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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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Hi everyone,

I released Kopernicus for KSP 1.3.0, you can get it from Github


- Updated to 1.3.0
- Added a config loader for displayName (the name that is displayed in the UI). useTheInName and cbNameLater still exist, but they were deprecated in favor of Properties\displayName
- Updated dependencies
- Fix a scale issue with the rings
- Fix the solar flux mechanic, it now works like it is supposed to
- Replaced the stock solar panel module with a custom version to handle multiple stars properly
- Added a KSP-AVC version file


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4 hours ago, Thomas P. said:

Hi everyone,

I released Kopernicus for KSP 1.3.0, you can get it from Github


- Updated to 1.3.0
- Added a config loader for displayName (the name that is displayed in the UI). useTheInName and cbNameLater still exist, but they were deprecated in favor of Properties\displayName
- Updated dependencies
- Fix a scale issue with the rings
- Fix the solar flux mechanic, it now works like it is supposed to
- Replaced the stock solar panel module with a custom version to handle multiple stars properly
- Added a KSP-AVC version file


in KSP-AVC addon kopernicus is in red letters, this is a problem? My game crashs and i dont now how mod is causing this.

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So, I'm still on 1.2.2 and the previous version of Kopernicus. So I'm still having the black planet problem.

If I look at one of my creations in Map view or even above the fade in height the planet appears black, I do see that the height map is working in either case as the rim of the planet is no longer a smooth curve. So I also moved one of the planets to within the orbit of Moho and it is still black.

I have gone up and down my .cfg and compared it to the ones in OPM, but I cannot see what would be causing this.

Help please this is frustrating me a lot.

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I'm experiencing a problem where AmpYear is not properly displaying "power production" despite having solar panels. It just always says, 0 power production whether in the VAB or while in flight with the solar panels extended and in full daylight. @JPLRepo looked at my logs and said there is an error from within Kopernicus but no errors within AmpYear. Any ideas?

Output log:


Edited by Voodoo8648
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9 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Voodoo8648 Kopernicus now replaces the stock solar panel module to cure the multi-star solar panel problem. Maybe AmpYear needs to adapt to the new module.

Thank you kindly. Given your better reputation and credibility; would you contact @JPLRepo to pitch this great idea or promote the suggestion to @Thomas P. ?

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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Voodoo8648 Kopernicus now replaces the stock solar panel module to cure the multi-star solar panel problem. Maybe AmpYear needs to adapt to the new module.


2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Voodoo8648 I'll take a shot at informing JPLRepo. I may have to produce some kind of solid evidence to give him a headstart.

May as well let @ShotgunNinjaknow as well unless he already does and has it covered.


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32 minutes ago, Solar Ranger said:

@Thomas P. I was just wondering if a fix is on the way for the lightColor bug where it shows a completely different color above the atmosphere to what is selected in the config?

can we see config and screenshot?

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7 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

can we see config and screenshot?

I'm willing to bet he's referring to the fact that lightColor = 0.6,0.6,0.4,1 yields a blue atmosphere instead of yellowish-orange.

8 hours ago, Solar Ranger said:

@Thomas P. I was just wondering if a fix is on the way for the lightColor bug where it shows a completely different color above the atmosphere to what is selected in the config?

If you're gonna ask me for advice in PM's, it may be a good idea to use it too. In every single reply I say 'use KittopiaTech'. If you'd use KittopiaTech you could mess with the sliders in game, making this problem completely invalid.

FYI I think the currenty lightColor system is based on color absorption.

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32 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

I'm willing to bet he's referring to the fact that lightColor = 0.6,0.6,0.4,1 yields a blue atmosphere instead of yellowish-orange.

Yes that's what I was thinking

IIRC it's

color = r^-4, g^-4, b^-4,a

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54 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

If you're gonna ask me for advice in PM's, it may be a good idea to use it too. In every single reply I say 'use KittopiaTech'. If you'd use KittopiaTech you could mess with the sliders in game, making this problem completely invalid.

I havnt actually been able to find a lightColor option in Kittopia

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22 minutes ago, Solar Ranger said:

I havnt actually been able to find a lightColor option in Kittopia

Then I wouldn't really call it a bug with kopernicus, but a lack of understanding of KittopiaTech. I'm not at a pc right now to give you the name of the parameter that needs to be changed, but what you need is certainly in kittopia, you will just have to play around and learn how to use it to figure it out.

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29 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Then I wouldn't really call it a bug with kopernicus, but a lack of understanding of KittopiaTech. I'm not at a pc right now to give you the name of the parameter that needs to be changed, but what you need is certainly in kittopia, you will just have to play around and learn how to use it to figure it out.

I understand that but surely since it will look like a red atmosphere from space but a blue one when your landed it would be a Kopernicus bug

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29 minutes ago, Solar Ranger said:

I understand that but surely since it will look like a red atmosphere from space but a blue one when your landed it would be a Kopernicus bug

I'm still waiting to see the cfg

9 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

can we see config and screenshot?

1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

Yes that's what I was thinking

IIRC it's

color = r^-4, g^-4, b^-4,a


Edited by Sigma88
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@Sigma88 cfg:


        name = Reda
        cacheFile = RIO/Cache/Reda.bin
            name = Ike
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            description = This planet appears to be almost completely red!
            radius = 550000
            geeASL = 0.82344
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = false
            rotationPeriod = 40000
            isHomeWorld = false
            displayName = Reda
            useTheInName = false
            albedo = 0.25
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000
                landedDataValue = 6
                flyingLowDataValue = 5.5
                flyingHighDataValue = 5
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.5
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 4
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 30000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 250000
                recoveryValue = 1.3
            biomeMap = RIO/Kopernicus Files/Kerbol System/Reda/PluginData/Reda_Biome.png
                    name = Redanian Sea
                    color = 1,0,0,1
                    value = 1
                    name = MainLand
                    color = 0,1,0,1
                    value = 1
                    name = Islands
                    color = 0,0,1,1
                    value = 1
            referenceBody = Kerbol
            semiMajorAxis = 16000000000
            inclination = 13
            eccentricty = 0.15
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 34
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.9,0.1,0.01,1
                    noiseSeed = 2560
                    noiseDeformity = 20
                    noiseFrequency = 8
                    noisePersistence = 1
                    noiseLacunarity = 3
                    noiseOctaves = 0
                    noiseType = Perlin
                    noiseMode = High
                    noiseDisplacement = 0
                    noiseEnableDistance = True
                    canyonSeed = 4
                    canyonThreshold = 9
                    canyonOctaves = 13
                    canyonPersistence = 0.2
                    canyonFrequency = 2
                    canyonSize = 2
                    addCanyonDepth = -450
                    multiplyCanyonBy = 1
                    addColor = False
                    canyonColor = 0.899999976,0.970786512,0.100000001,1
                    colorBlend = 1
                    order = 4
                    enabled = True
                    index = 0
                    seed = 583734
                    deformity = 5000
                    colorDeformity = 6000 
                    oceanLevel = 0 
                    oceanStep = 0 
                    oceanDepth = 0 
                    oceanSnap = False
                    terrainSmoothing = 0.1 
                    terrainShapeStart = 2 
                    terrainShapeEnd = -2
                    terrainRidgesMin = 0.1 
                    terrainRidgesMax = 2
                    buildHeightColors = False
                    terrainRidgeBalance = 0.4
                    enabled = true
                    order = 3
                    ContinentalSimplex //large noise values for continents
                        deformity = 3
                        octaves = 10
                        persistance = 0.400000005960464
                        frequency = 1.8
                            octaves = 8
                            persistence = 0.43
                            frequency = 1.2
                    RuggednessSimplex //Adjusts the ruggedness of the edges of continents
                        seed = 487
                        deformity = 1
                        octaves = 12
                        persistance = 0.7
                        frequency = 0.6
                            octaves = 4
                            persistence = 0.5
                            frequency = 0.499
                    SharpnessSimplexMap //Small hills in terrain
                        seed = 5687
                        deformity = 65
                        octaves = 6
                        persistance = 0.5
                        frequency = 1.5
                            octaves = 4
                            persistence = 0.550000011920929
                            frequency = 1.5
                    SharpnessNoise //Small detail such as bumps
                        seed = 543613
                        deformity = 0.00100000004749745
                        octaves = 4
                        persistance = 0.4
                        frequency = 0.5
                            Frequency = 0.5
                            Lacunarity = 0.5
                            Quality = High
                            OctaveCount = 8
                            Seed = 46572
                    TerrainTypeSimplex //I usually ignore this
                        deformity = 1
                        octaves = 8
                        persistance = 0.72
                        frequency = 7
                            octaves = 14
                            persistence = 0.6
                            frequency = 4
                    LandClasses //Draws colours for the land just like HeightColorMap 
                            startHeight = 0
                            endHeight = 0.2
                            fractalDelta = 0.00100000004749745
                            name = AbyPl
                            fractalStart = 0
                            fractalEnd = 0.05
                            baseColor = 0.950642109,0.0872043967,0.204350993,1
                            colorNoise = 0.492314488,0.776119411,0.664091229,1
                            colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232
                            lerpToNext = True
                                deformity = 1
                                octaves = 4
                                persistance = 0.600000023841858
                                frequency = 4
                                    octaves = 4
                                    persistence = 0.600000023841858
                                    frequency = 4
                            startHeight = 0.2
                            endHeight = 0.4
                            fractalDelta = 0.448999988031574
                            name = Beach
                            fractalStart = 0.05
                            fractalEnd = 0.45
                            baseColor = 0.855866194,0.388478905,0.196781203,1
                            colorNoise = 0.332423687,0.350746304,0.333642989,1
                            colorNoiseAmount = 0.200000002980232
                            lerpToNext = True
                                deformity = 1
                                octaves = 4
                                persistance = 0.600000023841858
                                frequency = 4
                                    octaves = 4
                                    persistence = 0.600000023841858
                                    frequency = 4
                            startHeight = 0.4
                            endHeight = 0.75
                            fractalDelta = 0.449999988079071
                            name = Grass
                            fractalStart = 0.45
                            fractalEnd = 0.9
                            baseColor = 0.587308884,0,0,1
                            colorNoise = 0.5,0.5,0.425373107,1
                            colorNoiseAmount = 0.300000011920929
                            lerpToNext = True
                                deformity = 1
                                octaves = 4
                                persistance = 0.600000023841858
                                frequency = 3
                                    octaves = 4
                                    persistence = 0.600000023841858
                                    frequency = 3
                            startHeight = 0.75
                            endHeight = 2
                            fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186
                            name = Snow
                            fractalStart = 0.9
                            fractalEnd = 2
                            baseColor = 0.666342914,0,0.0426630713,1
                            colorNoise = 0.430215597,0.432835788,0.339162409,1
                            colorNoiseAmount = 0.400000005960464
                            lerpToNext = False
                                deformity = 1
                                octaves = 4
                                persistance = 0.600000023841858
                                frequency = 2
                                    octaves = 4
                                    persistence = 0.600000023841858
                                    frequency = 2
                    offset = -200
                    enabled = true
                    order = 999
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 12
            minDetailDistance = 8
            oceanColor = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                colorFromSpace = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                color = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                colorFromSpace = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                color = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                    globalDensity = -0.00001
                    heightFalloff = 6.75
                    atmosphereDepth = 50000
                    DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                    cameraAlt = 0
                    oceanDepth = 50
                    cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                    heightDensAtViewer = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                        waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                        waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                        waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                        waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                        waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                        waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                        waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                        waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                    framesPerSecond = 1
                    spaceAltitude = 150000
                    blendA = 0
                    blendB = 0
                    texBlend = 0
                    angle = 0
                    specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
                    oceanOpacity = 0
                    spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                fogColorEnd = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                fogColorStart = 0.82,0.1,0.12,1
                skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
            ambientColor = 0.16,0.12,0.12,1
            lightColor = 0.58,0.13,0.13,0.5
            enabled = true
            oxygen = true
            altitude = 50000
                key =    0    88.15275    -1.48299852E-02    -1.48299852E-02
                key =    2500    51.077787    -1.20695622E-02    -1.20695622E-02
                key =    5000    27.804939    -7.3868568E-03    -7.3868568E-03
                key =    7500    14.143503    -4.1375112E-03    -4.1375112E-03
                key =    10000    7.117383    -2.1110202E-03    -2.1110202E-03
                key =    12500    3.588402    -1.0569456E-03    -1.0569456E-03
                key =    15000    1.832655    -5.289078E-04    -5.289078E-04
                key =    17500    0.943863    -2.667072E-04    -2.667072E-04
                key =    20000    0.499119    -1.347456E-04    -1.347456E-04
                key =    22500    0.270135    -6.94608E-05    -6.94608E-05
                key =    25000    0.151815    -3.67662E-05    -3.67662E-05
                key =    27500    0.086304    -2.02014E-05    -2.02014E-05
                key =    30000    0.050808    -1.1484E-05    -1.1484E-05
                key =    32500    0.028884    -6.9426E-06    -6.9426E-06
                key =    35000    0.016095    -4.0542E-06    -4.0542E-06
                key =    37500    0.008613    -2.3142E-06    -2.3142E-06
                key =    40000    0.004524    -1.2702E-06    -1.2702E-06
                key =    42500    0.002262    -6.786E-07    -6.786E-07
                key =    45000    0.001131    -3.828E-07    -3.828E-07
                key =    47500    0.000348    -2.262E-07    -2.262E-07
                key =    50000    0    -1.392E-07    -1.392E-07
            pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
            temperatureSeaLevel = 300
                key =    0    300    -0.012833334    -0.012833334
                key =    6000    221.2007505    -0.0018177176    -0.0018121144
                key =    10500    221.2007505    0.0018121144    0.0018121144
                key =    15500    277.4859287    0.0009904288    0.0009904288
                key =    28000    277.4859287    -0.0013658566    -0.0013658566
                key =    40000    191.523111    -0.0018177176    -0.0018177176
                key =    45000    191.523111    0.000947549    0.000947549
                key =    50000    235.5278867    0.0013892082    0.0013892082
                key =    75000    0    -0.0008992182    -0.0008992182
                key =    0    1    0    0
                key =    3846.153846    0.5    -0.00012    -0.0002052898
                key =    4238.088462    0    0    0
                key =    7716.530767    0    0    0
                key =    18211.26923    0.2    0    0
                key =    27615.44615    0.2    0    0
                key =    35111.3846    0    0    0
                key =    50000    0.4    0    0
                angle = 0                
                innerRadius = 1250
                outerRadius = 2340
                texture = RIO/Kopernicus Files/Kerbol System/Reda/PluginData/Ring.png
                color = 1,1,1,1
                lockRotation = true
                unlit = true
            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 0
            fadeEnd = 0
                texture = RIO/Kopernicus Files/Kerbol System/Reda/PluginData/Reda_Color.png
                normals = RIO/Kopernicus Files/Kerbol System/Reda/PluginData/Reda_Normal.png


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2 hours ago, Solar Ranger said:

@Sigma88 cfg:

  Hide contents

            lightColor = 0.58,0.13,0.13,0.5


you are using 

 lightColor = 0.58,0.13,0.13,0.5


what KSP will show is   r^-4,g^-4,b^-4,0.5

so in your case is a very bright cyan color


if the color you want to get is 0.58,0.13,0.13 you needto use 0.58^-4,0.13^-4,0.13^-4


which is approximated to:

 lightColor = 1.146,1.665,1.665,0.5


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On 5/28/2017 at 5:14 PM, Pretorian28715 said:

So, I'm still on 1.2.2 and the previous version of Kopernicus. So I'm still having the black planet problem.

If I look at one of my creations in Map view or even above the fade in height the planet appears black, I do see that the height map is working in either case as the rim of the planet is no longer a smooth curve. So I also moved one of the planets to within the orbit of Moho and it is still black.

I have gone up and down my .cfg and compared it to the ones in OPM, but I cannot see what would be causing this.

Help please this is frustrating me a lot.

Can I get some help with this or would Kittopia be able to sort this?

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