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DAKAR 2020 concept open for suggestions


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10 minutes ago, Triop said:



What do you think ? Let me know.

This is going to be hell, I think we need more checkpoints stages to even make this possible...

Hmmmm ... a bit of a haul but totally doable :wink:

I think I may have something in my bag of tricks that would do nicely for setting up each stage as well as keeping a scoreboard 

OrX - Is There Anybody Out There (the successor to Orx The Loot Box Controversy) has geocaching as well as a challenge creator specifically designed for racing that has a built in scoreboard that can be update in game by dropping a challengers exported scores file in a specific location ... the scoreboard code automagically updates the scoreboard 

The whole deal is contained in one text file (.orx file) that has a bit of encryption to prevent config editing out any blueprints or local vessels that are to be spawned when the player gets within 2km of the geocache location

I think this challenge would be a perfect test of the Outlaw Racing deal in OrX ... I need another week to finish cleaning it up but I'm down


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21 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

has geocaching as well as a challenge creator specifically designed for racing that has a built in scoreboard that can be update in game by dropping a challengers exported scores file in a specific location

That sounds cool, but I need more info on that, for now I have no idea what that looks like.

I'm willing to go wild on this Dakar, it will be a hard challenge, not a competition.

We still dont know who won the 2017 edition... ^_^

10 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Hmmmm. This gives me the idea to try Smart Parts on a car, and inspiration to mess with cars again in general. :)

Inspiration is what this is all about.  :cool:

Edit: It's a long and boring drive, you have to be insane like me to even want to do this . . . .

The fun part will be getting your car over the river. &)

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Yeahhhh... I noticed that there's a river. More like a Strait. ;) My immediate thought was to build my own highway over it (Konstructs) and let loose with my car (with all ability to prevent unplanned ascent or other change of vector). I managed some flying cars too, some months back, but completely lost the skill for it now. :P

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4 hours ago, Klapaucius said:

Back when we were doing race course designs, I had an idea to do a hill climb. It was in those very mountains just north of 6.  I would shorten the route and run it through that rough terrain. There are some great places to drive in there.

Good point, the route I've drawn is pretty flat and boring, and maybe too long.

Can you set up a route and show us ?

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How about another mountain stage, or at least a *northern* route thru/around the mountain range NW of KSC (between stage 1 and 3)?... going north at least seems shorter? also, a direct line between 1 & 3, seems like you would at least be going thru the northern foothills, which seems it would be at least a little moar interesting/challenging, than the seemingly flatter, open terrain along the current southern route? vOv

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On 9/26/2019 at 9:40 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Now I'm wondering, does the Races! mod still work for 1.7.3

I don't know, I need to check that.

On 9/26/2019 at 9:40 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

what's the max distance gates can be placed from each other?

As far as I know there is no limit.

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I would personally feel fun with a transoceanic route as long as we all can enjoy racing over the same bridge, viaduct or causeway. Or even through a tunnel, but an un-flooded underwater tunnel is still inpossible in KSP atm. ;.;

But yeah, still fun to do this race, with kOS if one has no patience. I can tolerate both sub-continental routes and transoceanic routes as well.

Just some questiond; when will the race start? I'm free throughout this December.

Amd how's the fuel managing would be? Will there be 'petrol stations' or we'll be racing using RTG or solar cars?

On 9/27/2019 at 1:42 AM, Triop said:

Thanks for all the suggestions, I made a new route :


It's shorter and has a lot of rough terrain.

What do you guys think ?


Looks fine, but will be better if any sort of checkpoint is added. That way I'm not gonna get lost.

EDIT : Forgot to say I'm new to DAKAR.

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
Thx for merging.
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22 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Could always use both - Flags for convenient UI markers to tell you where to go, and the Races! gates for timing.

Yes, 100 agreed, you'll never find the Races! gate without a flag.

I think I'll use Races! for each stage, a start and a finish gate. from there you can load stage 2 etc etc, you know what I mean.

I guess I'll upload the Dakar in Races! files and let competitors plant marking flags themself using Vesselmover mod.

So if this Dakar has 7 stages, I'll upload 7 Races! tracks and we will add those times up to see who is was the fastest.

You guys agree ? Let me know.

I'm sure Races! will work in 1.7.3 Last version I've tested it in was 1.7.2.

For those who don't have the mod yet :



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I'm still working on the Dakar.

I am setting it up with the Races! mod.

Every stage will have checkpoints for you to drive through.

I'll make sure the checkpoints are not impossible to find.




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