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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

682 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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Hello - I believe that Parallax 2.0 is crashing KSRSS. Parallax seems to be the one consistent factor that crashes my game, which is odd because two days ago it was working perfectly fine. Here is my KSP.log.

SYMPTOMS - Stuck on black spinny planets loading thing.

NOTE: some error about bones shows up a lot. I have no idea what's causing them.


KSP.log link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YBvYfwdBEyA33MDAZeNP8aJ7puXRFKjj/view?usp=sharing


Edited by eagleswing12
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4 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

With the gitlab download do I need sigma to rescale is or is it 2.5 by default? Also, is it possible to remove city lights? The texture get's really bothersome.

Not sure aboht the rescale, but the city lights can be deleted from inside the folders.

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10 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

With the gitlab download do I need sigma to rescale is or is it 2.5 by default? Also, is it possible to remove city lights? The texture get's really bothersome.

You don't need any rescale mods with Reborn.

As for city lights, note that this feature is used not only for Earth, but to add lava to Io. If you want only the latter, you'll need to edit CityLights.cfg (located in KSRSS\EVE folder)

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Getting severe lag once I view earth from orbit. To eliminate the possibility I installed this wrong, I do have to delete the \configs folder from \parallax_stocktextures right? PC is Ryzen 9 3900x 32gb ram and 5700xt GPU 

I saw an issue posted on github with the same problem. If the install is correct, what can be done to bring performance back to playable? 

Log File

Edited by Fihnakis
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7 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

what do II need to change?

Probably just comment out the city lights portion but I just started learning how things work in KSP so I could be wrong



//   {
//        body = Kerbin
//        cityLightsMaterial
//        {
//           _CityOverlayDetailScale = 120
//            _CityOverlayTex
//            {
//               value = Earth
//                isClamped = True
//                type = AlphaCubeMap
//                alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_R
//            }
//            _CityDarkOverlayDetailTex
//            {
//                value = KSRSS/EVE/Textures/Detail/Night
//            }
//            _CityLightOverlayDetailTex
//            {
//                value = KSRSS/EVE/Textures/Detail/Day
//            }
//        }
//    }

Edited by Fihnakis
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45 minutes ago, Taki117 said:

I feel really dumb, but is there a way to tell which size solar system got installed?

In your \gamedata\ksrss folder is a file, configuration.cfg. Inside that is the option for system size. It is set to default which is 2.7x bigger than stock. 

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2 hours ago, Fihnakis said:

In your \gamedata\ksrss folder is a file, configuration.cfg. Inside that is the option for system size. It is set to default which is 2.7x bigger than stock. 

That explains so much. I was having issues getting to orbit for the "Orbit Earth" contract because I was using the wrong dV chart...

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5 hours ago, AstroKerbal1B said:

When using KSRSS 2.7x I never get to orbit with MechJeb, pretty sure it's because of MechJeb settings.
What are the recommended MechJeb settings when using KSRSS?

Pretty much the same as stock. Are you sure your upper stage(s) have enough dV?

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15 hours ago, AstroKerbal1B said:

When using KSRSS 2.7x I never get to orbit with MechJeb, pretty sure it's because of MechJeb settings.
What are the recommended MechJeb settings when using KSRSS?

Actually tested this out and you need about 5500dV to get to a 100km orbit, I used the RSS/RO ascent profile for Mechjeb and it seemed to work better than the stock ascent.

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