[ERR 14: 39: 40.543] ADDON BINDER: impossible de résoudre l'assembly: Scale_Redist, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null

[LOG 14: 39: 40.553] VesselModules: VesselModule trouvé de type AxisGroupsModule avec la commande 999
[LOG 14: 39: 40.555] VesselModules: Trouvé VesselModule de type FlightIntegrator avec la commande 0
[LOG 14: 39: 40.561] VesselModules: Trouvé VesselModule de type CommNetVessel avec la commande 999
[LOG 14: 39: 40.571] VesselModules: VesselModule de type ModularFlightIntegrator trouvé avec la commande 0
[LOG 14: 39: 40.573] VesselModules: 4 types de VesselModule trouvés
[LOG 14: 39: 40.631] 
****** ************************************************** ****************

Edited by Maxi-Mio
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On 1/13/2020 at 10:48 AM, Maxi-Mio said:

salut, j'ai besoin de désactiver l '"avertissement" lors du lancement du jeu, je pense que c'est uniquement à cause d'autres mods qu'il a provoqué.


hi, i need to disable the "warning" when launching the game, i think it is only because of other mods it caused.

Hi!. That yellow warning thing? It will depend of the Add'Ons you have installed, I need the full KSP.log in order to check the parts borking the sanity checks. On a clean KSP installment, the following patch will solve your problem (put it somewhere easily rememberable on GameData, I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/hacks/no-yellow-warnings.cfg ):

Salut!. Cet avertissement jaune? Cela dépendra des Add'Ons que vous avez installés, j'ai besoin du KSP.log complet afin de vérifier les pièces qui corrigent les contrôles de cohérence. Sur un installer KSP propre, le patch suivant résoudra votre problème (mettez-le quelque part facilement mémorisable sur GameData, je suggère GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/hacks/no-yellow-warnings.cfg):

	-MODULE[TweakScale],* { }

As you adds more Add'Ons, some more yellow warnings can be issued, however. But, essentially, it's a matter of taking the name of the mentioned parts from the KSP.log and adding them on the patch above. Keep i mind that once I finally implement the pending features (I promise it will be on the current incarnation!), you will need to delete this stunt in order to have the parts scalable.

Au fur et à mesure que vous ajoutez des Add'Ons, d'autres avertissements jaunes peuvent être émis, cependant. Mais, essentiellement, il s'agit de prendre le nom des parties mentionnées du KSP.log et de les ajouter sur le patch ci-dessus. Gardez à l'esprit qu'une fois que j'aurai finalement implémenté les fonctionnalités en attente (je vous promets que ce sera sur l'incarnation actuelle!), Vous devrez supprimer cette cascade afin d'avoir les parties évolutives.


The day we lost Google Translator will be the day we will be back to Babylonian times! :sticktongue:
Le jour où nous avons perdu Google Translator sera le jour où nous reviendrons à l'époque babylonienne!


Edited by Lisias
Rendre les grammaires divertissantes un peu moins engageantes - dans deux langues différentes! :D
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- .... . / -.. .- -.-- / .-- . / .-.. --- ... . / --. --- --- --. .-.. . / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .... . / -.. .- -.-- / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / -... .- -.-. -.- / - --- / -... .- -... -.-- .-.. --- -. .. .- -. / - .. -- . ... -.-.-- /
⠞⠓⠑ ⠙⠁⠽ ⠺⠑ ⠇⠕⠎⠑ ⠛⠕⠕⠛⠇⠑ ⠞⠗⠁⠝⠎⠇⠁⠞⠕⠗ ⠺⠊⠇⠇ ⠃⠑ ⠞⠓⠑ ⠙⠁⠽ ⠺⠑ ⠺⠊⠇⠇ ⠃⠑ ⠃⠁⠉⠅ ⠞⠕ ⠃⠁⠃⠽⠇⠕⠝⠊⠁⠝ ⠞⠊⠍⠑⠎⠖


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d-icon.gif a-icon.gif y-icon.gif
w-icon.gif e-icon.gif
l-icon.gif o-icon.gif s-icon.gif e-icon.gif
g-icon.gif o-icon.gif o-icon.gif g-icon.gif l-icon.gif e-icon.gif
t-icon.gif r-icon.gif a-icon.gif n-icon.gif s-icon.gif l-icon.gif a-icon.gif t-icon.gif o-icon.gif r-icon.gif
w-icon.gif i-icon.gif l-icon.gif l-icon.gif
b-icon.gif e-icon.gif


t-icon.gif h-icon.gif e-icon.gif
d-icon.gif a-icon.gif y-icon.gif
w-icon.gif e-icon.gif
w-icon.gif i-icon.gif l-icon.gif l-icon.gif
b-icon.gif e-icon.gif
b-icon.gif a-icon.gif c-icon.gif k-icon.gif
t-icon.gif o-icon.gif
b-icon.gif a-icon.gif b-icon.gif y-icon.gif l-icon.gif o-icon.gif n-icon.gif i-icon.gif a-icon.gif n-icon.gif
t-icon.gif i-icon.gif m-icon.gif e-icon.gif s-icon.gif





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Yep, morse code is something that I was always wanted to learn, but never found enough willpower to start learning it, despite being envolved in radio communication at some point where it could actually be useful. And I wish that I will never need to learn Braille code.

I hope that my guess is correct on above post, what it is. Could not decode flag part, though.

Jokes aside, @Maxi-Mio, people here are mostly willing to help, despite language used, but moderators does not aprove usage of other languages out of dedicated forum.


On all other threads, English is prefered language, so everyone can paticipate in communication.

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On 1/13/2020 at 4:34 PM, Lisias said:

Hi!. That yellow warning thing? It will depend of the Add'Ons you have installed, I need the full KSP.log in order to check the parts borking the sanity checks. On a clean KSP installment, the following patch will solve your problem (put it somewhere easily rememberable on GameData, I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/hacks/no-yellow-warnings.cfg ):

Salut!. Cet avertissement jaune? Cela dépendra des Add'Ons que vous avez installés, j'ai besoin du KSP.log complet afin de vérifier les pièces qui corrigent les contrôles de cohérence. Sur un installer KSP propre, le patch suivant résoudra votre problème (mettez-le quelque part facilement mémorisable sur GameData, je suggère GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/hacks/no-yellow-warnings.cfg):

	-MODULE[TweakScale],* { }

As you adds more Add'Ons, some more yellow warnings can be issued, however. But, essentially, it's a matter of taking the name of the mentioned parts from the KSP.log and adding them on the patch above. Keep i mind that once I finally implement the pending features (I promise it will be on the current incarnation!), you will need to delete this stunt in order to have the parts scalable.

Au fur et à mesure que vous ajoutez des Add'Ons, d'autres avertissements jaunes peuvent être émis, cependant. Mais, essentiellement, il s'agit de prendre le nom des parties mentionnées du KSP.log et de les ajouter sur le patch ci-dessus. Gardez à l'esprit qu'une fois que j'aurai finalement implémenté les fonctionnalités en attente (je vous promets que ce sera sur l'incarnation actuelle!), Vous devrez supprimer cette cascade afin d'avoir les parties évolutives.


The day we lost Google Translator will be the day we will be back to Babylonian times! :sticktongue:
Le jour où nous avons perdu Google Translator sera le jour où nous reviendrons à l'époque babylonienne!


OMG The English/French translator is excrements and that's an euphemism :D (I'm french, nobody's perfect).


EDIT : obviously I wanted to write another word than excrements but the code of the forum decided otherwise :D It was more like [a word not allowed on the forum - the moderators]:o

Edited by Deddly
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2 hours ago, DarkNounours said:

EDIT : obviously I wanted to write another word than excrements but the code of the forum decided otherwise :D It was more like  [a word not allowed on the forum - the moderators]:o

It's due Forum rules about expletives, coloured words and similars. Even when asterisked such words are not allowed.

It's a pain in the SAS, but rules as rules - even when the sheet encounters the fun. :sticktongue:

Edited by Deddly
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16 hours ago, Deddly said:

That's right, so we had to edit it :)

I was so focused on explaining the thing to the guy that completely forgot to follow the rule myself. (sigh).

I wish I could say that things gets better when you got older. They don't. :P

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So, I installed a few mods today, and when I booted up KSP 1.8.1, I got the fatal error warning.  I don't recall the exact number of parts that got fatal warnings, but most were related to SM Marine and such (because I wanted to make some ships and forgot it hasn't been updated).  One question I have is this: if I remove some of the mods I installed, would I be fine, or should I reinstall the game and my mods since I have the zip archives of them?


Also, I have backed up my save just in case I need to reinstall KSP 1.8.1 or if the fix might be problematic


Here's the log:


Edited by MD5Ray01
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10 hours ago, MD5Ray01 said:

So, I installed a few mods today, and when I booted up KSP 1.8.1, I got the fatal error warning.  I don't recall the exact number of parts that got fatal warnings, but most were related to SM Marine and such (because I wanted to make some ships and forgot it hasn't been updated).  One question I have is this: if I remove some of the mods I installed, would I be fine, or should I reinstall the game and my mods since I have the zip archives of them?

Ugh. SM Marine is a known problem, unfortunately until the moment without a proper solution.

The licensing terms for this Add'On are (or were last time I checked) very restrictive, to a point I think I cannot legally download it anymore for testing, as no official distribution site is currently distributing it and redistribution is forbidden (I don't recall if the prohibition is explicit of implicit) - and this includes the patches.

I also recently heard that Spanner Monkey's Add'Ons would be revamped, but completely lost track of the happenings.

So I can assume that the revamping effort didn't happen or it was interrupted?

Can anyone pinpoint me to some place where I can inform myself about the matter? Now that I'm pushing that TweakScale Companion stunt, it's feasible to support these Add'Ons properly (both legally and technically) without direct TweakScale (the "product") involvement, the only objection I had in the past in order to tackle down these problems.

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Ugh. SM Marine is a known problem, unfortunately until the moment without a proper solution.

The licensing terms for this Add'On are (or were last time I checked) very restrictive, to a point I think I cannot legally download it anymore for testing, as no official distribution site is currently distributing it and redistribution is forbidden (I don't recall if the prohibition is explicit of implicit) - and this includes the patches.

I also recently heard that Spanner Monkey's Add'Ons would be revamped, but completely lost track of the happenings.

So I can assume that the revamping effort didn't happen or it was interrupted?

Can anyone pinpoint me to some place where I can inform myself about the matter? Now that I'm pushing that TweakScale Companion stunt, it's feasible to support these Add'Ons properly (both legally and technically) without direct TweakScale (the "product") involvement, the only objection I had in the past in order to tackle down these problems.

I didn't know it was a known problem (guess I should have searched a bit more).  As to where I got most of the addons from SpannerMonkey, I had a bunch of the versions from before they were deleted on Spacedock and GitHub.  I imagine it would probably be better for me to remove them and then see what parts might give me the fatal error warning so we can work through those ones?  

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3 minutes ago, MD5Ray01 said:

I didn't know it was a known problem (guess I should have searched a bit more).  As to where I got most of the addons from SpannerMonkey, I had a bunch of the versions from before they were deleted on Spacedock and GitHub.

I have some downloads archived too, from the same time. So I'm legally enabled to have them too (as you).

But I'm a bit reluctant on spending efforts fixing something that have a very few users and I'm not using myself. Knowing how many users are on the wild would help to make a proper decision - can you pass that link ahead for every SM user you known and ask them to add a remark with the SM Add'Ons they are using on that Github issue? Having people enough, I would be feasible to try to tackle down these problems - mainly because I would not have to do all the testing myself (the worst part of the stunt).


7 minutes ago, MD5Ray01 said:

I imagine it would probably be better for me to remove them and then see what parts might give me the fatal error warning so we can work through those ones?  

You don't need to remove the Add'Ons, it's enough to remove the TweakScale patches from them, so you can still use them.

Alternatively, give me a couple days to build a custom patch for you, as I did here. Shoving every mentioned part name with a "**FATAL**" log on that patch would remove TweakScale support at runtime for these parts, what's the same as deleting the patches on the file system - but with a bonus: you would only remove support from the affected parts, and not from the whole shebang.

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7 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I have some downloads archived too, from the same time. So I'm legally enabled to have them too (as you).

But I'm a bit reluctant on spending efforts fixing something that have a very few users and I'm not using myself. Knowing how many users are on the wild would help to make a proper decision - can you pass that link ahead for every SM user you known and ask them to add a remark with the SM Add'Ons they are using on that Github issue? Having people enough, I would be feasible to try to tackle down these problems - mainly because I would not have to do all the testing myself (the worst part of the stunt).


You don't need to remove the Add'Ons, it's enough to remove the TweakScale patches from them, so you can still use them.

Alternatively, give me a couple days to build a custom patch for you, as I did here. Shoving every mentioned part name with a "**FATAL**" log on that patch would remove TweakScale support at runtime for these parts, what's the same as deleting the patches on the file system - but with a bonus: you would only remove support from the affected parts, and not from the whole shebang.

A custom patch would probably work.  I can wait a couple days.

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19 hours ago, Lisias said:

Ugh. SM Marine is a known problem, unfortunately until the moment without a proper solution.

The licensing terms for this Add'On are (or were last time I checked) very restrictive, to a point I think I cannot legally download it anymore for testing, as no official distribution site is currently distributing it and redistribution is forbidden (I don't recall if the prohibition is explicit of implicit) - and this includes the patches.

I also recently heard that Spanner Monkey's Add'Ons would be revamped, but completely lost track of the happenings.

So I can assume that the revamping effort didn't happen or it was interrupted?

Can anyone pinpoint me to some place where I can inform myself about the matter? Now that I'm pushing that TweakScale Companion stunt, it's feasible to support these Add'Ons properly (both legally and technically) without direct TweakScale (the "product") involvement, the only objection I had in the past in order to tackle down these problems.

Maybe to ask author about it ? @SpannerMonkey(smce) seems to be more active on forums recently. Hopefully his health is improved as well. "Recently" is about month old news, though, I just noticed few posts in other threads:

I don't know if he is going to return to moding, or he would allow someone else to continue work. A lot of folks miss him and his work and respect wishes to remove mods due to minority who was not respected someone free time burned into making those.

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1 hour ago, kcs123 said:

Maybe to ask author about it ? @SpannerMonkey(smce) seems to be more active on forums recently. Hopefully his health is improved as well. "Recently"

I was talking with him at that time, but then Black Friday happened, I spend about 10 days working 24/7, and by then I lost contact.


1 hour ago, kcs123 said:

due to minority who was not respected someone free time burned into making those.

That's the reason I'm avoiding boring him with the matter. He will be back when he will be back; until there, we try to find our way into the problems as we can.

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I'm moving the discussion from the original thread, as this is now about TweakScale!

38 minutes ago, pmborg said:

"otherwise you would need TweakScale installed just for using it! "

I have it installed, and is one of my favorite mods and from all community I think :)

Is possible for TweakScale scale this automatically, without having to create a new antenna cfg file just to scale it to 400% for example?

Like default scale:

antennaPower = 500000  // <--- HERE !!!

TweakScale to 200%:

antennaPower = 500000 x 4  // 200% for example.


I was expecting this simple scaling to work, like mentioned in some posts before and checking the updated values with "antenna-helper" mod:


Firespitter!!! :) One of my favorite Add'Ons!!! Tons of fun trying to run a Space Program with WW1 technology! :D 

Well, yes. If you already have an Antenna and wants to scale it the way TweakScale does with (some) Antennas, do as follows:

@PART[my-part-name] // Insert your part name here
        type = free_square

And save it somewhere on  your GameData, I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/Mypatches/my-part-name.cfg (assuming you are not maintaining your own Add'On, of course).

free_square Scaling are only suitable for radial attached parts, by the way.

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53 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I'm moving the discussion from the original thread, as this is now about TweakScale!

Firespitter!!! :) One of my favorite Add'Ons!!! Tons of fun trying to run a Space Program with WW1 technology! :D 

Well, yes. If you already have an Antenna and wants to scale it the way TweakScale does with (some) Antennas, do as follows:

@PART[my-part-name] // Insert your part name here
        type = free_square

And save it somewhere on  your GameData, I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/Mypatches/my-part-name.cfg (assuming you are not maintaining your own Add'On, of course).

free_square Scaling are only suitable for radial attached parts, by the way.

Yes, I am testing first with existent antennas:

For example I noticed that this works with Communotron 16:

TweakScale\patches\Squad\Squad_Util.cfg:@PART[longAntenna] // Communotron 16   (Have already the set described above)


The antenna rating was indeed scaled, but no new info/update from "Antenna Helper" mod, this means that something is missing?


"Firespitter!!! :) One of my favorite Add'Ons!!! Tons of fun trying to run a Space Program with WW1 technology! :D  "

Today I have done 10 airplanes based on this mod, yes is smarter I think to start a career mode, with airplanes and don't waist stages for the first basic missions.

I am testing/playing with the new tech free from Freethinker.

Edited by pmborg
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