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[1.3.1 <= KSP <= 1.12.5] KAX - Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KAX — Under Lisias' Management — v2.8.1.1 [2024-0704]


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On 11/19/2020 at 9:06 AM, Adoelrome said:

hello, folks. 

I'm just wondering if KAX is still supported?
Now at 1.10 I got this:
And KSP cannot load.

[LOG 10:56:30.662] PartLoader: Part 'KAX/Parts/KAX_electricProp/KAX_electricProp/KAXelectricprop' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 10:56:30.662] [DragCubeSystem]: Drag cubes not found or cannot be read for part Part. Generating New drag cubes.
[LOG 10:56:30.670] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'KAXelectricprop'
[EXC 10:56:30.712] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	ModuleResourceIntake.GetInfo () (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
	PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
	PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)


It is very hard to guess what is going on without log, but, can you check out that you have properly installed Firespitter plugin and resource config file ?


ModuleResourceIntake.GetInfo ()

I can only guess that above function is failed to execute due to missing resource info. And KAX electricProp use some kind of unique resource "FSCoolant" that is "scooped" from air and there is no special fuel tanks for it. Engine itself contain that resource and is automaticaly replensihed in flight. But without proper firespitter plugin and resource confgig file that engine can't work in KSP.

That is just a guess, ful log file can reveal if you have firespitter plugin installed properly or not.

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On 11/22/2020 at 6:16 AM, kcs123 said:

I can only guess that above function is failed to execute due to missing resource info. And KAX electricProp use some kind of unique resource "FSCoolant" that is "scooped" from air and there is no special fuel tanks for it. Engine itself contain that resource and is automaticaly replensihed in flight. But without proper firespitter plugin and resource confgig file that engine can't work in KSP.

That is just a guess, ful log file can reveal if you have firespitter plugin installed properly or not.

And that was a hell of a good guess!

@Adoelrome, KAX needs Firespitter for some functions, it's a dependency. Lots and lots of things depends on FSplanePropellerSpinnerFSswitchEngineThrustTransform and FSEngineSounds.

(And, yeah, I would had noticed it faster and easier with the full KSP.log of the problem).

The parts are not working as intended on your installment, by the way... You should really install Firespitter

Edited by Lisias
Eternal Typos from the Englishless Mind
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  • 2 weeks later...

I created a PR on your Github page for KAX.

A couple of years ago now I guess, @SpannerMonkey(smce) created a long cowl version of the D-25 after I had requested it. 

I asked Spanner quite a while back if I could give it to you to incorporate into KAX, as it's based off a KAX engine anyway. 

He agreed to this, and I finally got around to fixing it up so it could be merged.

I also tweaked the D-25 itself to balance it a little better compared to the BumbleBee engine in Airplane Plus.
Anyway, have a look when you have time, see what you think.

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4 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

Anyway, have a look when you have time, see what you think.

Test it out before you merge it, I want to be sure you actually approve of the velCurve, atmCurve and weight changes I made. You may or may not like them... either way, incorporate the assets into KAX under whatever licence you see fit.


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19 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

Niiice! Thanks for this. I'm rebuilding my "aviation ecosystem" in KSP again, and was about to see what KAX's status was. I may grab that PR too in case Lisias doesn't get to this immediately.

I will issue a new release on the WeekEnd. :)


17 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

Test it out before you merge it, I want to be sure you actually approve of the velCurve, atmCurve and weight changes I made. You may or may not like them... either way, incorporate the assets into KAX under whatever licence you see fit.

Again, thank you. I will revise the numbers before publishing it.

Cheers, everyone! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately, KSP 1.11.0 introduced a misbehaviour on launching crafts using some old parts that rendered some crafts using Firespitter near impossible to use.

It's a glitch on launching the vessel, everything suddenly blows up due overheat. A LOT OF OVERHEAT. At launch. On the KSP's airstrip. With the craft, obviously, at rest.


Even by using cheats you can't launch that damn craft when using one of that parts!


But spawning crafts with Vessel Mover works!



I wonder it's something not being initialised on the Scene change on the physics engine - otherwise, using Vessel Mover would not had "fixed" this. :/ 

In a way or another, since KAX has Firespitter as a dependency, it's unavoidable that sooner or later KAX users will come across this <insert your favorite non forum compliant expletive here> misbehaviour.

If anyone is interested, a full rant report is available here.

-- -- POST EDIT -- -- 

KSP Recall BETA may be a solution for this problem. Early adopters are welcome to try it and report any findings - but please backup your game before trying it!!

World Stabiliser is still needed.


Edited by Lisias
KSP Recall
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Another interesting thing is that it is landed diagonally on runway. Fighting with side wind that is also changed direction few times trough landing (check red flags in bottom left corner). It is not too obvious due to camera angle, though. It i salso noticable "flaping" of tail controls in few frames.

By looking on flag it does not seems to be high wind, though, but significant enough to cause issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I downloaded the latest release, along with Firespitter and Module Manager, and the only new passenger fuselage is the FS2CF; did I mess something up or is there no longer a larger passenger cabin in this mod? The main reason I got KAX was for the 2.5m cabins ^^"

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2 hours ago, RedPandaz said:

So I downloaded the latest release, along with Firespitter and Module Manager, and the only new passenger fuselage is the FS2CF; did I mess something up or is there no longer a larger passenger cabin in this mod? The main reason I got KAX was for the 2.5m cabins ^^"

A 2.5 PAX cabin never existed before, at least on KAX and Firespitter.

The FS2CF part is not exactly new, by the way, nether the KAX ones - the "medFuselage" parts were incorporated on KAX on 2.2.1 (2014), while the FS1 Bomber parts entered service on Firespitter on the same year. So I think we have a misunderstanding here - what's not exactly a surprise, as things are somewhat messy nowadays. :D 

Since I'm pretty sure you had used a 2.5m crew cabin before, I searched on my personal museum of aviation add'ons looking for crewed 2.5m fuselages, and found one on Airplane Plus and another one in Neist Airline Parts.


On a side note, the APP's engines are way overpowered, some prop engines are more powerful than stock jet ones - don't use them if you want a balanced gameplay.

Give a peek on this thread, there more hints on airplanes add'ons there (including links for the ones I mentioned above):


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On 3/26/2021 at 12:42 AM, Lisias said:

A 2.5 PAX cabin never existed before, at least on KAX and Firespitter.

The FS2CF part is not exactly new, by the way, nether the KAX ones - the "medFuselage" parts were incorporated on KAX on 2.2.1 (2014), while the FS1 Bomber parts entered service on Firespitter on the same year. So I think we have a misunderstanding here - what's not exactly a surprise, as things are somewhat messy nowadays. :D 

Since I'm pretty sure you had used a 2.5m crew cabin before, I searched on my personal museum of aviation add'ons looking for crewed 2.5m fuselages, and found one on Airplane Plus and another one in Neist Airline Parts.

  Reveal hidden contents

On a side note, the APP's engines are way overpowered, some prop engines are more powerful than stock jet ones - don't use them if you want a balanced gameplay.

Give a peek on this thread, there more hints on airplanes add'ons there (including links for the ones I mentioned above):


Oh it was probably Airplane Plus then, that one sound familiar

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  • 3 months later...

Rant of the day. :mad:

I fail to understand why someone would review an Add'On on a modern KSP when it openly and clearly states to work fine only up to 1.7.3.

I find this kinda… hostile… to tell you the true. You don't buy a old product on the aftermarket and review it as it would be new, still under warranty, damned it. :(

(Ok, rant off)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I found some time to play KSP a bit, and realised it's a lot of time since I played KAX by the last time. So,..





Inspired on a craft I posted on my "Real Life Kerbalisms" thread:

(I initially tried to use Stock+TS KSP 1.12.2 to do it, but didn't found my way on the propeller engines yet)

Edited by Lisias
One more pic! :)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Glad folks are still getting enjoyment out of KAX after all this time. Maybe one day I'll reboot it, especially with KSP being stable now. Or possibly for KSP2. The assets are all there, it's probably just some unity and cfg tinkering.

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On 8/21/2021 at 1:59 PM, keptin said:

Glad folks are still getting enjoyment out of KAX after all this time. Maybe one day I'll reboot it, especially with KSP being stable now. Or possibly for KSP2. The assets are all there, it's probably just some unity and cfg tinkering.

Sir, if I may ask something, I would ask for a reboot on FireSpitter. I really miss this one. :) 

(Let me finish my worst problems on TweakScale, and I will help you on anything I can if you need!)

Edited by Lisias
better phrasing
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