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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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On 11/27/2019 at 12:34 PM, DarkNounours said:

I am currently digging into Restockplus in order to develop a config file for Tweakscale. While reviewing the cfg files something showed up about the way the config files and the parts are named.

Basically all files respect a naming like restock-fueltank-adapter-1875-0625-1 where several information can be found.

1/ All the files starts by restock. This is indeed a good idea ;)

2/ the last digit is for a variant or version number. Many parts ends with 1 as there is only one iteration.

3/ Optionally a set of digits indicates the size of the part

4/ Optionally a second set of digits indicates the second size of the part when it is actually an adapater.

5/ What is left in the middle is basically an item type. Some keywords are very useful to find out which scaling method should be used such as "radial", "adapter". Very smart move ;) 

I must say I love the strong governance you put in place regarding your developments.

Still, there are a few parts out of the ~90 which do not comply to this naming policy. Not sure they are all listed.

restock-engine-torch        -> no variant/version
restock-engine-125-pug      -> size is misplaced, no variant
restock-engine-125-valiant  -> size is misplaced, no variant
restock-engine-boar         -> no size, no variant
restock-engine-cherenkov    -> no size, no variant
restock-engine-375-corgi    -> size is misplaced, no variant

It is something which may evolve to get an enhanced consistency in the naming policy? That would help a lot to automatically generate a config file for Tweakscale by parsing the cfg files :p

(I want something to be clear. This is not a hidden requirement, this is a simple question. I have not written the program to generate such a config file yet, beyond parsing all parts and trying to find a method to find out which Scaling method should be used given the information provided in the cfg files. I don't even know whether players are interested in such a feature. In my case I would love to be able to resize structural adapters and some tanks. If a program had just to be rerun to take into account new Restock+ parts, that would be great and effortless.)

Yours sincerlery, DarkNounours.

Names are fixed now unfortunately because changing them affects parts. We try to be as consistent as possible, but obviously there have been some divergence, and the engine scheme has evolved, it's typically now only restock-engine-name-version, as engines are fairly unique and identifiable. The overall goal was to make sure that it was fairly easy to find a config from looking ingame and for engines that's the easiest way. 

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17 hours ago, Nertea said:

Names are fixed now unfortunately because changing them affects parts. We try to be as consistent as possible, but obviously there have been some divergence, and the engine scheme has evolved, it's typically now only restock-engine-name-version, as engines are fairly unique and identifiable. The overall goal was to make sure that it was fairly easy to find a config from looking ingame and for engines that's the easiest way. 

Okay thanks for the insight.  Actually it is not an engine specific matter, one of the purposes of the generator is to identify the default size of a part, so that the Tweakscale UI displays it correctly before rescaling it.

Folders names seem to be mandatory to the script :D

Edited by DarkNounours
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I'm just having an enlightenment right now and want to confirm it;

I started using Restock mod only recently so I'm new to it.

I noticed that changing Convert-O-Tron 250's size with TweakScale didn't effect it's properties like efficiency and power consumption. I recalled otherwise but I thought I might be remembering wrong.

I also noticed that I can't scale my Service Bays anymore, which I definitely remember being able to before...

So I believe ReStock is causing this am I right?

And I believe @DarkNounours and you guys are actually talking about this?

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1 minute ago, Atlas Gaming said:

Not tried resizing convertotron but would look at TweakScale as first. I can confirm that the ReStock Service Bay can be changed in size with no problems in 1.8.2

Just to confirm that we are talking about the same parts, you are refering to these right?
Service bays

If so I definitely can't change those using KSP 1.8.1, TS v2.4.3.10, ReStock v1.0.1, ReStock+ v1.0.1


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9 minutes ago, Atlas Gaming said:

Not tried resizing convertotron but would look at TweakScale as first. I can confirm that the ReStock Service Bay can be changed in size with no problems in 1.8.2

Hmmm, I wasn't aware that 1.8.2 had been released.

Just checked.  Nope, still 1.8.1.  Do you have a time machine?

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10 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Do you have a time machine?

Shhh... :P

10 hours ago, Problemless Mods Wanter said:

Just to confirm that we are talking about the same parts, you are refering to these right?

Yup... resizing them works for me with latest restock and TS (per CKAN)

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Found a big problem in ReStock while debugging this evening.  It appears that the code is calling something from a MonoBehaviour constructor when it should be called in Awake or Start.

Error is below:

Uploading Crash Report
UnityException: CreateImpl is not allowed to be called from a MonoBehaviour constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in Awake or Start instead. Called from MonoBehaviour 'ModuleRestockHeatEffects' on game object 'ISRU'.
See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock.CreateImpl()
  at UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock..ctor () [0x00008] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Export\Shaders\Shader.cs:91 
  at Restock.ModuleRestockHeatEffects..ctor () [0x0006b] in <5f630da388a8451da44f91da25ece68b>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\Export\Scripting\GameObject.bindings.cs:222)
Part:AddModule(String, Boolean)
Part:AddModule(ConfigNode, Boolean)
PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode)


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On 11/5/2019 at 1:01 AM, Nertea said:

There doesn't seem to be such a file in the AmpYear repo or the zip file.

You can make it yourself - just make a file called MyMod.restockwhitelist and put these lines in it. 



For anyone interested or having a similar issue with Freight Transport Technologies, from Umbra Space Industries (RoverDude), the 5m Jumbo SAS being dissapearing from the game, I created a file called FTT.restockwhitelist and put these lines in it;



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Hi guys ! First of all, thank you very much for this piece of art ! You did an amazing job with this mod ! 

I have two questions though :

- I would like to play with the revamped version of the MH parts but without having the new parts provided with Restock+. Is there a way to do that? Do they even exist? 

- What if I prefer some old parts? Is there a way to replace some of the Restock textures by the vanilla ones? 

Thanks and keep up the great work! 

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7 hours ago, Winduck said:

Hi guys ! First of all, thank you very much for this piece of art ! You did an amazing job with this mod ! 

I have two questions though :

- I would like to play with the revamped version of the MH parts but without having the new parts provided with Restock+. Is there a way to do that? Do they even exist? 

- What if I prefer some old parts? Is there a way to replace some of the Restock textures by the vanilla ones? 

Thanks and keep up the great work! 

Check the original post for the whitelist feature and follow the link to the Restock Wiki. 


Restock uses a novel method to stop KSP from loading stock assets - a blacklist file. This reduces the memory footprint of installing this mod by unloading models and textures that are not required. However, this method may break mods that depend on the stock assets. There is an easy way around this as we provide a method to whitelist files. Check the entry on the Restock Wiki for more information about this. 


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On 12/5/2019 at 4:12 AM, Winduck said:

- I would like to play with the revamped version of the MH parts but without having the new parts provided with Restock+. Is there a way to do that? Do they even exist? 


Just install the mod and not Restock+


Just now, infinite_monkey said:

Since this was posted just before the announcement of 1.0.0, I think @Nertea meant the version after that. So I supposed it had been changed in 1.0.1...

There is technically a new way, I just haven't got around to adding it on the wiki yet. Check Restock/RestockPatchDisabler.cfg:

// Disables Restock patches for stock parts.

// To use, uncomment the follwing @PART entry, and change yourPartName to the part that you want Restock to leave alone :(.
// Make a copy with an appropriate value for every yourPartName you want to disable

// @PART[yourPartName]:BEFORE[ReStock]
//  RestockIgnore = True


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4 hours ago, 008 said:

I have a weird bug that Communotron 16 and DTS-J1 do not have any animations

C-16 stays visually deployed no matter what, J1 on the other hand stays retracted

Not a lot of information to go on.  Which version of KSP?

My first guess is a bad installation but it might depend on what other mods you have and which versions they are.  See the link in my sig block below on how to best report problems on modded installs and post a link to a log file for a minimum game session that demonstrates the problem.  A screenshot of your GameData directory might also be useful.

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You know, I feel kind of bad nitpicking, given that you lot have put so much work into this mod, but it seems to me that the small 1.25m tank (FL-T100)'s black and white texture is a bit out of place. The stripes on it have trifold symmetry, where most of the other tanks have quad or double symmetry, and where those can work with each other, they don't mix so well with the 3-way stripes. There was probably a reason for this choice, and I'd be interested to know what it is, but for me it does mess with the unity of this mod's aesthetic.

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Odd bug - not sure if caused by ReStock but my Experiment Storage Unit (the stock crate looking thing) has seemed to change to 4 super thin pillers. Like it's just the edge outline and is empty (clear) in the middle. I'll try excluding it from restock to see if that fixes it or if there is some other mod changing it - any idea how I can tell what mods are applying patches to it?

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1 hour ago, Atlas Gaming said:

Odd bug - not sure if caused by ReStock but my Experiment Storage Unit (the stock crate looking thing) has seemed to change to 4 super thin pillers. Like it's just the edge outline and is empty (clear) in the middle. I'll try excluding it from restock to see if that fixes it or if there is some other mod changing it - any idea how I can tell what mods are applying patches to it?

...\Kerbal Space Program\Logs\ModuleManager\MMPatch.log shows what patches were applied and in what order.

...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.ConfigCache shows what the state of all the data items was after all patches were applied.

Given those and some standard text searching tools (on Windows I like Agent Ransack) you can trace back where the content is coming from.

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