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black hole suggestion

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Since your doing interstellar travel for KSP2 i have to suggest putting in a black hole. i mean come on, whats more kerbal that being sucked into a black hole in a fiery explosion. you should put it far away and difficult to find. or put it in the middle of the overall map. idk your choice, i just want to see a black hole and throw kerbals in there. Please add this.

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We essentially have a confirmed "galaxy" in KSP2, since devs talked about multiple star systems many times. It might as well be, that there is a blackhole in the middle of that galaxy, but i don't see devs confirming or denying this, because they obviously don't want to spoil the exploration of the universe in KSP2.

I would personally love to see the whole world of KSP2 orbiting around this thing tho.

Edited by Acid_Burn9
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This in turn raises a question: what is the ceiling of a blackhole angular size to stay safe in its radiation environment?

Wouldn't it mean that you have to keep away from it at the distance where you just can't see in details all these shaders?
Wouldn't it mean that irl you can see a blackhole only as a undersized invisible bright point?

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Don't stop at black holes. I wanna visit a brown dwarf/hot jupiter rogue planet to setup an 3He outpost in the space desert, travel through stellar nebulae to analyze a neutron star "up close". Depending on the scale the game gets to maybe have a small globular cluster

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  On 10/23/2020 at 10:16 AM, Acid_Burn9 said:

We essentially have a confirmed "galaxy" in KSP2, since devs talked about multiple star systems many times. It might as well be, that there is a blackhole in the middle of that galaxy, but i don't see devs confirming or denying this, because they obviously don't want to spoil the exploration of the universe in KSP2.

I would personally love to see the whole world of KSP2 orbiting around this thing tho.


Nope, not a galaxy, in the super magical podcast source of every information they talked about the distance between stars and they basically said that, after talking with astronomers and experts they got as a reply that the universe is incredibly vast and has an extreme variability so they can basically do whatever serves the gameplay best.

I'm think that they'll leverage that "Kerbal is not IRL" potentially to put the Kerbolar system in a "Local Cluster" of stars not so far between each other.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 10:55 AM, Master39 said:

I'm thinking that they'll leverage that "Kerbal is not IRL" potentially to put the Kerbolar system in a "Local Cluster" of stars not so far between each other.


Agreed, I hope the distance is still far too vast for conventional rockets to be feasible though.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 10:55 AM, Master39 said:

Nope, not a galaxy, in the super magical podcast source of every information they talked about the distance between stars and they basically said that, after talking with astronomers and experts they got as a reply that the universe is incredibly vast and has an extreme variability so they can basically do whatever serves the gameplay best.

I'm think that they'll leverage that "Kerbal is not IRL" potentially to put the Kerbolar system in a "Local Cluster" of stars not so far between each other.


Everyone understands, that real Galaxies are impossible to implement in the video game like that in their true scale, so that would be a perfectly acceptable assumption, to call that "local cluster" a Galaxy in the Kerbal world. It's not that big of a deal. And if that will allow to smash a gorgeous black hole in the middle - i'm all in for this approach. You said it yourself - do what serves gameplay best.

Edited by Acid_Burn9
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  On 10/23/2020 at 11:20 AM, Acid_Burn9 said:

Everyone understands, that real Galaxies are impossible to implement in the video game like that in their true scale


Nah, Elite already did that, but that's not the problem with KSP, with elite Friendship Drive (try to unhear that now) i can explore between 20 and 50 system per hour, in KSP it takes that time just to plan a Mun mission and most people never got beyond that.

Having hundreds of procedural systems in KSP is not a matter of technology but more one of design and gameplay. It's a feature that would be used by a niche in the niche of the most invested players.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 12:02 PM, Master39 said:

Nah, Elite already did that, but that's not the problem with KSP, with elite Friendship Drive (try to unhear that now) i can explore between 20 and 50 system per hour, in KSP it takes that time just to plan a Mun mission and most people never got beyond that.

Having hundreds of procedural systems in KSP is not a matter of technology but more one of design and gameplay. It's a feature that would be used by a niche in the niche of the most invested players.


I said "impossible to implement in the video game like that". Elite is not a game "like that". It is fundamentally different from KSP.

Edited by Acid_Burn9
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having such a vast environment and just having planets would be kinda a waist. i made a list when the game was announced. i made it to write what i hope to see.

neutron star

black dwarf

brown dwarf


black hole




binary star orbit

obviously i dont expect all of these to be added unless the devs are superhuman. even pulsars and quasars would be hard near impossible, and a magnetar is basically a star thats a super magnet. and a nebula would be light years wide. but some of these could be added, i would be estatic if even two of these or something like this is added, it would change my prospective on space to interact with things like these. adding things that are not just planets and the same star would be near impossible to get over. i mean imagine seeing a Protostar, a body of gas that is in the middle of turning into a star. i would love to just watch some like that while i watch a kerbal get ejected towards it.

if any dev sees this please remember there is more to space than just planets. 

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I think it'd be an excellent addition! Imagine detecting a new star system and getting a mission to travel there. The briefing is strange, and mentions that they haven't seen a star at the center. You go to it, and find a black hole! If the career mode has a science points system I can see discovering a black hole being worth tons.

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I believe KSP 2 blackholes are coming. Because in the first development trailer we saw footage of a Black Hole behind somebody. I made a whole thread about it here. Honestly if there is the devs won't tell about it. They want to stay silent on the biggest things in the game because they don't want to spoil it for people. But I think it will be a missed opportunity if they don't.


Also the thread here was more focused if it's possible to do

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I'd like to see black holes, but I'd like to see them function as one-way interstellar gateways.  You'd have to then have 2 in the local Kerbal system - one to get to another galaxy and one to get home.  Then you'd have to send a probe through one first to gain all the science, and probably unlock some stuff on the tech tree, and then explore the other galaxy to find the return hole.

Yeah, I'm going off on a tangent here.  :)

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another reason i'd like to see black holes cause i want Danny 2462 to BREAK them *evil cackle. Also i hope we get enough support to get these into the game... wait a minute that gives me an idea. anyone who would like to see these in the game either message me in the forum or say Agree below... We will try to get at least 50 people's support...

  On 11/3/2020 at 2:16 PM, Popestar said:

I'd like to see black holes, but I'd like to see them function as one-way interstellar gateways.  You'd have to then have 2 in the local Kerbal system - one to get to another galaxy and one to get home.  Then you'd have to send a probe through one first to gain all the science, and probably unlock some stuff on the tech tree, and then explore the other galaxy to find the return hole.

Yeah, I'm going off on a tangent here.  :)


is there a thread already for a poll for black hole support @Popestar?

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