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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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24 minutes ago, Thomas P. said:

1.7.3-1 is out, plus backports and Kittopia.

Apart from recompiling against 1.7.3 it only contains a fix for the barycenter and selectable options, thanks to @Sigma88

Sorry for the long break and skipping one version, but I just had to get a break and do something else for a few days or weeks.

Thank you very much Thomas, you deserve any break you need :) 

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46 minutes ago, Thomas P. said:

1.7.3-1 is out, plus backports and Kittopia.

Apart from recompiling against 1.7.3 it only contains a fix for the barycenter and selectable options, thanks to @Sigma88

Sorry for the long break and skipping one version, but I just had to get a break and do something else for a few days or weeks.

You're doing a great thing for us all. No need to apologize, you deserve whatever time you need.

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I had a question about customizing your asolar system without crashing tthe Kopwernicus mod..


For example If you wanted to remove a planet like Say "Dres" and  you wanted it not in your solar system.. how woul dyou do it..(If it is at all posssible? 


I mean what lines of code would you wanted  to remove if you want to even add a planet..


I'm just scurrilous as up to 1.72 you could do this so easy..


but now? Hard to say..


So .. how do you edit a solar system? any ideas? Thanks (Oh and yes i upgraded to 1.7.2 since 1.7.2 didn't have a backport. 


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4 hours ago, Thomas P. said:

1.7.3-1 is out, plus backports and Kittopia.

Apart from recompiling against 1.7.3 it only contains a fix for the barycenter and selectable options, thanks to @Sigma88

Sorry for the long break and skipping one version, but I just had to get a break and do something else for a few days or weeks.

And There Was Much Rejoicing!!!

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2 hours ago, Space_Coyote said:

So .. how do you edit a solar system? any ideas? Thanks (Oh and yes i upgraded to 1.7.2 since 1.7.2 didn't have a backport. 


You will need to you KSP version 1.7.3 to use the latest Kopernicus.

To get started, use the Kittopia Tech mod, which you can download on github, right next to Kopernicus.

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41 minutes ago, Nightside said:

You will need to you KSP version 1.7.3 to use the latest Kopernicus.

To get started, use the Kittopia Tech mod, which you can download on github, right next to Kopernicus.

1 I have 1.73 installed I also have Module manager and Kopernicus installed  and all i want to do is delete one planet (Dres) (Never going there!) and that's it.. so tht's what i am wornding as i trie dit the old way which was deleting the body of Dres.. what it did was give me a error.. and said tht Kopernicus could nto work.. tha's the cuiousity herebecause if this was because o the update of the Breakig DLC (And yes i have that and Making History installe too) then the issue is that it's something i am doing to try and remove Dres..


any insight wold be helpful



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4 hours ago, Space_Coyote said:

For example If you wanted to remove a planet like Say "Dres" and  you wanted it not in your solar system.. how woul dyou do it..(If it is at all posssible? 

To remove Dres, you need a MM patch with the following content:

	!Body[Dres] {}


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Question: Do you know how to enable surface features on a world created through Kopernicus?

I've been able to change the surface features of Kerbin, Duna, etc. In my mod folder I added a file"MODrocsdef.cfg" instead of "rocsdef.cfg"

In that file, the following works:


    Type = KerbinGeyser
    displayName = Kerbin Geyser
    prefabName = laytheGeyser
    modelName = laytheGeyser_LOD00
    OrientateUp = false
    Depth = 0.3
    CanBeTaken = false
    Frequency = 0.1
    CastShadows = true
    ReceiveShadows = true
    CollisionThreshold = 8
    SmallROC = false
    RandomDepth = false
    RandomOrientation = true
    RandomRotation = false
    localSpaceScanPoints  = 0.35, 1.10, -3.47
    localSpaceScanPoints  = 1.60, 1.83, 1.04
    localSpaceScanPoints  = 2.23, 1.83, -0.63
    localSpaceScanPoints  = -1.55, 1.50, -0.92
    localSpaceScanPoints  = 0.48, 3.00, -0.75
    localSpaceScanPoints  = -0.20, 1.50, 0.88
    localSpaceScanPoints  = 1.77, 1.50, -2.53
    localSpaceScanPoints  = -0.76, 1.50, -2.51
    burstEmitterMinWait = 60
    burstEmitterMaxWait = 120
    sfxVolume = 0.75
    idleClip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_geyser_idle
    burstClip = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Sounds/sfx_geyser_burst
    Scale = 1
    applyForces = true
    vfxBaseForce = 1.2    
    vfxForceRadius = 1.5, 7
    vfxRadiusCenter = 0.6, 6.5, -1.2
    forceDirection = 0, 1, 0
        Name = Kerbin
        Biome = Badlands
        Biome = Grasslands
        key = 0 0
        key = 0.3 0
        key = 0.322 0
        key = 0.344 0.15
        key = 0.366 0.15
        key = 0.592 0.15
        key = 0.614 0.15
        key = 0.636 0
        key = 0.658 0
        key = 4.32 0
        key = 4.342 0
        key = 4.364 0.2
        key = 4.386 0.2
        key = 10.762 0.2
        key = 10.784 0.2
        key = 10.806 0
        key = 10.828 0
        key = 11.25 0
        key = 11.272 0
        key = 11.294 1.5
        key = 11.316 1.5
        key = 22.622 1.5
        key = 22.644 1.5
        key = 22.666 0
        key = 22.688 0

And creates geysers on Kerbin.

Yet when I do the same but specify the name and biome of my mod planet Rald, they do not seem to spawn.

Do you have any idea why this is?

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It seems that I don't understand how backports work. Are they supposed to make it so that I can run the new version on 1.7.2 (can't go higher due to principia). 
On 1.7.2 kopernicus gives a warning that it wont work.

Any help would be appreciated.

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6 minutes ago, Therese said:

It seems that I don't understand how backports work. Are they supposed to make it so that I can run the new version on 1.7.2 (can't go higher due to principia). 
On 1.7.2 kopernicus gives a warning that it wont work.

Any help would be appreciated.

When Thomas posts backports it's for the final version of each major releases: 1.3.1, 1.4.5, 1.5.1, & 1.6.1. There was never a release for 1.7.2, so you have to update your KSP version to 1.7.3 to use the latest Kopernicus or go down to 1.7.1 with the older release.

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Principia wasn't version locked last time I checked. Not much really changed between latest KSP versions, so it should work. Just install 1.7.3 and try it.

Edited by Guest
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1 hour ago, Therese said:

Principia won't run on 1.7.3. Kopernicus won't run on 1.7.2, but both run at 1.7.1. But breaking ground seems to still work, so that's nice :)

Ground science has tons of bugs on 1.7.1 though so beware. 

Also experiment value is bugged on .1 so unless you’re using a mod like science - full reward you won’t be able to gather every drop of science. 

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@Thomas P.

Adding onto this, I've done some testing and it appears that even without Resonant Orbit Calculator, if useOnDemand and useManualMemoryManagement are set to false, all of the scaled space textures of all planets change to whatever template planet was used. For example, in the JNSQ planet mod many of the planets used Moho as a template and so when those settings are false, it results in many of the scaled space textures of the planets using Moho's texture while the actual PQS of the planet remains correct. Also a few of the planets such as Eeloo just become a white sphere.

This would explain why @linuxgurugamer's mod Resonant Orbit Calculator is not generating the correct images, as the scaled space textures of the planets themselves are incorrect.

For example, while using the following MM config in a JNSQ install.. This is what Eeloo's moon Celes looks like... Strikingly like Moho, isn't it? (Can confirm this is not what Celes is supposed to look like, and that the template planet used to create Celes was in fact Moho.)

    %useOnDemand = False
    %useManualMemoryManagement = False




And this is what Eeloo looks like.. As mentioned above, a white sphere.



I can confirm that this was not the case before the major refactor that came with Kopernicus 1.7.1-1 as this is what @linuxgurugamer's Resonant Orbit Calculator generated prior to that version of Kopernicus being released.



Although one thing I will also note is that even before Kopernicus 1.7.1-1, some planets being white sphere's was still an issue as can be seen in the thumbnails which were created. However some planets were also a bit washed out which may also have something to do with JNSQ being natively 2.7x scale, though that part is merely speculation as I have never been able to track down a direct cause.. I'm no programmer, merely more of a QA guy. (Though I have dabbled in programming in the past, which may or may not help with my QA ability.)


Lastly I have collected ALL of the logs from my install and placed them into a convenient zip file. This includes KSP.log, output_log.txt, MMPatch.log, ModuleManager.log, and ALL of the Kopernicus .Body.log files.


If you need anything else from me, please feel free to tag me or private message me. As a user of the Resonant Orbit Calculator mod I desperately would like to be able to generate the correct thumbnails again, as I have since lost the correct (yet slightly washed out) ones which I showed in the 3rd screenshot above.

EDIT: One other thing which I feel is important to note is that these results and logs were seen in a test install which contained only Kopernicus and it's dependencies as well as JNSQ and it's dependencies.

Edited by CoriW
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I have a years old comment in the back of my head, that solar panels output (input?) is based on the homeplanets position and rises/drops from there when going towards/away from the star.

How good is my memory, is this anywhere near the truth? ^^

Does that mean that my x10 system has normal solar EC generation at Kerbin and does the amount scale towards the further-away-Jool, or does it drop by distance the same as in stock and will be more like stock-Eeloo-distance at further-away-Jool already?

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3 hours ago, KerbMav said:

I have a years old comment in the back of my head, that solar panels output (input?) is based on the homeplanets position and rises/drops from there when going towards/away from the star.

How good is my memory, is this anywhere near the truth? ^^

Does that mean that my x10 system has normal solar EC generation at Kerbin and does the amount scale towards the further-away-Jool, or does it drop by distance the same as in stock and will be more like stock-Eeloo-distance at further-away-Jool already?

Solar power generation should work with the inverse square of the distance from the sun, in AU (astronomical units, not Australia), where Kerbin is 1 AU from the sun (Australia is also 1 AU from the sun for that matter).

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On 7/12/2019 at 6:23 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

To remove Dres, you need a MM patch with the following content:

	!Body[Dres] {}


Not possible to remove Dres; can't remove something that doesn't exist...

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2 hours ago, Nightside said:

Solar power generation should work with the inverse square of the distance from the sun, in AU (astronomical units, not Australia), where Kerbin is 1 AU from the sun (Australia is also 1 AU from the sun for that matter).

So 1 AU gets based on Kerbin's position each time, no matter where a system rescale puts the orbit?

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On 7/12/2019 at 1:17 PM, Thomas P. said:

Sorry for the long break and skipping one version, but I just had to get a break and do something else for a few days or weeks.

Never feel like you must apologize for not giving us free stuff faster.

And a sincere thanks for releasing!

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Not sure if this is known or not, but i think the new update broke RSS for KSP 1.3.1. I updated via CKAN for my RSS/RO build of 1.3.1 and it's back to the Stock system. I tried the Bakcport version for KSP 1.3.1 and it didn't resolve the issue. Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Edit: I've fixed the issue by rolling back to backport version 1.3.1-24.

Edited by DGraves88
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20 hours ago, Nightside said:

Solar power generation should work with the inverse square of the distance from the sun, in AU (astronomical units, not Australia), where Kerbin is 1 AU from the sun (Australia is also 1 AU from the sun for that matter).

in summer Australia gets moved to 0.05 AU

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