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What are some colonies and colony locations you are going to build?


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Me personally:

Deep Space 9 - Star Trek

-kind of like the shape and would position it between solar systems or on the edge of a solar system, to use as a pit stop.

Orbital Defence Mac Cannon - Halo

-Not so much for the gun, but more just to have something from Halo

Space Dock - Star Trek

-Idk, those giant lamp looking stations look neat.

Orbital Construction Yard - Star Trek

-Star Trek construction yards always seemed right to me. Giant hanger like structure.

Spaghetti Station - Nothing

-Let's be honest... all our Stations will end up like this at one point. 

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11 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

Growing and shrinking?

It's a long standing gripe about the DS9 series. There was problems with the VFX shots keeping with the same scale, so it looked as the station was growing and shrinking from scene to scene, episode to episode.

If you want a more info about DS9/Terok Nor or Star Trek in general, check out the link below. :)


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I'd like to make a Cis-Munar and maybe Cis-Minmi(?) route, where you have a large LKO station with refueling capability, and habitation. Then a station around the Mun and Minmus meant for ship  assembly. The Mun station would be meant for Interplanetary missions, and be supported by at least one colony. The Minmus one would be meant for Interstellar missions, and also be supported by at least one colony.

I think I may put a station/colony in some other locations, like Duna, Laythe, and some planet in another system; but given my patience for docking, I don't think I'll make many stations outside of that.


At least, that's what I'm thinking right now.

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If we ever get an asteroid belt, I'll make a colony on Duna to launch mining equipment out of. Duna is cheaper than Kerbin in terms of delta-v, both because its closer to the asteroids and because it has less mass.

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14 minutes ago, Xd the great said:

If flying colonies are allowed, a self-sustaining carrier capable of bombing everywhere in the solar system, complete with bombers, scouters, refueling landers and resource harvesters.

Okay Nick Fury XD

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For the "default" game:

- An orbital construction colony orbiting Kerbin to build large interplanetary and interstellar colony ships

- A small settlement on the Mun, just to understand how to do a surface colony

- A larger colony on Duna, because reasons

- Another large city on Laythe, which is canonically habitable so this makes sense

- That icy water moon in the trailer, plus any other cool worlds that haven't been shown yet


As for when the RSS-equivalent mod for KSP2 is released:

- A colony in Low Earth Orbit, again to build interplanetary and maybe interstellar spacecraft

- A city on Mars, preferably using something similar to the BFR

- Other colonies in useful locations such as the moon, Titan etc

- If KSP2's RSS mod features Proxima Centauri, that too

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33 minutes ago, ChrisSpace said:

For the "default" game:

- An orbital construction colony orbiting Kerbin to build large interplanetary and interstellar colony ships

- A small settlement on the Mun, just to understand how to do a surface colony

- A larger colony on Duna, because reasons

- Another large city on Laythe, which is canonically habitable so this makes sense

- That icy water moon in the trailer, plus any other cool worlds that haven't been shown yet


As for when the RSS-equivalent mod for KSP2 is released:

- A colony in Low Earth Orbit, again to build interplanetary and maybe interstellar spacecraft

- A city on Mars, preferably using something similar to the BFR

- Other colonies in useful locations such as the moon, Titan etc

- If KSP2's RSS mod features Proxima Centauri, that too

An analogue of PC might already be in game. I'm more wondering if modders will put in a solar system relative to Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy or Andromeda Galaxy. Of course, Warp Drive is needed to make the trip to either of these places. 

11 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

(at least) One base on every world you can land on. (at least) One station in every planet's SOI, may be in a moon's SOI instead.

Even with the improvements they are claiming, your computer is going to cry. 

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1 minute ago, GoldForest said:

Even with the improvements they are claiming, your computer is going to cry. 

Naaw I don't see why. If they're calculating THAT MUCH stuff for bases and stations on rails they're doing something wrong.

Unless they have literally dozens of hand crafted systems but I seriously doubt that. I wonder what's the over/under on number of new systems? I'd put it at 4 or 5 myself.

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Won't it depend on the game play mechanics and what it makes worthwhile.

Would hope the game tries to makes one station or colony in each SOI worthwhile and different in terms of challenge.

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7 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Naaw I don't see why. If they're calculating THAT MUCH stuff for bases and stations on rails they're doing something wrong.

Unless they have literally dozens of hand crafted systems but I seriously doubt that. I wonder what's the over/under on number of new systems? I'd put it at 4 or 5 myself.


Though, I suspect it's 3 to 5. 

5 minutes ago, mattinoz said:

Won't it depend on the game play mechanics and what it makes worthwhile.

Would hope the game ties to makes one station or colony in each SOI worthwhile and different in terms of challenge.

Rask and Rusk, all I'm going to say... 

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A well-hidden lair of an Evil Scientist to land everywhere from space and implement sinister plans.
With a personal army of BadS female Kerbal guards in Mord-Sith-style spacesuits (if TextureReplacer is implemented) to operate the spacecrafts.

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I've already decided that the first base will be built as part of Project Horizon and then become my first colony as Horizon Munar Colony i have the advantage that Blizzard already made a perfect poster:



Another one will be my first extended base on Duna that I will name after Mars base Salla from the seventh episode of Super Dimensional Fortress Macross.

And, obviously, my orbital colonies-ships will use the prefix "SDF" and my ssto shuttles will continue to steal names and designs from the Macross franchise.

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Obvious one is Minmus however this depend a lot of how raw materials are distributed so Mun might be an better place for an shipyard. 

One idea is to have an moveable orbital shipyard or at least an orbital colony who is able to make colony parts and have it travel around establish colonies. 
The benefit of making an ship with an  orbital shipyard is that it can make copies of itself. 

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1 hour ago, Master39 said:

I've already decided that the first base will be built as part of Project Horizon and then become my first colony as Horizon Munar Colony i have the advantage that Blizzard already made a perfect poster:



Another one will be my first extended base on Duna that I will name after Mars base Salla from the seventh episode of Super Dimensional Fortress Macross.

And, obviously, my orbital colonies-ships will use the prefix "SDF" and my ssto shuttles will continue to steal names and designs from the Macross franchise.

XD I'm guessing you're going to install infernal robotics as well and make the semi-robotic F-14s?

1 hour ago, magnemoe said:

Obvious one is Minmus however this depend a lot of how raw materials are distributed so Mun might be an better place for an shipyard. 

One idea is to have an moveable orbital shipyard or at least an orbital colony who is able to make colony parts and have it travel around establish colonies. 
The benefit of making an ship with an  orbital shipyard is that it can make copies of itself. 

Moving a orbital shipyard is going to take a lot of fuel and time. Are you up for the challenge?

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1 minute ago, GoldForest said:

XD I'm guessing you're going to install infernal robotics as well and make the semi-robotic F-14s?

Sooner or later I will do a Valkyrie replica, for now the only robotic plane I'm playing with are foldable Eve propeller probe planes, and I was just planning the sequel of that mission (a propeller plane that goes up to 19000 m above the clouds to deploy a rocket that brings experiment results in orbit) when I heard the interview in which Nate  Simpson said that they are trying to make every new planet or moon a challenge other than a simple DV problem, that's exactly what happened to Eve with breaking ground and stock propellers, now the "Big asparagus 20m tall Vector lander" is the brute-force approach to Eve-return not the most optimal one.

14 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

Moving a orbital shipyard is going to take a lot of fuel and time. Are you up for the challenge?

I suspect and hope that the big interstellar ship in the trailer is a mix between normal "VAB" craft parts and the new "Bae" colony/station parts.


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