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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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Hey, I noticed something quite odd...but there is no TURD config for Restock...so...quickly...possibly, someone very nice could make one? or quickly explain to me how it's done (there's someone who's doing one, he put screens on the TURD thread but hey, he doesn't have much free time and he's at the very beginning...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Using this mod in conjunction with deferred rendering, some of the views in the command pods are whited out. This is also an issue with the stock command pods. Therefor I imagine it would also be so for other mods. Do we know of a solution for this? Or is this just something that needs to be dealt with?

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  • 2 weeks later...

the 1.875m service module and 1.25m conical module dont actually have an "open" command, there is an "open" variant instead

also, could we see 2.5m and 3.75m cargo bays in the future? maybe similar to what's in NFLV? the structural tubes are great but theres little ways to use them beyond... as structure

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  • 3 weeks later...

I added a bug report for wheel collider error. The TR-2L wheels (maybe others) are behaving badly... spinning and sliding around with the brakes on.


Also, seeing null refs; added to existing report: 


I'm having a problem occasionally when a ship's lights will not turn on and hard crashes are likely after that. Anybody else?

Edited by Krazy1
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On 7/21/2024 at 10:44 PM, Daedooloos said:

the 1.875m service module and 1.25m conical module dont actually have an "open" command, there is an "open" variant instead

This is correct. They don't have doors that open, it's a shroud which you can jettison.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small issue, but the Dart's new (really nice-looking!) plume effect seems to override Waterfall plumes, meaning that even with Waterfall Restock the Dart has a static plume instead of the Waterfall one. Could do with a patch that disables the new plume when Waterfall is installed.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm a dummy, Restock Waterfall doesn't include the Dart anyway, please disregard.

Edited by SpudNutimus
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Restock v1.5.0
- New parts (all Kavaeric)
  - LV-T91 "Cheetah" Liquid Fuel Engine: now has 1.25m Truss, 1.25m Boattail, 1.875m Truss, 1.875m Boattail and Compact variants
  - LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine: now has 1.875m Tankbutt, 1.875m Truss, 1.875m Boattail and Compact variants
  - Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine: now has White Shrouded, Orange/Grey Shrouded and Compact variants
  - EAS-1 External Command Seat
  - SEQ-3 Cargo Storage Unit: now has White and Metal variants
  - SEQ-3C Conformal Storage Unit: now has White and Metal variants
  - SEQ-9 Container Module: now has White and Metal variants
  - SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit: now has White and Metal variants
- Fixed extra random png texture in the distribution (#1017)
- Fix NRE when ModuleRestockHeatEffects encounters a missing renderer (#1009)
- Fixed rotation of Mk2 Lander can airlock (#1008)
- Fixed LT-2 landing leg being weaker than stock (#858)

Restock+ v1.5.0
- Introduced patch to give roll control gimbal to Making History LV-T91 "Cheetah" Liquid Fuel Engine.
- Added VABOrganizer support
- Added Russian language localization (BalaurGD).
- Removed Test contract from legacy SRBs and legacy vernier engine.



Edited by Poodmund
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11 hours ago, Ace76inDC said:

Love the work on this mod!  Trouble is a part "mediumCargoContainer" may have broken my save


3 hours ago, OgaDuby said:

Yeah, mine too... find a previous version and replace ReStock and ReStockPlus folders in your GameData. That fixed it for me. 

I expect that both of you are using mods that leverage the vanilla assets that are being blacklisted in Restock. Please see https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/wiki/Asset-Blacklist-and-Whitelist


38 minutes ago, 1FingerSalute said:

Thanks for continuing work on Restock, Definitely a great mod.

In both RSS and stock versions this is what I'm seeing with the Cheetah engine: https://imgur.com/JhYFb6m


What am I doing wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong. A new part model was just released and you're using a mod (some set of Waterfall configs) that provides different plumes that hasn't been updated to be compatible yet. Its been a total of 17 hours since release, I'll cut the plume config mod author some slack. :D   

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1 hour ago, rustalan said:

Hi! The Bobcat engine has this Waterfall effect. Will there be a patch in the mod, or an update? I'm not good with setting up this mod myself

Read the post above yours for a clue since it's almost assuredly the same issue.  Give the other mod authors time to catch up.

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I wrote a small patch to fix the bobcat cheetah plumes. To use it just paste it in a new config file somewhere in the gamedata folder, and it requires restock waterfall expansion to work.

      @overrideParentTransform = fxTransformPlume
      @position = 0,0.033,0
      @rotation = 90, 0, 0
      @scale = 0.64, 0.64, 0.6925
      @overrideParentTransform = vernier_fxTransform
      @position = 0,0.01,0
      @rotation = -90, 0, 0
      @scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8
            @overrideParentTransform = fxTransformPlume
            @position = 0,-0.09,0
            @rotation = 90, 0, 0
            @scale = 1.94, 1.94, 2
            @overrideParentTransform = fxTransformPlume
            @position = 0,-0.1,0
            @rotation = 90, 0, 0
            @scale = 1.95, 1.95, 2
            @overrideParentTransform = vernier_fxTransform
            @overrideParentTransform = fxTransformPlume
            @position = 0,0.02,0
            @rotation = 90, 0, 0
            @scale = 0.65, 0.65, 0.65
            @overrideParentTransform = fxTransformPlume
            @position = 0,-0.1,0
            @rotation = 90, 0, 0
            @scale = 0.81, 0.81, 1
            @overrideParentTransform = vernier_fxTransform


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The issue I have with that is the RS+ isn't designed to add a bunch of MH-like parts to KSP... it's designed to add useful parts to the game. So we already have a set of the standard 3x LFO engines for 1.875m before this update - what would the new engines add? 

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In that sense the usefulness of the other engines is also dubious. The AJ10 is missing the waterfall plume so i dont use it at all. The saturn parts i very rarely use as theres already options in that thrust range. The ursa i do use more but i also boost its thrust to 460 to fit the 1.875 size better.  The torch also has quite low isp and very low gimball so i use the NFLV merlin(or the trash panda otherwise). But the new engines do have roll control so it wouldnt be entirely aesthetic. Plus theres no hypergolic plume in restock.

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I'm having this problem with restock launch clamps where the tower is invisible. I only see the bases and the heads. I've tried clean and fresh installs and all that. This has actually been a problem for a while; it's just gotten annoying that every time restock updates I keep having to re-edit the blacklist file to get the stock clamps back.


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4 minutes ago, Errol said:

I'm having this problem with restock launch clamps where the tower is invisible. I only see the bases and the heads. I've tried clean and fresh installs and all that. This has actually been a problem for a while; it's just gotten annoying that every time restock updates I keep having to re-edit the blacklist file to get the stock clamps back.


If you have TUFX installed that may be the issue, for some reason it hides the tower of the Restock launch clamps while in the VAB. This has been a bug for a long time and I don't think there's a known fix, but the clamps should show up normally once you actually launch, it's only in the VAB that they look weird. If you really can't stand it then uninstall TUFX.

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20 hours ago, SpudNutimus said:

If you have TUFX installed that may be the issue

I don't have TUFX installed and this is happening to me, as well.  I haven't investigated because I'm really not annoyed by it and functionality remains, but the behaviour was unexpected.  Maybe related, my fairings don't expand even with the PAW option set to do so.  Instead, they dissolve and, again, functionality isn't compromised.

ATM, I don't know from where my fairings come, but I believe they're stock.

Crucially, however, these started happening to me immediately after installing Deferred.  Do you have Deferred installed?

Edited by Brigadier
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