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Add a fifth fundemental force


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3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Love. It moves a the speed of thought and can overcome every other force.

yes I'm joking.

Honestly given the number of films where such stuff transcends time and space are quite abundant, I think it's one good fantasy.



But wait - fantasy. Not science.


This thread doesn't belong in Science and Spaceflight ?

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21 minutes ago, Nuke said:

baconitism. the force that is exerted by bacon that makes everyone want to eat as much as possible of it and make fond memes about it and generally have a positive outlook on all things bacon.


I must be immune because I am adverse to it.

Yet I am strongly effected by the force of gyrotity.


Like a salad and a steak all at once inside your mouth. Awesome.

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Not a force, but a matter, the Aether.
(Why not if the Dark Matter is enough good).

To make a drag in vacuum and prevent endless motion.
To use space jets (of course, not just aerojets, but a propulsion system accelerating the aether).
For space acoustics, to hear n vacuum.
To prevent blackholes by the aethereal pressure. They are a waste of matter.
To use Carnot cycle (it's popular in this forum) with nothing.
To make matter from aether (say, to have unlimited fuel for nowadays engines).
To make a superdense aethereal core for a tiny planetoid with 1 g on surface (Hi, Kerb!).
To add aethereal bounds between atoms and create superdense and superstrong materials for radprotection. To make a tabletop NUPSA (Nuke UPSA).
To make aethereal radiators.
To make artificial gravity by aethereal blowing with ceiling fans. To have it in tiny ships.
Summary: to make a self-sufficient space RV and get away from the planet.

Edited by kerbiloid
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One obvious one would be something who counter gravity and is linked to electromagnetism somehow. In short you could create lift by electrical power alone. i assume you could get trust too. 
No you will still need power so its not an perpetuum mobile but you don't need reaction mass. 
One better might be an way to make easy fusion as in the original cold fusion idea but no idea how to make this an force. 

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Something somehow enabling FTL travel without any need for that maybe-impossible negative mass stuff. Or maybe something that creates negative mass somehow. I don't know.

Or, alternatively, since this really sounds like it's drifting towards the Forum Games section:

Only one? In that case, a force that can create more forces.

Edited by ThatGuyWithALongUsername
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55 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Why add forces when you can just make a formula for the four existing ones, then just start varying the coefficients.

Of course, someone should mention this here, too.

An perfectly unsafe device, how does that box react then the one ton test object become energy. It might get a bit hot? If not trick someone to open the door. 
This is an fun practical joke. 

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