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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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On 9/25/2021 at 12:56 PM, FieryBull said:

Both the HG-5 and the HG-20 have problems.  I suspect it's a long lasting problem that was dismissed in 2019: HG-5 and HG-20 antennas incompatible with Procedural Fairings · Issue #554 · PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked (github.com). Yes, this "bug"  was about procedural fairings, but I believe the same problem occurs with the stock fairings, and it was never fixed. Or maybe it was fixed at some point, I don't know since I haven't used Restocked between 2019 and now.

According to an old developer article, the bays and fairings use the visual center to determine if an object is protected from the atmosphere or not: 

I'm assuming they're still using the same algorithm, I could be totally wrong. The issue is that both of those deployable antennas offers variants with a radial and axial version, and the game uses the complete model hierarchy to determine the center. In that situation, I think the variants weren't designed to have the centroid change drastically between alternatives. Here is what the 3D model with its full hierarchy activated looks like in its retracted and then extended state:


If the variants were considered on their own, there would be no issues for the fairing containment, because the visual center would be correct. But the game seems to load all the hierarchy at once, and the center becomes the center of all of them, which is wrong for individual variants. In this example image, I chose radial as the variant, and this is roughly how the visual center will be situated. (because the game uses the center of all the variants active at the same time)


For drag cube generation, a similar issue. A deployable antenna expects two drag cube, one named RETRACTED, and the other one named EXTENDED_A. When you have variants in addition, the game generates a drag cube for each variant. So for those two antennas, you end up with 6 drag cube:

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

The RETRACTED and EXTENDED_A cubes are generated with the whole model hierarchy active, which is wrong, since you have the drag of essentially 4 antennas instead of one. The numbered drag cubes are generated from the extended state of each individual variant. There is no drag cube generated for the individual variants in the retracted state, so it cannot possibly be correct. I suspect the module for deployable antennas wasn't designed for multiple variants. Here are the default drag cubes generated:


The two big bounding boxes are the RETRACTED and EXTENDED_A drag cubes. The 4 other small ones are the variants cubes (0, 1, 2, 3). I'm showing the model before the deploy animation has played in the first picture, and after it has played in the second picture. So the first one is the retracted state, and the second image is the extended state.

For this system to correctly work, the game would have to generate and use a retracted and extended cube for each variants. For example, we'd need 0_RETRACTED, 0_EXTENDED, 1_RETRACTED, 1_EXTENDED, 2_RETRACTED, 2_EXTENDED, 3_RETRACTED, 3_EXTENDED. But alas, the stock code doesn't support this.

As it stands right now, the game seems to weigh both the drag cube of the antenna state (retracted/extended) AND the variant drag cube (in its extended state only).  What can be done to fix the situation? I think custom code is needed if we really want a perfect solution. Otherwise, we need separate parts, we can't have axial and radial as variants in the same part.

Okay, I'm done for now. Reading my post again, I don't feel like I've done a very good job trying to explain the problem, and I'm sorry for that. 

That's pretty interesting, thanks for explaining it so clearly.  I do have one question though:

For my rocket (see post in spoiler), why does the drag appear to work correctly for the stock HG-5/fairing, but not with ReStock?  Wouldn't the incorrect drag centre be outside of the fairing in both cases?

On 9/12/2021 at 9:20 PM, Infinite_Maelstrom said:


I'm having an issue with fairings (1.25m specifically), where surface attached parts are not occluded from causing drag when inside the fairing.  I was having problems with this craft:


Images of drag with ReStock:


Note the two drag lines from the two HG-5 antennae.

Inside the fairing:


The Solar Panels and batteries do not seem to produce red drag lines, even without the fairing (is that normal?).

Here's an image with it working properly (Without ReStock):


Note that only the Fairing itself is producing drag.




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Hello @Nertea. I just noticed there seems to be a problem with your Commutotron 88-88. It appears extended in the VAB, which does not translate well when trying to launch a craft. I am trying to do a replica of the Lucy mission that just launched using that part, and it clips through the fairing if you leave it at the same profile as normal. This antenna should at the very least be folded upon being placed on the craft instead of being fully extended.

I have screenshots of this in the spoiler below.




I understand this is still currently a bug  as seen on GitHub, so I am unsure as to why this has not been fixed yet. However, I do hope that it can be resolved sometime in the near future, if you are willing and able.

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22 minutes ago, Interplanet Janet said:

so I am unsure as to why this has not been fixed yet. However, I do hope that it can be resolved sometime in the near future, if you are willing and able.

The important word here is "able". Modders are amateur enthusiasts, unpaid, and have lives. What is remarkable is how very many mods are maintained for year on end; many fall by the wayside due to LifeTM. Nertea has been active of late but has a lot of high-quality mods to care for, and sometimes difficult problems must be put on the back burner so easier problems can be resolved quickly.

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1 hour ago, softweir said:

The important word here is "able". Modders are amateur enthusiasts, unpaid, and have lives. What is remarkable is how very many mods are maintained for year on end; many fall by the wayside due to LifeTM. Nertea has been active of late but has a lot of high-quality mods to care for, and sometimes difficult problems must be put on the back burner so easier problems can be resolved quickly.

What is remarkable is how a gentle "hey, is there any progress on this issue" can easily be read as "HEY WHY ISN'T IT FIXED YET" by uncharitable people.

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14 hours ago, Tangle said:

What is remarkable is how a gentle "hey, is there any progress on this issue" can easily be read as "HEY WHY ISN'T IT FIXED YET" by uncharitable people.

OK, yeah, I was uncharitable. In my defense, too many "any progress yet" can have the same effect as "HEY WHY ISN'T IT FIXED YET", and seeing just one makes me itchy.


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3 hours ago, softweir said:

OK, yeah, I was uncharitable. In my defense, too many "any progress yet" can have the same effect as "HEY WHY ISN'T IT FIXED YET", and seeing just one makes me itchy.


Pretty reasonable. Always hard to interpret tone on the internet...

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23 minutes ago, Kapitalizing Every Word said:

I've seen somewhere that there is a waterfall config for restock but I don't seem to be able to find it.  anyone knows where?

It's listed as "Waterfall - Restock" on CKAN, or you can download it here:


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On 7/21/2021 at 7:10 AM, gamerscircle said:

Perhaps I am missing something?  I installed the update via CKAN [verified via GameData\ReStock\Versioning] that the latest is installed and I am not seeing any rotational options for any docking ports. 

The updated panels appear to be working, just thought I would drop this in here and see if anyone might have some suggestions?  I saw something in the log that I thought I would share also, do I have a mod conflict then?

I had the same problem, it was an issue with Indicator Lights Community Extensions. I subitted a PR to Snark's repo, but feel free to see the changes here if you want to quickly fix it yourself.

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6 hours ago, ssd21345 said:

Schnauzer is missing plume and causes log spam with waterfall, is it intentional?

log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6iggc0po994q7g/KSP (restock test).log?dl=0


Why on this green earth would that be intentional?

5 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

Is there a list for all the parts that are soft deprecated so I can remove them to prevent them from creating broken contracts?

Not authoratively.

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I'm trying to understand why it's actually broken, been experimenting a little with the mod files. Nertea is understandably busy with KSP2, but would love a little guidance on how it could be possibly fixed. From someone with actual understanding of how KSP mods work, and I definitely don't want to bother Nertea. I highly value his mods to this very day.

On 10/17/2021 at 2:04 AM, Interplanet Janet said:

Hello @Nertea. I just noticed there seems to be a problem with your Commutotron 88-88. It appears extended in the VAB, which does not translate well when trying to launch a craft. I am trying to do a replica of the Lucy mission that just launched using that part, and it clips through the fairing if you leave it at the same profile as normal. This antenna should at the very least be folded upon being placed on the craft instead of being fully extended.

I have screenshots of this in the spoiler below.

  Reveal hidden contents



I understand this is still currently a bug  as seen on GitHub, so I am unsure as to why this has not been fixed yet. However, I do hope that it can be resolved sometime in the near future, if you are willing and able.

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Based on what Nertea said, it seems to be an issue with the actual model or its animations... so you'll probably need access to the source file in order to fix it. You could try using the mu import tools for Blender, import the model into Blender and see if you can identify the issue... if you're brave and/or a Blender guru. 

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How can I exclude parts from Restock overwrites?

I like all the parts except the radial chute changes. The old 'boxy' design looked way better and "blended" into parts much better. 

I tried commenting out the radial chute patches in \GameData\ReStock\Patches\Utility\restock-parachutes.cfg, but for some reason it straight up deleted all the radial chutes from my entire game, as in, they aren't even in the VAB anymore.


Edited by Frostiken
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My guess would be that you removed the alternative part MM patch, but you did not prevent ReStock from unloading the relevant old models. So now the old part can't find its corresponding model and the PartCompiler fails to compile it. You can verify this in your KSP log.

In short, you will also need to edit the ReStock blacklist (GameData/ReStock/Restock.restockblacklist) and remove the parachute entries from that list.

Edited by Grimmas
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1 hour ago, Grimmas said:

My guess would be that you removed the alternative part MM patch, but you did not prevent ReStock from unloading the relevant old models. So now the old part can't find its corresponding model and the PartCompiler fails to compile it. You can verify this in your KSP log.

In short, you will also need to edit the ReStock blacklist (GameData/ReStock/Restock.restockblacklist) and remove the parachute entries from that list.

I'll give that a shot, thanks.

EDIT: Looks like that did the trick, @Grimmas. I originally thought the blacklist was a list of parts to exclude from restockification, because I didn't see radialDrogue and parachuteRadial on it, I missed that they are different names for the parts. When I tried adding them to the list it didn't work originally.

Horray! Square parachute cases are back!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello. So, im having a little issue with the Strut Connector and the Fuel Duct, i can place them on the craft, but when i try to connect the other end it just bugs out and not connect or take the section to which i was trying to atatch it out of the vehicle. I looked at the common issues and searched a bit on the intertet but i havent found anything about it. 

Edited by Willer Kerman
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