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[1.8-1.12] Conformal Decals 0.2.12 - Decals done the right way, now on CKAN!


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Released version 0.1.3


  • Fixed decals being able to be scaled down to 0


  • Made decal bounds no longer collide in flight, this is done by repurposing layer 31 (which is configurable in the ConformalDecals.cfg file)
  • Decals will now be unselectable in flight by default. This can be changed with the selectableInFlight value in ConformalDecals.cfg, or in the module config itself.
  • Decal parts will now destroy themselves automatically when the parent part is destroyed
  • Small refactor of node parsing code
    • Colors can now be specified in hex (#RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB, or #RRGGBBAA) or using the colors specified in the XKCDColors class

I'm interested to see how people feel about decals not being selectable in flight


This will probably be the last patch for 0.1, unless any major bugs surface

Edited by cineboxandrew
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15 minutes ago, cineboxandrew said:

I'm interested to see how people feel about decals not being selectable in flight

Well, I'm just about to download the newest version but I can't see a valid reason why the decals should be selectable in flight. If that prevents the greenish ghost cube around the part (decal) that's just another reason why this is great! Also the self-destruction when the parent part is destroyed sounds legit. Great work! I'm especially looking forward to new decal sets. But please, take your time! This is dope as it is! :)

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5 hours ago, cineboxandrew said:


  • Decals will now be unselectable in flight by default. This can be changed with the selectableInFlight value in ConformalDecals.cfg, or in the module config itself.
  • Decal parts will now destroy themselves automatically when the parent part is destroyed

In principle this is a good move.


I would wonder about EVA part destruction (Not sure if that is a stock thing or a KIS/KAS thing). Parts with children can't be moved or destroyed, unless the automatic destruction gets around this?


Also, have you considered incorporating Community Categories (or whatever it's called) to give the decals their own tab in the VAB?

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On 6/17/2020 at 9:49 AM, cineboxandrew said:

I'll add a tutorial on making your own decals to the github wiki soon. In the meantime theres documentation on the module there, and you can look at the decal part configs. You can also just add textures to the flags folder and using the flag part

Please :wub: Hope it is as simple as making png files with a transparent background.

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1 hour ago, OnlyLightMatters said:

Please :wub: Hope it is as simple as making png files with a transparent background.

I'm afraid it's not THAT simple. The tutorial has already been posted on page 2 of this thread:


I'm just fiddling around with it myself using the semiotic decals as a testing ground. Seems to be more simple when all the tiles are the same size...

Edited by hoover2701
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On 6/19/2020 at 11:40 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

Can you place decals on fairings


On 6/19/2020 at 12:09 PM, DJ Reonic said:

So far I have not had luck with BDBs SAF fairings. I'm assuming Procedural Fairings will allow it. That's my only complaint. I can't put logos and stuff on fairings, but I can still put logos on for whichever agencies that I'm completing contracts for on my rockets.

I wonder if 1.10 will allow that.

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46 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

I wonder if 1.10 will allow that.

I'm cautiously optimistic about it -- but so far from the limited screenshots, it looks like it may be more like the "nebula decals" etc, implementation with snap on parts that still have clipping and "floating" issues. We'll see! :D

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Conformal Decals can be placed in procedural fairings! There are some issues with symmetry (e.g. the symmetrical counterparts of a decal placed on a single cylinder part will be floating on air), but it's nothing you can't fix by using 2+ attachment nodes :)

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As I mentioned before I am just fiddling around with this brilliant little mod. It took me several hours to get satisfactory results for my warning sign decals (triangles are tricky when you convert to .dds). I did a little test run just now and I'm finally quite pleased with the result. So far I have prepared 32 warning signs (hazards, parts, fun). All use the yellow triangle as a background so I could use the tiling method mentioned in the tutorial and found in the semiotic decal-config. It's really not too hard to do... I've got one question though @cineboxandrew: How do you integrate the descriptions for your decal parts? I noticed the #LOC-parts in your configs. They seem to point to the ConformalDecals.dll in the Plugins folder. Will I be able to use my own descriptions or is this not possible/planned?

However, thank you once again for this outstanding little toy. I love it to pieces. Here is a screen from my test run with four completed warning sign decals so far (converted to .dds with tiles and integrated in Conformal Decals) 


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15 minutes ago, hoover2701 said:

As I mentioned before I am just fiddling around with this brilliant little mod. It took me several hours to get satisfactory results for my warning sign decals (triangles are tricky when you convert to .dds). I did a little test run just now and I'm finally quite pleased with the result. So far I have prepared 32 warning signs (hazards, parts, fun). All use the yellow triangle as a background so I could use the tiling method mentioned in the tutorial and found in the semiotic decal-config. It's really not too hard to do... I've got one question though @cineboxandrew: How do you integrate the descriptions for your decal parts? I noticed the #LOC-parts in your configs. They seem to point to the ConformalDecals.dll in the Plugins folder. Will I be able to use my own descriptions or is this not possible/planned?

However, thank you once again for this outstanding little toy. I love it to pieces. Here is a screen from my test run with four completed warning sign decals so far (converted to .dds with tiles and integrated in Conformal Decals) 


Very nice!

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@cineboxandrew Hey - this is great!  Looks like it solves pretty well all of the limitations from the existing decal part mods.  It's particularly nice how it works with the bump maps.

Like @Beetlecat and others, I was/am expecting the new stock decals in 1.10 to be similar to the ones we already have; but eagerly awaiting the release to find out.


When I get the time, I hope to update IDFLAGS to use the stock parts, and would love to add an integration for Conformal Decals too.

From the quick tests I've done today, Conformal Decals works fine with my flag images - the single letters and digits fit very well, though (like other 256x160 images) the double digits it most cases need to be scaled down to around 60% to avoid horizontal clipping.  I don't think that's too hard to work with, so basically, nothing for me to do there :cool:.  For the remaining decals in my modlet, looks like I'll need to add a new part along the lines of the ones you've done for semiotic and general decals.


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2 hours ago, Vexillar said:

the double digits it most cases need to be scaled down to around 60% to avoid horizontal clipping. 

For the “horizontal clipping” just adjust the depth of the decal


6 hours ago, hoover2701 said:

How do you integrate the descriptions for your decal parts? I noticed the #LOC-parts in your configs.

That’s just KSP’s localization engine, they point to the en-us file in the localization folder. You can either make your own localization file, or just write the description right into the config. 

another thing: the “fuzzy edges” in the alpha of the triangle decals you used as a base are intended to work with the SDF shader (see the generic decals config and their subtype for the shader name). The SDF just makes the edges crisper/rounder than normal cutoff, but without the right shader it looks fuzzy and blurry 

Some more information on SDF textures: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/valve/2007/SIGGRAPH2007_AlphaTestedMagnification.pdf

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1 hour ago, cineboxandrew said:

another thing: the “fuzzy edges” in the alpha of the triangle decals you used as a base are intended to work with the SDF shader (see the generic decals config and their subtype for the shader name). The SDF just makes the edges crisper/rounder than normal cutoff, but without the right shader it looks fuzzy and blurry 

Some more information on SDF textures: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/valve/2007/SIGGRAPH2007_AlphaTestedMagnification.pdf

Thank you very much for your tips. I changed my .cfg in the following way:

    name = ModuleConformalDecal

    useBaseNormal = true

    tileSize = 355, 320
    tileIndex = 0

    defaultScale = 0.2
    defaultDepth = 0.1
    defaultOpacity = 0.8
    defaultCutoff = 0

    scaleRange = 0.05, 0.5
    cutoffAdjustable = false

    shader = ConformalDecals/Paint/SpecularSDF

      name = _Decal
      textureUrl = ConformalDecals/Parts/Test/testflip
      isMain = true
      autoTile = true

      name = _SpecMap
      textureUrl = ConformalDecals/Assets/Decal-Spec
      autoScale = true

Now the warning sign has sharp edges as can be seen below.




This looks much better than before but if I zoom out the decal begins to look weird (artifacts in the upper left and right).



Maybe you can help once more? Sorry to bother you with this but I'm not really into shaders and stuff. Just playing around in the hope of having some more personalization to my game... :confused:

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You have some white in the transparent sections of the texture (EDIT: looks like this isnt actually the issue here). I have a script to fix that here: https://github.com/drewcassidy/KSP-Semiotic/blob/master/Source/solidify.sh (requires imagemagick). Also, make sure cutoff is set to 0.5 when using the SDF shader. 

Edited by cineboxandrew
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Well, I didn't use that script. Instead I deleted the transparent layer manually in Photoshop. Then I made changes to the .cfg once again:


    name = ModuleConformalDecal

    useBaseNormal = true

    tileSize = 355, 320
    tileIndex = 0

    defaultScale = 0.2
    defaultDepth = 0.1
    defaultOpacity = 0.8

    opacityAdjustable = true

    cutoff = 0.5
    cutoffAdjustable = false

    scaleRange = 0.1, 4
    scaleMode = AVERAGE

    shader = ConformalDecals/Paint/SpecularSDF

      name = _Decal
      textureUrl = ConformalDecals/Parts/Test/testflip
      isMain = true
      autoTile = true

      name = _SpecMap
      textureUrl = ConformalDecals/Assets/Decal-Spec
      autoScale = true

What can I say... Worked like a charm! :) Thank you very much for your help! Much appreciated.

Your decal on the left, mine on the right. I'm happy!




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My warning signs are now finished. I'll admit it was quite a hassle so thank you once again @cineboxandrew for your help and this mod! The pack consists of one .cfg and a .dds with 32 tiles. In case you want this in your game go ahead and download the file. I'll put it at the end of this post. Simply put the "WarningSigns" folder in the "Parts" folder of Conformal Decals alongside the "Generic" and the "Semiotic" folders.

Here's a preview of all warning signs in the .dds:



And here's a glimpse at some of the decals in the VAB:



Here's the download:

Hoover's Warning Signs

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