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Kerbal Space Program 2 to be released in 2022 [Discussion Thread]


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  On 12/15/2020 at 10:10 PM, Multivac said:

Now I want this graphed onto a space-time diagram that shows light cones, and temporal distortion as we approach light speed. Surely there's some way we can fiddle with relativity and gravity wells to get KSP2 to come out sooner in our reference frame! :P


I think the program I used might have difficulty simulating that.:D

If we put a large gravitational body near the release date maybe it will curve around it and end up  happening sooner.

Now where's the time warp button?

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  On 12/17/2020 at 5:36 AM, Dr. Kerbal said:

Well Please add this too!


Why doesn’t KSP have cameras. That because not many people think about them. Well, we need cameras in Kerbal Space Program.  Cameras will server an important role in tow categories. Science and photos. Cameras would be used to gain science by taking pictures. Here pictures would take a picture on what’s in their view. If a planet is in its view it will focus on that planet and scanning generating science. 

Example: The camera is pointed at Jool. After a few seconds of taking pictures the camera would then have a message with some science points.  It would say (this is an example) The giant green gas giant Jool is quite beautiful and has many layers of the atmosphere. It can see that the gas giant has many storms. The storms are very large. The guys at R and D can learn something about Jool.

The data for this part though would be huge! 45% more than the average data the Gravity experiment needs to send the information back to Kerbin. At the R and D or somewhere else at the KCS you can see what photos the camera caught. You could also use the science and gain more using the space labs. You could research them in space!

The cameras would also be able to see in Inferred, Gamma, X-Ray, Ultraviolet, and the regular spectrum we see. You can switch to this modes and get science from each mode! Here is an example:

Example: The camera can sense that the Sun is really hot! Better not touch it. It would good with fried eggs. Mmmmm.....

Different modes would cary in science and data. And it would be allowed to research the, more in space. However in the tech tree there would be tree variations of this. A small one, medium one, and a large one. Each one would be able to do certain things. Chart:

This shows what echo camera can do.

Small Camera:

Can only take pictures in regular color. 

Medium Sized Camera:

Can take pictures in regular color, X- Ray, and Ultravoilet.

Large Camera:

The pictures are at high resolution and it can take pictures in X Ray, ultraviolet, regular color, gamma ray, and Microwaves. Basically the entire spectrum.


The cameras aren’t just for scene though. You can also see the solo system from the camera’s view, You can change at what the camera looks at too! It’s can look in different directions and you can see in other spectrums! You could take awesome photos and picture with this! These cameras would also be able to simulate the cameras view of passing Jool or any other planet or moon.

However this camera will use a lot of electricity. So informer to use this camera you will need a lot of electricity units.


Developers of KSP and KSP2, please add this feature and part! And since a console guy though of it, can console get it sooner than normal too! *wink*


Please see:


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I don’t care how long it takes to make Kerbal Space Porgram 2. Just don’t take too long!

I just don’t want any in-app like purchases. I just want the base game to be with all the solar systems and parts, and other assets. I am okay with DLCs.

I don’t want any loot boxes. No no no. 

that’s all.

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  On 12/21/2020 at 8:30 PM, Meecrob said:

Besides, what would you even put in loot boxes in KSP? A "legendary" Mainsail?


Are you implying they would make the game pay to win? Absurd! It's cosmetics only. You might be getting alternative skins for the Mainsail. Commons will be just repaints and the epic skin will make it look similar to (but legally distinct from) an engine of Star Destroyer. Duplicates can be converted into Funds to spend on other cosmetics, like alternative space suit helmets!

(I hope nobody's taking notes.)

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I have to wonder at modern game developers.  I'm glad time is being taken to get things right, but it seems like every. single. game. that is announced gets pushed back by at least 2-3 years nowadays. 

Guys - build the game well.  Go for it.  Please, however, stop saying you'll release it in year xxxx.   Just build it.  And when it's built, let us know.  Stop giving us dates.  We don't need dates, and they can only ever disappoint us.  

Game Developers - any game - stop giving release dates before you have a finished product.  I can't believe anyone still thinks listing a release date before the product is done is a good idea.  

It's like every game developer out there thinks they're gonna be the one who can invade Russia in the winter.   Trust me, your Taun-Taun will freeze before you hit your first deadline.   

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  On 12/24/2020 at 11:58 PM, Bosun said:

I have to wonder at modern game developers.  I'm glad time is being taken to get things right, but it seems like every. single. game. that is announced gets pushed back by at least 2-3 years nowadays. 

Guys - build the game well.  Go for it.  Please, however, stop saying you'll release it in year xxxx.   Just build it.  And when it's built, let us know.  Stop giving us dates.  We don't need dates, and they can only ever disappoint us.  

Game Developers - any game - stop giving release dates before you have a finished product.  I can't believe anyone still thinks listing a release date before the product is done is a good idea.  

It's like every game developer out there thinks they're gonna be the one who can invade Russia in the winter.   Trust me, your Taun-Taun will freeze before you hit your first deadline.   


Ya dont be like microsoft and their new flight simulator:D

but just make the game great like we know yall will and im pretty sure the whole kerbal community will be happy to go explore

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  On 12/24/2020 at 11:58 PM, Bosun said:

Game Developers - any game - stop giving release dates


That request should go to publishers in most cases. After all, they want to finally make money on the product, so they drop the date after they get an estimate from the devs. Then, of course, it's a norm in gamedev, things change, and so do the estimate.

Edited by The Aziz
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  On 12/21/2020 at 8:30 PM, Meecrob said:

Besides, what would you even put in loot boxes in KSP? A "legendary" Mainsail


I think people forget this fact when talking about KSP2. There isn't a good way to add IAP because KSP isn't set up that way. The only thing I can think of is buying money, reputation, or science. Maybe reviving a kerbal or refreshing contracts.

  On 12/24/2020 at 11:58 PM, Bosun said:

Game Developers - any game - stop giving release dates before you have a finished product.  I can't believe anyone still thinks listing a release date before the product is done is a good idea.  


As a game dev myself, I can say that you can set a date but suddenly realize that this feature isn't going to work or that its much more work than you thought it would be or that a core mechanic is faulty, pushing release dates back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/6/2021 at 6:21 PM, Dr. Kerbal said:

Some games just dont need any loot boxes or in game purchases. And KSP2 and KSP is on of them. And it goes agianst KSP's motto, making physics fun. And loot boxes ona  planet arent real.


If loot boxes are even remotely mentioned by the devs I'm not even going to touch it with a stick. But this game is big box so free stuff and updates won't be prioritized or even a thing so it could likely come to mini dlcs to gain access to promised content and "loot boxes"

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After all what's happen past year i'm barely hope KSP 2 still alive.

It was must be released almost a year ago  (base on first announce)

But now this is between 1 or 2 years to wait. (Except the fact this date can be easley prolongue up to infinity)

In face of still active KSP...


For such a game it's death.


We nerver forget. Let be Kods be with you, KSP2;.;

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  On 1/10/2021 at 3:32 AM, Vegatoxi said:

After all what's happen past year i'm barely hope KSP 2 still alive.
For such a game it's death.


KIA - Kerbals In Action, Kerbal Is Active

  On 1/10/2021 at 3:32 AM, Vegatoxi said:

Let be Kods be with you, KSP2


RIP - Rise In Propulsion

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