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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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On 9/26/2019 at 3:06 AM, IronKerbal said:

I have a few Issues to report:
The docking port Variants Restock adds are not compatible with Regular docking ports.
The Docking port variants are smaller than the regular docking ports, Uncovering the texture beneath it

Maybe you should post a picture of the parts in question, demonstrating the issue.

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On 6/3/2019 at 8:32 PM, TBenz said:

A quick peek in the GameData folder shows why. Looks like Squad "recently" changed the position of the Vernor and Linear RCS parts in the file structure. The CFG files for both are now located at "Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/" and the textures and models are at "Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/Assets/".

I'm assuming that this is part of the blacklisting system, and the paths for the parts just need to be updated, wherever they are defined. If that's the case, then the only problem this should really cause is the unused models and textures still being loaded.

I'm feeling.. brave, so I'll see about putting together a pull request to fix this. Looks to be trivially simple, but I've never actually done this before and I wouldn't want to underestimate my capacity to mess things up. :confused:


Update: It appears I did everything with the pull request right, except for the tiny little issue of not actually testing anything before putting it up. I'll go check that this doesn't actually break anything ingame, but I think it's ok...

Update II: Ok, tested, not throwing any warnings, looks like I knew what the heck I was doing. The pull request should be all good then. :D

Hello, looks like this issue still persists. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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It was pointed out to me (coming here from Tantares thread) that I had not answered this query - I think it may have gotten lost. Sorry about that 

On 9/11/2019 at 6:36 AM, King Arthur said:

On the other hand, I hated the "foiled" parts like the HECS2 probe core and toroidal fuel tanks

That's unfortunate, we worked hard on doing a far more visually accurate and stylistically consistent implementation of all the MLI parts than stock's jumble of different implementations. I find that foil in general tends to not be everyone's cup of tea though. Luckily, there are several variants of the probe cores, some of which don't involve any MLI. 

On 9/11/2019 at 6:36 AM, King Arthur said:

I found the stock Vector (specifically the plume) to be much more true to the RS-25 SSME than the Restock version.

I think it's been pointed out already, but as the maker of said part and effects, I will fight that statement to the death.

On 9/11/2019 at 6:36 AM, King Arthur said:

Left: Stock, Right: Restock. The stock nose cone and Mk3 Cockpit are flush with each other, making a beautiful and smooth aerodynamic line, but the Restock version ruins it. Yes it's minor, but I find great pleasure in these small details lining up.


Yeah this kind of thing is a large challenge. You see, there's more than one use for that part. Because of the large set of possibilities for placement, it's quite difficult to ensure that every use case is catered for. Because that part shows up in career along with rockets at the beginning, the choice was made to shape it in a rocket-friendly fashion. This of course creates challenges with the particular placement you describe but other uses have much better part flow now. We have to make choices like this all the time - one very key improvement that has been universally hailed is the top node of the 2.5m command pod, where we deviate from stock for considerably better part flow.

We continue to welcome assistance and iterate on the project and if you find cases where things are actually mechanically different than their stock implementation, please let us know and we'll look into it.

Edited by Nertea
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37 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Yeah this kind of thing is a large challenge. You see, there's more than one use for that part. Because of the large set of possibilities for placement, it's quite difficult to ensure that every use case is catered for. Because that part shows up in career along with rockets at the beginning, the choice was made to shape it in a rocket-friendly fashion. This of course creates challenges with the particular placement you describe but other uses have much better part flow now. We have to make choices like this all the time - one very key improvement that has been universally hailed is the top node of the 2.5m command pod, where we deviate from stock for considerably better part flow.

We continue to welcome assistance and iterate on the project and if you find cases where things are actually mechanically different than their stock implementation, please let us know and we'll look into it.

Given that the stock Aerodynamic Nose Cone fits both the Mk3 Cockpit and rocket noses, at least as far as I can tell anyway (and I use this nose cone a lot, it's my favorite one for almost everything), I'm not convinced that Restock has to make a compromise that stock never had to deal with.

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13 hours ago, King Arthur said:

Given that the stock Aerodynamic Nose Cone fits both the Mk3 Cockpit and rocket noses, at least as far as I can tell anyway (and I use this nose cone a lot, it's my favorite one for almost everything), I'm not convinced that Restock has to make a compromise that stock never had to deal with.

I think providing a smooth transition for the cone was important. You disagree with this. That alright - it's an art project, disagreement is allowed as art is subjective. However, and I'll continue to emphasize this, there is no mechanical difference between the two parts, it's purely visual. If you find things that are *not* opinion pieces about particular art bits, I'm happy to address them. Heck, if a vast majority of people didn't like a particular choice, I would consider making an adjustment. However, this is the first I've heard of it and from your posts, I don't think you are really interested in garnering community support to change it - you just don't like the mod art. 

Which again, is fine, it's too bad, but it's fine. 

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@King Arthur just, like, look at the blacklist/whitelist. I figured it out in like an hour.

but because you dont seem to want to, i'll do it for you:



just copy that into Notepad++ or something, and save it as noseconeandskwodSSME.restockwhitelist or whatever have you, and 

remove those lines from the .restockblacklist file within Gamedata/ReStock.(?)

Edited by Barzon
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1 hour ago, Barzon said:

@King Arthur just, like, look at the blacklist/whitelist. I figured it out in like half an hour.

but because you dont seem to want to, i'll do it for you:

  Reveal hidden contents


just copy that into Notepad++ or something, and save it as noseconeandskwodSSME.restockwhitelist or whatever have you

That's not accurate. You also need to adjust the actual patch as well. 

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1 hour ago, Barzon said:

@King Arthur just, like, look at the blacklist/whitelist. I figured it out in like an hour.

but because you dont seem to want to, i'll do it for you:

  Reveal hidden contents


just copy that into Notepad++ or something, and save it as noseconeandskwodSSME.restockwhitelist or whatever have you, and 

remove those lines from the .restockblacklist file within Gamedata/ReStock.(?)

I am quite aware what I need to do to pick out stuff I want from Restock, no need to be snarky about it.

It is really old that the slightest of disagreements evokes the white knights as if a great cardinal sin was committed. Seen it happen time and time again everywhere. Restock doesn't need you to defend its honor or whatever it is you think I've infringed. :V

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On 9/13/2019 at 8:36 PM, cineboxandrew said:

Ah, that mod is probably not handling skinned meshes correctly, the same problem KIS and FAR had

Well, it does handle skinned mesh renderers; what is the correct way, though, I don't know. I have some skinned animated models in the Hangar itself which work ok.

What I've encountered in the past is some animated models (like stock drills) that have their objects scattered all around the place on frame 0, but gathered properly in place on frame 1. So dimension calculation only work properly after animator module kicks in.

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29 minutes ago, Shaddow Phönix said:


Hello Guys.


I installed both ReStock Mods. But now I becoming an error message. Could anyone help me pls ?

Bug message



I think you are using a very old version of KSP or Restock because that folder in your screenshot don`t exist in newer versions. In 1.7.3 the T-series Tanks are in this folder: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\FuelTank\Size1_Tanks\.

Please tell us your KSP-version and Restock-version

Edited by Cheesecake
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39 minutes ago, Cheesecake said:

I think you are using a very old version of KSP or Restock because that folder in your screenshot don`t exist in newer versions. In 1.7.3 the T-series Tanks are in this folder: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\FuelTank\Size1_Tanks\.

Please tell us your KSP-version and Restock-version

ReStock / ReStock+ Version 0.14


KSP Version (no DLC buyed)

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Its because when KSP updates, it doesn't remove the files from the game's directory that no longer exist within the game. The easiest way to resolve this issue is to either delete the folders/files the bug report specified or, even easier, just delete the whole 'Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SQUAD' folder and either verify the integrity of the game files in Steam or copy over the SQUAD folder from a brand new install/download of KSP.

This should remove the erroneous files that are causing the issue,

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26 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

Its because when KSP updates, it doesn't remove the files from the game's directory that no longer exist within the game. The easiest way to resolve this issue is to either delete the folders/files the bug report specified or, even easier, just delete the whole 'Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SQUAD' folder and either verify the integrity of the game files in Steam or copy over the SQUAD folder from a brand new install/download of KSP.

This should remove the erroneous files that are causing the issue.

Ok ty.

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3 hours ago, Foxxonius Augustus said:

This is a weird one. Did you at any point move files from an old ksp version to that install?

Nah, like Poodmund said, that message in KSP is there because at some point squad altered file locations and the old ones weren’t removed from existing installs. 

After a few people reported problems with ReStock it was found that these files were the culprit, so the error message was added to notify the user. 

Though honestly I’d rewrite the error a bit better. Like saying “old KSP files detected, to ensure proper functionality with ReStock please reinstall KSP or check the forum thread for detailed instructions on removing these outdated files.”

After all, nobody likes “something is wrong” messages. 

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1 minute ago, zer0Kerbal said:

welcome - and just for future reference, part mods (even ones as extensive as ReStock and ReStock+) generally don't need to update for a game update - because they have no plugins (.dll's).

Happy flying!

Except restock does have it's own plugin

Edited by GrandProtectorDark
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