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[We need more posts! (Like seriously, a lot more)] Let's Make This the Megathread!

Misguided Kerbal

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Think weekend I'm going to spend 2 hours of my life doing... Going to Tylo landing a rover and lander there.  Collecting some science experiments and some samples. And returning back to Kerbin only to come back and colonize Tylo.  Which means building space stations, a relay network, fuel depots, and all sorts of things.

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1 hour ago, KeaKaka said:

Currently speedrunning an (large) assignment before school starts.


Ah yes, you are portraying every Sunday night in my existence (except before I went to kindergarten :p) 

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//==========Conical Pods==========
@title = Mk3-1 'Helios' Command Pod //Greek God of the Sun. In later eras, Helios became conflated with Apollo.
@title = Mk1-1 'Atlas' Command Pod //Greek Titan of Astronomy

Give the Mk1 and Mk1-3 names

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