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[1.3.1] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann" 4/2/18


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  On 7/27/2018 at 10:03 PM, ss8913 said:

I'm taking the easy route on this and just using the [free] community visual studio, since it seems to be set up for that, as most mods are.  you basically just have to load the .sln file into VS, add references where you point it at your KSP install's dlls . the references thing, you right click on the references and add references, point it at your ksp dir's ksp_data_x64/managed/ and the DLLs you need are in there.  add the references that it asks for until there are no warning symbols on any of the listed references.  then just F6 to build, and you'll have a binary now somewhere under your source tree; copy that to the appropriate place in your KSP install.

to get the source, look at like CKAN or the first page of this thread, download the .zip of the 'master' branch from github.. extract it somewhere; it uses long pathnames so somewhere like C:\temp\ is good to avoid windows's limit on path length.  Then do as above with VS.. VS community edition is a free download from microsoft.

I'm sure you can do this with monodevelop as well but I wouldn't know the specifics.


Thanks for the instructions. I, being completely new to any of this sort of thing, managed to get as far as adding the references. I attempted to hit F6 as instructed but nothing seemed to happened. Seeing as I have no idea what this is a shortcut for, I'm stumped as to what I should do next. I don't know what a "binary" is, what or where the "source tree" is. I assume I'm at the point where I'm just exporting (recompiling?) it into a format which can be installed to /gamedata? Forgive my ignorance, I work in animation so I rarely delve into coding or programming. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For those who are as new to this sort of thing as I, I'll save you from the research I did in order to understand the instructions provided by ss8913. Maybe there's someone who is as hopelessly inept as I am who will benefit:

  • VS = Microsoft Visual Studio, when installing I used the "Unity engine" and ".net framwork" addons/installs. Everything seemed to work after that.
  • The .sln (FerramAerospaceResearch.sln) file is in the main directory (top folder) of the FAR master branch on github. Download the .ZIP from this link then and extract it. You should then be able to open FAR in VS using the .sln file.
  • The references in VS (when the file is opened) are located in the "solution explorer" bar on the right side of the user interface as tabs. There were two tabs of references, one under "FerramAerospaceReserach" and one under "ferramGraph". Expand the tabs to see the individual references and whether they need modifying (represented by warning symbols).
  • For me (I assume this would be universal) the references that needed modifying were "Assembly-CSharp", "KSPAssets", "ModularFlightIntergrator", "UnityEngine" and "UnityEngine.UI"
  • The "ModularFlightIntergrator" dll is located in /gamedata/ModularFlightIntergrator

If anyone who actually knows what they are doing sees anything wrong with this, please feel free to correct it. I did the best I could. Again, if anyone can help me with the final steps, it would also be greatly appreciated. I am a novice so don't hesitate to treat me as one and spell it out if you think it will help.  I quite eager to start playing again.

Edited by MicUK88
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  On 7/31/2018 at 10:06 PM, MicUK88 said:

Thanks for the instructions. I, being completely new to any of this sort of thing, managed to get as far as adding the references. I attempted to hit F6 as instructed but nothing seemed to happened. Seeing as I have no idea what this is a shortcut for, I'm stumped as to what I should do next. I don't know what a "binary" is, what or where the "source tree" is. I assume I'm at the point where I'm just exporting (recompiling?) it into a format which can be installed to /gamedata? Forgive my ignorance, I work in animation so I rarely delve into coding or programming. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For those who are as new to this sort of thing as I, I'll save you from the research I did in order to understand the instructions provided by ss8913. Maybe there's someone who is as hopelessly inept as I am who will benefit:

  • VS = Microsoft Visual Studio, when installing I used the "Unity engine" and ".net framwork" addons/installs. Everything seemed to work after that.
  • The .sln (FerramAerospaceResearch.sln) file is in the main directory (top folder) of the FAR master branch on github. Download the .ZIP from this link then and extract it. You should then be able to open FAR in VS using the .sln file.
  • The references in VS (when the file is opened) are located in the "solution explorer" bar on the right side of the user interface as tabs. There were two tabs of references, one under "FerramAerospaceReserach" and one under "ferramGraph". Expand the tabs to see the individual references and whether they need modifying (represented by warning symbols).
  • For me (I assume this would be universal) the references that needed modifying were "Assembly-CSharp", "KSPAssets", "ModularFlightIntergrator", "UnityEngine" and "UnityEngine.UI"
  • The "ModularFlightIntergrator" dll is located in /gamedata/ModularFlightIntergrator

If anyone who actually knows what they are doing sees anything wrong with this, please feel free to correct it. I did the best I could. Again, if anyone can help me with the final steps, it would also be greatly appreciated. I am a novice so don't hesitate to treat me as one and spell it out if you think it will help.  I quite eager to start playing again.


I am in the exact same situation. I also have no clue about the lingo. I guess we may have to wait for the update

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  On 7/31/2018 at 10:06 PM, MicUK88 said:

Thanks for the instructions. I, being completely new to any of this sort of thing, managed to get as far as adding the references. I attempted to hit F6 as instructed but nothing seemed to happened. Seeing as I have no idea what this is a shortcut for, I'm stumped as to what I should do next. I don't know what a "binary" is, what or where the "source tree" is. I assume I'm at the point where I'm just exporting (recompiling?) it into a format which can be installed to /gamedata? Forgive my ignorance, I work in animation so I rarely delve into coding or programming. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Some general-purpose advice about how compiling works, in spoiler section since it's not about this mod in particular.

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  On 7/27/2018 at 10:03 PM, ss8913 said:

I'm taking the easy route on this and just using the [free] community visual studio, since it seems to be set up for that, as most mods are.  you basically just have to load the .sln file into VS, add references where you point it at your KSP install's dlls . the references thing, you right click on the references and add references, point it at your ksp dir's ksp_data_x64/managed/ and the DLLs you need are in there.  add the references that it asks for until there are no warning symbols on any of the listed references.  then just F6 to build, and you'll have a binary now somewhere under your source tree; copy that to the appropriate place in your KSP install.

to get the source, look at like CKAN or the first page of this thread, download the .zip of the 'master' branch from github.. extract it somewhere; it uses long pathnames so somewhere like C:\temp\ is good to avoid windows's limit on path length.  Then do as above with VS.. VS community edition is a free download from microsoft.

I'm sure you can do this with monodevelop as well but I wouldn't know the specifics.


So, I tried that, compiling for 1.4.3 off the master, and it kicked up a  ton of errors. is that supposed to happen, or did I mess up your exceedingly simple instructions?

Edited by Mechfan
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whoops, sorry. I totally forgot this is common procedure. the spoiler should have the log.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 12:22 AM, Snark said:

Some general-purpose advice about how compiling works, in spoiler section since it's not about this mod in particular.

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Thanks so much for this Snark, I was able to successfully recompile FAR and it's now working for me (so far as I can tell) in 1.4.5

I am new to posting in the forums and should probably take the time to read through the rules for posting (apologies if I've broken any of the rules so far), but I've seen people post links to recompiled .dll files for mods in the past and I would be happy to do so assuming it's all above board and acceptable. Can anyone advise me on this? I don't want to break any rules or step on anyone's toes.

  On 8/1/2018 at 6:30 PM, Mechfan said:
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whoops, sorry. I totally forgot this is common procedure. the spoiler should have the log.


It looks to me like you might have missed the second reference tab for "Ferram Graph". Scroll down the source tree (I think that's what it called based on Snarks post) in the "solution explorer" window. Towards the bottom you should see "ferramgraph" and the references tab on one of its branches.

Finally since I am now posting on the forums I want to take the opportunity to thank Ferram for his fantastic work on this mod over the years. FAR has been an integral mod for me ever since I first started modding KSP in 2013. I am extremely grateful that Ferram has taken the time to create, maintain and share this mod over all this time for people such as myself. Ferram and all the other modders you are gods, thank you!

Edited by MicUK88
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  On 8/1/2018 at 9:22 PM, MicUK88 said:

I am new to posting in the forums and should probably take the time to read through the rules for posting (apologies if I've broken any of the rules so far)


Well, speaking as a moderator, as far as I can tell, you're perfectly okay thus far.  :)  Thanks for the concern, though!

(also, belatedly, "welcome to the forums!")

  On 8/1/2018 at 9:22 PM, MicUK88 said:

I've seen people post links to recompiled .dll files for mods in the past and I would be happy to do so assuming it's all above board and acceptable. Can anyone advise me on this? I don't want to break any rules or step on anyone's toes.


The rules for posting add-ons are here:


...but summarizing it down for your purposes here, you'd need to pay particular attention to the following:

  1. Must be complying with the original content's license
  2. Must publish source code
  3. Must post license info

Taking these in order:


Complying with original content's license:

Some mods are released under fairly restrictive licenses that don't allow other people to recompile and redistribute-- so doing what you want to do would be not-okay if a mod had a license that forbids this.  Fortunately, I think you're okay here, because this mod is licensed GNU GPL v3, which does allow redistributing derived works-- as long as you follow the license provisions (which pretty much boil down to "give the original work credit, and put a similar license on your own release").  So as long as you keep GNU GPLv3 on your revised version, and give credit to the original, you should be in the clear, there.

[EDIT] Thank you for the correction / clarification from @4x4cheesecakeonly the DLL itself is GNU GPL v3.  Not the shader and art assets such as icons.  Those are "All Rights Reserved" and therefore you can't redistribute them.  But as long as you're only doing the DLL, this should be okay.


Must publish source code:

This is one to watch out for.  Anything with a binary in it that you publicly distribute here MUST include a link to the source code.  If you're changing the source code in any way at all from the original, then you must post your revised source code along with your newly generated binary.  This is a thing that a lot of people run afoul of.  If you see people saying things like "Hi, I grabbed the code and <fixed something> and here's a new DLL for you!" with a link to the DLL... that's not okay and should be reported to the moderators, because that would break this rule.

What, exactly, have you done here?  i.e. I gather that the original "official" DLL is somehow broken, and that you've somehow "fixed" it.  What exactly did you do in order to fix it?


Must post license info:

This one's simple.  We'll assume you're keeping it as GNU GPL v3.  In that case, wherever you post a link (e.g. here in the forum) needs to state "this is licensed GNU GPL v3", and also the downloadable zip file containing the DLL also needs to contain a license file indicating that it's GNU GPL v3.


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  On 8/1/2018 at 9:49 PM, Snark said:

Fortunately, I think you're okay here, because this mod is licensed GNU GPL v3, which does allow redistributing derived works


Regarding the license, ferram4 told me some time ago, that it is just the code which is licensed GNU GPL v3 but NOT the icons (and shaders)! This makes the whole mod 'All Rights Reserved' but if you remove the icons and shaders, you are allowed to redistribute any changes you made.


Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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  On 8/1/2018 at 10:02 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

Regarding the license, ferram4 told me some time ago, that it is just the code which is licensed GNU GPL v3 but NOT the Icons! This makes the whole mod 'All Rights Reserved' but if you remove the icons, you are allowed to redistribute any changes you made.


Ah yes, quite so, my mistake.  Thank you for the correction!  I've amended my post above.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 9:22 PM, MicUK88 said:

It looks to me like you might have missed the second reference tab for "Ferram Graph". Scroll down the source tree (I think that's what it called based on Snarks post) in the "solution explorer" window. Towards the bottom you should see "ferramgraph" and the references tab on one of its branches.


Yeah, apparently I did. added the references to that section, and the system says it compiled successfully. Can't speak yet on whether it works in game, but at least the hard bit is over.

Thanks for the assistance.

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Ferram Aerospace Research v0.15.9.3 "ferram4.1"
Yes, very original update name, I know. Let's just say that my imagination for creating names doesn't get much better than "Hypersonic Plane II".

- Compatibility for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5

- For some reason the icons that did not work in v0.15.9.2 do work now for me



FAR v0.15.9.3 and its source code is available here: https://github.com/asdfCYBER/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/releases/tag/v0.15.9.3_ferram4.1
You can get the icons and shaders (which I am not allowed to redistribute) from the last official release (v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann") or directly from https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/tree/master/GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch - simply download the 'shaders' and the 'textures' folders and overwrite the ones in your installation.

If you already had a previous version of FAR installed on KSP 1.4.3, all you have to do is overwrite FerramAerospaceResearch/Plugins with the newer version, and possibly MFI and MM if you don't have the newest versions yet.



This is a fan-made update to Ferram Aerospace Research v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann" made by @ferram4, as is allowed by the GPL v3 license it is distributed under. This update is also licensed under GPL v3. Icons and textures that did not fall under this license have been removed or replaced by placeholders.

Again, thanks a lot to @ss8913 for the solution and to @4x4cheesecake for the recompiling guide!


Please come back ferram, we miss you :'(

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  On 8/5/2018 at 7:28 PM, ExtremeTrader said:

Ferram Aerospace Research v0.15.9.3 "ferram4.1"
Yes, very original update name, I know. Let's just say that my imagination for creating names doesn't get much better than "Hypersonic Plane II".

- Compatibility for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5

- For some reason the icons that did not work in v0.15.9.2 do work now for me


Keeps throwing me NullRef every time I revert my flight to launch. Reverting back to VAB seems to fix the issue. @ExtremeTrader


[EXC 04:31:06.302] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	FerramAerospaceResearch.FARAeroComponents.FARVesselAero.SimulateAeroProperties (UnityEngine.Vector3& aeroForce, UnityEngine.Vector3& aeroTorque, Vector3 velocityWorldVector, Double altitude)
	FerramAerospaceResearch.FARAPI.InstanceCalcVesselAeroForces (.Vessel vessel, UnityEngine.Vector3& aeroForce, UnityEngine.Vector3& aeroTorque, Vector3 velocityWorldVector, Double altitude)
	FerramAerospaceResearch.FARAPI.CalculateVesselAeroForces (.Vessel vessel, UnityEngine.Vector3& aeroForce, UnityEngine.Vector3& aeroTorque, Vector3 velocityWorldVector, Double altitude)
	MuMech.VesselState.AnalyzeParts (.Vessel vessel, MuMech.EngineInfo einfo, MuMech.IntakeInfo iinfo)
	MuMech.VesselState.Update (.Vessel vessel)
	MuMech.MechJebCore.FixedUpdate ()


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  On 8/5/2018 at 7:28 PM, ExtremeTrader said:

Ferram Aerospace Research v0.15.9.3 "ferram4.1"
Yes, very original update name, I know. Let's just say that my imagination for creating names doesn't get much better than "Hypersonic Plane II".

- Compatibility for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5

- For some reason the icons that did not work in v0.15.9.2 do work now for me


KSP keeps crashing on startup with this. Here is what it throws:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at FlightGlobals.get_ActiveVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.StabilityAugmentation.SaveSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.StabilityAugmentation.SaveAndDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


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  On 8/10/2018 at 3:48 PM, garwel said:

KSP keeps crashing on startup with this. Here is what it throws:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at FlightGlobals.get_ActiveVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.StabilityAugmentation.SaveSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.StabilityAugmentation.SaveAndDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 



I've just finished setting up 146 mods on 1.4.5 with MH (so, I've restarted it a lot) and haven't had a single bit of trouble on startup with the FAR build posted above. So you should probably post your full log

Edited by Drew Kerman
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  On 8/8/2018 at 9:38 PM, dannway said:

Keeps throwing me NullRef every time I revert my flight to launch. Reverting back to VAB seems to fix the issue.



  On 8/10/2018 at 3:48 PM, garwel said:

KSP keeps crashing on startup with this.



 I'm sorry to hear that. I've not had this issue with a lot of mods installed. I would certainly like to fix it, however my knowledge of ferram4's code is pretty limited and I'm not even sure that's the problem. Stupid questions, but: are you sure you are running 1.4.5? Does it work if you uninstall all other mods you might have? Does a complete reinstall help? Do you have the shaders file installed?

Unfortunately all I can do is recompile it for newer versions, and for the majority of users here it seems to work. If nothing you can do fixes the problem, I would suggest waiting for the official release from ferram4.

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  On 8/13/2018 at 1:39 PM, ExtremeTrader said:

 I'm sorry to hear that. I've not had this issue with a lot of mods installed. I would certainly like to fix it, however my knowledge of ferram4's code is pretty limited and I'm not even sure that's the problem. Stupid questions, but: are you sure you are running 1.4.5? Does it work if you uninstall all other mods you might have? Does a complete reinstall help? Do you have the shaders file installed?

Unfortunately all I can do is recompile it for newer versions, and for the majority of users here it seems to work. If nothing you can do fixes the problem, I would suggest waiting for the official release from ferram4.


Ok, I deleted the folder and reinstalled FAR again and it now appears to work ok (except that it lacks an AppLauncher icon). Must have been something wrong with my install, sorry.

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