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The Loading Screen Contest!


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  On 9/27/2019 at 6:54 PM, nwillard said:

Glenand Kerman was doing a typical "rescue-spacewalk" when she ran out of EVA fuel.



  On 9/28/2019 at 12:07 AM, 5thHorseman said:

You have 2 other options.

  • The Klaw. I'm not 100% sure you can transfer fuel to her but you could at least take her to an airless world to let her climb up a ladder into a ship.
  • Position a ladder VERY CAREFULLY next to her so she can grab it. I've done this and it's very hard but possible.

And there's a 3rd option: use the mod EasyBoard.

Look in the first post for "Herd Instinct".  It'll tell you how when maneuvering a craft to have it automatically pick up a Kerbal on EVA and either grab a ladder or board.

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  On 9/28/2019 at 12:07 AM, 5thHorseman said:

The Klaw. I'm not 100% sure you can transfer fuel to her but you could at least take her to an airless world to let her climb up a ladder into a ship.


Well, once you got her grappled with a Klaw you can also land her on Kerbin. Either with a careful reentry (propulsively slowing down enough that the heating is survivable), sheltering her in a cargo bay, or behind a heat-shield. Now that I think about it: you don't necessarily need to grab her with a Klaw to shelter her in a cargo bay.

In short: there are many ways to rescue a Kerbal that is stranded without EVA fuel. Leaving them to orbit indefinitely is just cruel! ;.;
(Well, it's not like we all haven't done cruel things to Kerbals on occasion...)

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  On 9/28/2019 at 7:12 AM, AHHans said:

Now that I think about it: you don't necessarily need to grab her with a Klaw to shelter her in a cargo bay.


You don't, but you can't use timewarp if you have loose kerbals or objects inside your cargo bay either. One time I rescued a kerbal inside of a 2.5m service bay, that worked.

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Here's my entry :)

First mission


The dawn of the space age


Another happy landing


First steps on Minmus


Launch with PASSION


Far away from home




Using my forum name is good. Thank you :)

Edited by Cat91
biggur pics
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I guess I might as well crack open the old render vault, then. These are some of my personal favorite renders that I've made in various 3D Software. (better late than never I suppose)


Lander touching down on Gilly's porous surface


Shuttle Delivering Station Components


Deep space probe encountering Laythe


High Fidelity Minmus


I grant permission to use my forum handle in any announcements.

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I'm sorry to report that Glenand from last page is now no longer with us... ever since the Kerbals mysteriously began craving vital nutrients, she ran out of time. Before she went, the genius actually created a burst antenna from jetpack coolant to send one last message... "Earn this!"

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I do not expect that this low resolution image would find its way into the LoadingScreen - as a matter of fact, I intend to hack my installments to include it for me, and this is good enough. :P

But.. As much as the contestants here have really, really impressive work (and I meant it!), this screenshot of one of my first challenges is what resumes the KSP experience for me. :sticktongue:

I'm very found of it. :D


However, the image below (on the spoiler) is what I really would love to have on my Loading Screen. Ok, it have some text so it's not a proper entry - but I like it the same. :D

  Reveal hidden contents

I authorize the use of the images (including the one on Spoiler. besides not being applicable to the Contest) and my login name as requested on the OP.

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