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[1.12.3] Rocket Sound Enhancement - Plugin: v0.9.6 - 07/09/22 | Config Pack: v1.2.4 - 07/09/22


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10 hours ago, ensou04 said:

have you guys tried removing RSE and see if its not RSE being broken again? just to rule it out


I didn't have a chance to yesterday, but yes it is my intention to try switching both in/out and see what's what.

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19 hours ago, ensou04 said:

have you guys tried removing RSE and see if its not RSE being broken again? just to rule it out


So I did a bit more testing this afternoon.  Clean game instance, only latest MM and 0.53 of this + configs.  I would say, inconclusive but with some 'gut' feels; hopefully they help.

Still lots of crackle/click, particularly with multiple engines, double-particularly if they are larger - presumably because they are deeper voiced.

Very difficult to get the stutter to happen every time but was able to find it very consistently in 1 case - which made me think it is just an artefact of the game itself.  So the stutter I previously found almost always happened in scene changes such as reverting to launchpad or building, or moving between buildings at space centre.  In this set of tests, I noticed very rarely on reverts (once, over many), uncommon on transitions (sometimes to, some from) SPH.  Most consistent was just listening to birds at space centre then exiting to menu.  Now, in the base game without mods if you do that you'll notice that obviously background sound/music stops, but the background birds play again just for a fraction of a second when you go back to the menu.  With RSE installed I would often get the stutter, which just happens to be more noticeable.

Further listening - and here this could be considered nitpicky and I'm not complaining but maybe it helps diagnose - there are subtle pauses or very faint clicks on scene transitions already in the base game.  With RSE those are all a more noticeable hard click, particularly if I've turned up vehicle and engine effects over 100% in the RSE settings.  Again - I wouldn't ever complain about it and think the mod is great - but it could be that it exposes and makes existing sound limits within the base game more noticeable.

I'm thinking that if that hypothesis makes any sense, then adding another 40+ mods, including another sound mod, taxes the system more, further exposing base game limits.  Anyhow, tl;dr yes it happens with RSE but I don't think it's RSE's fault per se.  That's my $0.02, hope it helps some.

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@Idleness ok now I know what you guys are referring to, yes I have noticed this stutters on scene changes as well even on a mostly stock based game. (RSE, Restock and some utility mods). it started to grow more noticeable the more RSE becomes closer to being complete. I'm guessing it has something to do with clean up, still not sure how I could mitigate it. it affects everything even if its not being controlled by the mod like say the bird song ambience on KSC and Music. I guess your assumption is right that its probably the game itself, sound mods just make it more noticeable, but I'll still try and find a way to deal with it

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On 11/15/2020 at 8:43 PM, ensou04 said:

I meant I haven't done any sound effects for the jet engines yet so they'll be left alone. although I do have patches for the RAPIER so that might overlap with Jet Sounds Updated

My bad, looks like I see what I wanna see:) You might also would like to check RCS, Wheels, Water sound mods by pizzaoverhead. I just thought that it would be great, if your mod eventually comes a single one that overhauls most of the stock sounds.

On 11/15/2020 at 8:43 PM, ensou04 said:

That is very much possible so I'll put that on the plan list,  might as well compose some music and ambient sound effects. :D thanks for the idea!

I've uploaded a part of the sound library I have. Feel free to use if you find it useful.

Some ideas that hit me recently:

* Drill sounds (can help with that one - even if there is nothing good on the internet, guess i could record my kW drill with an inch boer)

* Heartbeat and heavy breathing while high G forces

* Different explosion sound depending on the fuel left. Visuals for such situation BAM

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This is a fantastic mod, thank you for creating it! I always thought the stock sounds were kind of weak. :)

Question - is there a way to get this mod working with Cryogenic Engines? I tried making a patch for one of the engines myself, based on the stock patches provided, but it looks like the audio is set up differently than stock engines so it didn't work. I even tried directly modifying the cfg for the engine to remove the audio effects and insert the RSE module from the Swivel engine, but that didn't work either, it had the same audio as before. I'm guessing this would take work on the CE side?

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1 hour ago, ensou04 said:

@Zelda you have to make sure that you are putting in the Proper EngineId.
check out the documentation: https://github.com/ensou04/RocketSoundEnhancement/wiki/RSE_Engines-PartModule

Oh my gosh I feel dumb. I did read the documentation but somehow totally missed that when I took the swivel engine config to start from. :blush: Thank you, it works perfectly now! 

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Hello There

I didn't found exactly what was causing my VAB freezes but on a new install it's not happening anymore, maybe we'll never know

On a side note, I think I'm gonna make patches for the engines used in RO and CH4. I still have to test it, but if my hypothesis is correct, we can use the engineType parameter RO uses so different parts connected to that engineType will have the correct sounds. Here's an example of it:


        name = RSE_Engines
        volume = 0.7
                name = ThrustHigh
                audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Engines/Liquid_SuperLight-High
                loop = true
                spread = 0.12
                channel = ShipBoth
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.33 0.0
                volume = 0.66 1.0
                volume = 1.0 1.0
                pitch = 1.5
                name = ThrustLow
                audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Engines/Liquid_SuperLight-Low
                loop = true
                spread = 0.12
                channel = ShipBoth
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.33 1.0
                volume = 0.66 0.0
                volume = 1.0 0.0
                pitch = 1.5
                name = Disengage
                audioClip = sound_vent_soft
                channel = ShipBoth
                volume = 0.2
                pitch = 2.5
                name = FlameOut
                audioClip = sound_explosion_low
                channel = ShipBoth
                volume = 0.3
                pitch = 2.5

(I stole it from your configs and changed the part and yes I am aware of the engineID, but as far as I checked, they don't specify one)

In my head, this should work. On the other hand, how did you define which engines to put in each category?

I need to find a criteria to separate each of the almost 300 engines, I was thinking thrust might be a good option, but at exactly what thrust I would consider a engine medium and not light? I am open to any ideas 

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3 hours ago, Karin said:

how did you define which engines to put in each category?

I based it loosely on their Purpose (boost stage/vacuum), size of the engine bell and thrust power. For example:
Engines that are boosters should be Noisy and have like "wind up" sound effects.  basically I looked at the engine, and see if the sound I assigned to it makes sense and if it works. 

3 hours ago, Karin said:

but at exactly what thrust I would consider a engine medium and not light

those actually mean "Light sound, Medium Sound, Very Heavy Sound". and not how heavy the engines are. So like the KE-1 should produce a Very Heavy sound because of its engine bell and power. also based on Saturn V launches. the terms are pretty vague so bare with it ahah. the "weight" classes are more like: "how distorted and bassy the sound is"

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thanks @hemeac :D

On other news:

I think I might have to readjust the config's volume for most engines and probably re-master the provided sounds to be more louder and more akin to what stock loudness was.

some engines specially smaller ones are too quiet because when I created these sound effects I didn't had any intention of making a Volume Normalizer as a feature.  I might as well do some more sound effects like more variety in the decoupler area, and custom docking sounds.

Some more planned features that I intended for RSE will be a separate mod instead eg: Ambient and Music. Making RSE solely for Rockets and Space Ships and not be a feature creep.

I'll be working on those as soon as I'm done finishing another project on my hands.

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9 hours ago, ensou04 said:

thanks @hemeac :D

On other news:

I think I might have to readjust the config's volume for most engines and probably re-master the provided sounds to be more louder and more akin to what stock loudness was.

some engines specially smaller ones are too quiet because when I created these sound effects I didn't had any intention of making a Volume Normalizer as a feature.  I might as well do some more sound effects like more variety in the decoupler area, and custom docking sounds.

Some more planned features that I intended for RSE will be a separate mod instead eg: Ambient and Music. Making RSE solely for Rockets and Space Ships and not be a feature creep.

I'll be working on those as soon as I'm done finishing another project on my hands.

Glad to hear about this.  Currently I play with the settings at: sound muffling disabled, engines and effects turned up to ~130-140%.  I want to hear them! :)

Also, wonderful to hear about ambiance and music becoming a thing.  As per previous discussion I had some initial trouble when I tried to add this mod + sound track editors.  I ended up removing the sound track mods as this one was more important; but with you considering making a separate mod for that I'll be happy to help out with testing/suggestions.

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I've started a really rough set of configs for SSTU. It's mainly limited to the engines I use frequently, so it's far from exhaustive. I might share if there's interest. Shadowmage was very consistent with engine IDs and effects modules, so it might be something I can finish procedurally.

The biggest issue I had so far was that RSE and RealPlume aren't 'aware' of each other. RealPlume apparently runs at a time after RSE has applied it's patches. Muffling and other effects work, but the individual engine sounds are RP's. I haven't dug into any of the cfgs yet to see about disabling RP's sounds. I'd really like to keep both, but in the meantime I just have RP disabled.

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11 hours ago, MainSailor said:

I've started a really rough set of configs for SSTU. It's mainly limited to the engines I use frequently, so it's far from exhaustive. I might share if there's interest. Shadowmage was very consistent with engine IDs and effects modules, so it might be something I can finish procedurally.

The biggest issue I had so far was that RSE and RealPlume aren't 'aware' of each other. RealPlume apparently runs at a time after RSE has applied it's patches. Muffling and other effects work, but the individual engine sounds are RP's. I haven't dug into any of the cfgs yet to see about disabling RP's sounds. I'd really like to keep both, but in the meantime I just have RP disabled.

I've ran into the same issue while patching RO and CH4, I wrote a MM patch that is partially working



The engage, disengage and flameout are ok, but for some reason the main sound is not getting erased despite being deleted by the patch and running after all RP patches, I've even dowloaded the old version of RSE that was dependent on RP and the patches are very similar. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: Ok so it seems that using HAS:[@Plume[1 ]] instead of HAS[@EFFECTS:HAS[1 ]] like it is on the old RSE triggers engines a little bit different and the patch was applied to a few engines it shouldn't.

I was testing the patch with 3 different engines  and I was unlucky enough to choose 3 engines that shouldn't been patched. After I changed the section to the second option I noticed on the MM log that all 3 weren't patched anymore , I tested a few of the engines it was aplied and they were RP silent. I still don't know exactly why this happened.

I will try different approaches and see what works best. Since it's for RO and I made the patches based on enginetype instead of per part, I think a global patch for silencing RP might be worth it.

@MainSailor take a look into the next spoiler,  since you're working with specific parts, the template should work without the issues I have.




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3 hours ago, Karin said:

@MainSailor take a look into the next spoiler,  since you're working with specific parts, the template should work without the issues I have.

Thanks! I'll try that out. I have found that Module Manager syntax is largely not my forte despite me working with procedural languages like regex and CSS on the daily.

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20 hours ago, MainSailor said:

Thanks! I'll try that out. I have found that Module Manager syntax is largely not my forte despite me working with procedural languages like regex and CSS on the daily.

@Karin I'm trying a version of your script now, the problem is I've listened to enough of them, I can't tell whats the RP and what's the RSE sounds anymore, lol. I might have to strip down my KSP install so it's easier to reload, because every time I make a change, it's at least 5 minutes of loading to get back in. I might just have to apply this to only one part and then compare it like that versus turning them on and off globally.

Edit: OK I'm being dumb. Am I missing that there's no engage sound in RSE? It sounds like they're just going straight into the running sound.  I'm going to have to go back to a clean install without MM tomfoolery to see what I'm messing up.

Edited by MainSailor
clarified what was dumb
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12 minutes ago, MainSailor said:

I'm trying a version of your script now, the problem is I've listened to enough of them, I can't tell whats the RP and what's the RSE sounds anymore, lol. I might have to strip down my KSP install so it's easier to reload, because every time I make a change, it's at least 5 minutes of loading to get back in. I might just have to apply this to only one part and then compare it like that versus turning them on and off globally.

In RealPlume folder you can find the sounds used and listen to them before ignition to be easier to recognize, but a good idea is just removing the rse patches and hoping everything is silent, lol


Edit: OK this is dumb. Am I missing that there's no engage sound in RSE? It sounds like they're just going straight into the running sound.  I'm going to have to go back to a clean install without MM tomfoolery to see what I'm messing up.

You are correct, for now there's no engage sound,  maybe in a few updates, @ensou04?

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2 hours ago, Karin said:

You are correct, for now there's no engage sound,  maybe in a few updates, @ensou04?

Yes, for now there isnt one, because the stock engage sound overlaps too much with the running sound's start effects (wind ups, etc). Also even with stock sounds, some engines dont have engage sounds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/7/2020 at 6:10 PM, Karin said:

I've ran into the same issue while patching RO and CH4, I wrote a MM patch that is partially working

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The engage, disengage and flameout are ok, but for some reason the main sound is not getting erased despite being deleted by the patch and running after all RP patches, I've even dowloaded the old version of RSE that was dependent on RP and the patches are very similar. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: Ok so it seems that using HAS:[@Plume[1 ]] instead of HAS[@EFFECTS:HAS[1 ]] like it is on the old RSE triggers engines a little bit different and the patch was applied to a few engines it shouldn't.

I was testing the patch with 3 different engines  and I was unlucky enough to choose 3 engines that shouldn't been patched. After I changed the section to the second option I noticed on the MM log that all 3 weren't patched anymore , I tested a few of the engines it was aplied and they were RP silent. I still don't know exactly why this happened.

I will try different approaches and see what works best. Since it's for RO and I made the patches based on enginetype instead of per part, I think a global patch for silencing RP might be worth it.

@MainSailor take a look into the next spoiler,  since you're working with specific parts, the template should work without the issues I have.

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Any progress on the patch?

It seems the only way it can work for me is with deleting RP sounds :p

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1 hour ago, RurouniDonut said:

Any progress on the patch?

Yes, I got it working and forgot to update haha


Here you go


// Every engine configured by RSE will have it's Real Plume sound deleted
// If Realism Overhaul is installed, the engage sound will remain active, otherwise ignition it will be very silent

        @Hydynelox-A7 {!AUDIO{}}

That CombinedPlume was the missing piece

When I learn how to add a pull request on github I will submit the patch officially

Edit: I made a pull request, hope everything is right over there

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