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To clarify when the DLC Drops, it's Noon, 12PM CST, here are the other time zones.


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  On 5/30/2019 at 2:05 PM, Geonovast said:

Button mashing F5 at the KSP GoG page.



Do they usually take extra time to somehow GOG'afy their games/install packages/whatever?  I've never purchased from there, but I think I recall reading complaints in the past of their versions taking longer to come out.

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  On 5/30/2019 at 2:16 PM, klesh said:


Do they usually take extra time to somehow GOG'afy their games/install packages/whatever?  I've never purchased from there, but I think I recall reading complaints in the past of their versions taking longer to come out.


Not always, I don't think, but they do seem to take a little extra times on their Linux packages.

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Guys, I posted all the timezones, and im sure they account for DST. Just look at your time zone and see. I'm pretty sure all the times are right, as I got them from a timezone website.


When Mexico City hits 12pm, the dlc should be released. 

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  On 5/30/2019 at 11:54 AM, GoldForest said:

Squad is in Mexico which does use Daylight Savings iirc. And they live in the CST time zone. So they did apply daylight time. So it's 1pm EST. 12pm CST. 11am MST. Etc.


Actually, they DON’T live in the CST timezone, this time of the year. They live in the CDT timezone. CST only applies when you don’t apply daylight savings time, which certain counties do, which is why it’s important.

As you use the word “clarify” in the title of this thread, it’s not helping that you’re using ambiguous terminology. Just because Squad is doing do in their release (shame on them) doesn’t mean that you should. The fact that dateandtime.com fixes sloppy use of the timezones is no excuse to continue it forward. Get it right from the start. It’s not rocket science, and if it were, it should still not be too hard, not on this forum.

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Imagine how much less of the confusion would there be if the company was being decent about this and pretended that USA was not the only country in the world by putting a UTC time format in the announcement.

A man can dream...

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All this confusion around time zones. They should have given us the time in KSP UT style; time in seconds since the first release of KSP. That would have kept us busy for a few minutes!
but really though, who communicates to a global audience and doesn't use UTC?!
Are we still thinking it's releasing at 17:00 UTC?

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Here is the confusion, at least for me:



Except that EST is not in effect, its currently EDT which is 1 hour behind EST.



@St4rdust @UomoCapra   Can you please clarify for the community by providing the release time in UTC?

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  On 5/30/2019 at 3:40 PM, klesh said:

Here is the confusion, at least for me:



Except that EST is not in effect, its currently EDT which is 1 hour behind EST.



@St4rdust @UomoCapra   Can you please clarify for the community by providing the release time in UTC?


Either people should use something like “GMT -6” or use  something like “1PM CST (No DST)”. Makes it crystal clear. 

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It's out on the KSP store! wooo. downloading now.
I'll have KerbalX updated with the DLC info shortly.

(well I say shortly, I have the worst rural internet ever, maybe in an hour.....)

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