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Describe your primary savegame


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What's your main savegame like? How far have you progressed (and how would you define "progression"?) What are notable mods you use? Do you have goals you want to accomplish?

For me, my main savegame at the moment is a career game with JNSQ, FAR, Kerbalism (LS and Science only), Burearacy, Unkerballed Start, Career Evolution, and CryoEngines. I think these mods give a "realism lite" feel to KSP while stretching out the early stages of the game. I especially like how JNSQ and FAR forces an emphasis on efficient rocket designed, which affects everything else in the game.

So far, I've sent probes to Duna and Eve and am preparing to send Kerbals to Munar orbit. My ultimate goal is to pull of a crewed mission to Duna and back- this will be my first time doing it with Kerbalism and JNSQ.

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I'm working my way through a 'Stock' game.

That is to say...

  • Simplex Tech Tree
  • Simplex Resources (which I'm in the process of updating as I'm about to unlock the scanning tech)
  • Kerbalism Simplex
  • HullcamVDS (as one day I'll record a video and I want this for cameras)
  • ReStock and ReStockPlus
  • KER, kOS, KAC, TWP, Precise Manouverer, NodeSplitter

My first crewed craft to Duna just aunched in the first transfer window available.  This is an Ike only landing.  Future mission's will require ISRU. lander, LS supplies and fuel sent separately.. 

The goal of this save is to have flags and footprints on all bodies, which no additional mod engines apart from ReStock Plus.  And with Kerbalism's science, radiation, habiation and part reliability issues to contend with.  This is a career mode save.


Edit.  I should also say that it is a 50% science but 100% funds and reputation. 120% reentry heating.  Lifetime radiation too, and many of the contracts turned off.  No asset recovery or rescues, no part testing, no tourists, no 'go to this place and do a thing'. Basically bases, satellites and flags.

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My current save is a sandbox "Agency" save. Basically, my goal is to have flags and footprints on every body, in sandbox, but in a "realistic" standpoint. Main mods are Restock, Restock +, All of @Nertea's mods, KSC Extended. So far, I have plenty of satellites and a small-medium-sized station in LKO, have landed on the Mun and Minmus, and is currently constructing a Mun Station, so I consider it around starting game. Middle game would be landing crew on Duna, and endgame would be Jool System and maybe Eeloo or Dres or Moho.  See here (Shameless self plug): 


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Everlasting.  I am one of the people who don't like career mode, but of course didn't know that until I tried it, so I've played one career game spanning the five years since version 1.0.

Career mode starts very difficult for new players, then gradually gets easier.  (One might prefer a game to start easy, while one is learning the mechanics, then get harder.)  So when I was new I liberally used a Sandbox to design craft and learn how the game worked.   The stock planetary scanning made no sense to me, so I adopted ScanSat very early as my only mod.  I enabled new features from new KSP versions, like G-forces on Kerbals, and the radio network, as they became available.

Now that save has plenty of money and a complete tech-tree, so I have effectively a sandbox, but a sandbox with a lot of character.  

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I'm playing a heavily modded career game with science, rep, and funds rewards set at 30%. Currently I'm in something similar to what the U.S. space program would have been like if they had gone through with an extended Gemini program, with probes to Jool, Sarnus, and Eve, as well as MOL-style space stations, big-G Mun/Minmus flybys, and the beginnings of commercial satellite programs.

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A sandbox game I have been doing on-and-off since 2013 with what I would consider reasonable career-like progression. The Outer Planets Mod was installed in Year 29. By Year 64: probes on their way to the Neidon system, a crewed exploration of the Urlum system, and colonization of the Jool system. Reusable rockets with capacities as high as 300 tonnes to LKO are used along with Porkjet's nuclear lightbulb engines (1500 s Isp) for the latest generation of interplanetary ships. A space hotel and mobile Munar megabase were also launched recently.

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Mine’s called Lewie Aerospace. It’s a science mode save, and I don’t have any mods cus I play console. But, if I played on pc I’d use krd, EVE, planetshine and re-stock. I want to get ksp on pc just so I won’t be behind pc and cus re-stock looks amazing.


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My save is career with the Alternis Kerbol and OPM planet packs, as well as a lot of other mods. I've conquered the entire Jool system, with probes at Eve and Tylo, as well as some going to Sarnus.

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Current game is that I thought off as the KSP endgame. Started then I expected KSP 2 to be out at this times. 
Bases on all planets and moons outside of Jool. Getting all the science, working on the last Tylo biomes now. Just did manned close to the sun, ship is currently on its way back.
Else its mostly crew rotation and rescue missions, it helps then you have plenty of landers and tugs around. Savegame is 30 MB :)

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My current 'main save' is a sandbox called PSA (Panda Space Agency).

It's relatively 'new' and currently has Relay stations around each planet.  With survey satellites orbiting all bodies apart from Jool's moons, and science experiments at all anomalies and monoliths on Mun and Minmus.

Currently planning crewed missions to put experiments at all anomalies everywhere off Kerbin.

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I have two main saves; a Stock save, and a modded save. Im mostly playing the modded save

Stock save:

has literally no part mods, just soundtrack editor, Kerbal Engineer Redux, and hangar extender extended because the stock ships i build are still giant.
has about 70 flights, currently has a cruiser going to Duna with tourists onboard and to rescue a kerbal in low duna orbit. has a giant space station, a giant colony ship. making a large fleet of ships in LKO to colonize Jool with over 50 crafts on several cargoships. finished off the tech tree after going to Eve. also, i have a crewed ion craft kinda stranded in solar orbit after flying by Dres going too fast for capture. i could use the massive colonial ship. but its probably a little low on fuel, and is also complete overkill, as the ion craft is only 50 tons and holds two kerbals, and the massive colonial ship is about 2000t and can hold upwards of 350 kerbals.

Modded save:

no idea how many of the mods i have counts as mods or just dependancies, but i have about 30(?) mods, currently have a large ship with the b9 HX parts, which still isnt as long as the massive colonial ship, but a LOT more massive. explored Eve, dropped a couple probes, which did suprisingly well. built a colony on Minmus with EL and Civillian Populations. built and launched a large ship. colonizing Duna. tried and failed at KSPIE power beams between Kerbin  and Duna lol

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My main save right now is sandbox, though I do have a career that sort of represents the early days of the same program. Running as stock as I can bear, which means: KAC, MJ, KAS, KIS, and TextureReplacer. I don't have any strict rules but a couple guidelines I stick too and some goals:

-Hyperedit/cheats are only used in a separate save to 'simulate' things like eve landers and similarly high risk vehicles.

-While I don't run life support, I do try to give each Kerbal roughly a hitchhiker or 2.5M command pod worth of space for any missions longer than a week or so. This just means surface bases, interplanetary ships and the like have crew modules that are more realistically large.

My goal for this save (which has it's own thread) is pretty much full Laythe exploration and the other Jool moons will all have flags and footprints at least too. The general idea for progression is that the Kerbals set up a permanent colony by year 50, already have pretty much all the infrastructure in place, and it's year 25 atm. My next big playthrough is set to be a series of Outer Planets missions using Laythe as the homeworld with Alien Space Programs and Kopernicus. I figure 50 years is enough time for the kerbals to go from surface bases and ISRU to building a copy of KSC on Laythe ;)


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I forgot to mention something....after I rage quit my science save(I was deleting my unnecessary 70+ quick saves, I play on console and the way you delete one id by pressing square then x. I started at the top and worked my way to the bottom. I was down to my first three or so quicksaves when I accidentally mashed x instead of square. Pressing x loads that save, so I lost all of my progress) I’m going to restart my science save as Lewie Aerospace 2, as soon as console gets updated. My mission is to establish a base on every body (except for Jool, for obvious reasons) and an orbiting station around each. I’m going to buy ksp on pc because I am so sick of console....

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My current save is my Out of the Sands career, into its seventh year and was going well till a few days ago, when I lost 3 kerbals on a routine mission - primarily due to migrating from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1.   At this point, I'm mostly waiting for Kopernicus & JNSQ to update to 1.9.1, as I want to start a new JNSQ career.  I'm hoping to put kerbals on Eve & Moho before that happens - but the 3 casualties were my prime crew for Moho.  My other two experienced crews are currently at Duna & Eve (orbit), so I'm gonna have to train up another crew

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I started a Science save in 2016, stock with info an visual mods.  After quickly going through the tree it became a Sandbox with an eye toward science.   After a long hiatus and then spending time with RnD in spaceplane / spacedock design, I started really branching out the infrastructure.  Recently I've been trying to re-purpose ship designs so there's a generation of similar ships like you might get IRL, and I ended up doing that with most of the spacedocks too.  Currently I have:

Science and fueling / staging stations in the Kerbin system, a Mun base, and starting to work on a mining base at Minmus

A spacedock and mining ship at Duna, with a base on the way

A peaceful science fleet on the way to invade the Jool system with a spacedock, cargo/mining ships and science stations / bases

And a fleet standing by for the next Eeloo window with a spacedock, cargo/mining ships and a science base

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Career save where I am developing my space program to have surface and orbital contacts on every celestial body. Currently I am working on expanding the infrastructure to have refueling capabilities around Duna/Ike and Jool.

I am also under a strict rule where I refuse to hire Kerbalnauts from the complex.  All members of my team of 96 active Kerbals (aside from Jeb, Bob, Bill, and Val) have been rescued from surface and orbit contracts.

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On 6/13/2020 at 6:06 PM, EchoLima said:

What's your main savegame like? How far have you progressed (and how would you define "progression"?) What are notable mods you use? Do you have goals you want to accomplish?

For me, my main savegame at the moment is a career game with JNSQ, FAR, Kerbalism (LS and Science only), Burearacy, Unkerballed Start, Career Evolution, and CryoEngines. I think these mods give a "realism lite" feel to KSP while stretching out the early stages of the game. I especially like how JNSQ and FAR forces an emphasis on efficient rocket designed, which affects everything else in the game.

So far, I've sent probes to Duna and Eve and am preparing to send Kerbals to Munar orbit. My ultimate goal is to pull of a crewed mission to Duna and back- this will be my first time doing it with Kerbalism and JNSQ.

I have several things going on. I recently did my first manned mission to tylo despite the fact that I have been playing the game since 0.25, I am reusing the core stage in order to do a Duna mission. I am planning a manned mission to Moho currently. I have 3 stations, the Next Generation Space Station, Mun Station 1, and the minmus science station, which I built using a reusable "bus" that shuttles the modules to the station. As for mods, no part mods, but I have KER, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Docking Allignment Indicator, etc.

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