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My explanation of ''Tic Tac'' UFO's


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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

Isn't astronomy historically all about that?

Bigger telescopes show brighter spots, but not the star disk itself.

Until the resolution gets really high.

That is correct for an light source like an star. Apparently you can see an powerful laser pointer from orbit under optimal conditions but you would not be able to see the laser pointer itself without an very powerful telescope. 

These are visible objects on the other hand where increasing the zoom will make the object larger. 

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4 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

These are visible objects on the other hand where increasing the zoom will make the object larger. 

If zoom water, it still looks like water.

The same about any fractal texture.

What if the resolution doesn't make the UFO surface more visible.

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21 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

If zoom water, it still looks like water.

The same about any fractal texture.

What if the resolution doesn't make the UFO surface more visible.

Shape will be more visible even if it has no surface features. 

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Anyway, ignoring that, The War Zone has filed numerous FOIA requests, and gotten answers.

Many, if not most, of these sightings occur in the USA's oceanic test ranges, the blocks of (supposedly) sanitized airspace over the Pacific and Atlantic, where things like Aegis are tested. Most of these sightings, including the "tic-tac" incident, occurred when new, advanced radars were deployed and first operationally tested in these ranges. From the data, they conclude that an adversary (hi, China) is using balloons and drones to get away with an enormous intelligence heist.

One of the UFO's descriptions, from an encounter over the Atlantic, I believe, matches the design of an aerial radar reflector from 1945 perfectly.

In addition, the US itself notably used balloons and other contraptions to stimulate Cuban (Soviet-made) air defenses, to evaluate how effective the SR-71 would be. Actually, the entire system they used, called PALLADIUM, has morphed and evolved over time, and still exists today. Of course, details are classified. Part of its effect was to make the Cuban systems think huge numbers of US aircraft were approaching, and pulling crazy maneuvers, some perhaps not physically possible. Sound familiar?

So, give it a read. They link other articles on this topic, too. I don't think I agree entirely with their assessment, but it seems reasonable.

I would suggest that perhaps the US itself has been testing Aegis against PALLADIUM, and vice-versa. It sounds like something which would benefit both systems.

Oh, and I don't believe in aliens. Just thought I'd say that.

Edited by Vanamonde
Disclaimer added for humor.
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It's easy to recognize a plane, or a bird, or a balloon - until it's far enough away that it's now hard to recognize.

They also look much different in infrared because we aren't evolved to recognize anything in IR. Out-of-focus lights are still out-of-focus whether they are in the visible spectrum or the infrared.

They also appear to move across the frame quite differently when viewed in 300x zoom from a mile away using a motion stabilized auto-tracking camera filmed from a jet aircraft flying 600 mph at some arbitrary angle to the target. Our brains aren't evolved to process the geometry of those viewing situations so we instinctively misjudge speed, distance and size.

For every one of these "unidentified flying objects" I guarantee you that it would have been an identified flying object if it had just been close enough to easily make out the shape. It is frankly unsurprising that anything would be difficult to positively identify when its a blurry blob at the extreme limits of camera resolution, focus ability or tracking speed. And every camera has a limit.

Edited by HvP
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5 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

The first guy has to understand if some sit on him :) Second cat was easy to spot but the two later was well done. 
However camouflage only work if you match the background as shown here. 

You must assume that advanced sensors as in not only eyeball or cheap drones will use both visual and IR. 
And if you are high or over cold terrain or water you will show up in IR even if you are an duck. 

One weird story about qualifying the phalanx AAA, the mini gun with an white radar dome was that they done the tests and was heading home . 
Suddenly the phalanx started engaging unidentified flying objects, or seagulls as they was later identified as.  

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4 hours ago, HvP said:

For every one of these "unidentified flying objects" I guarantee you that it would have been an identified flying object if it had just been close enough to easily make out the shape. It is frankly unsurprising that anything would be difficult to positively identify when its a blurry blob at the extreme limits of camera resolution, focus ability or tracking speed. And every camera has a limit.

I guess the question of "why is the video so gosh darn grainy" is part of the "selection/determination bias". IE if it wasn't grainy, or the camera got closer enough to identify it... it wouldn't be guessed as some alien tech and we wouldn't care about it since it was a balloon or whatever. Same probably goes for stuff like BigFoot. More cameras = more chances to get bad footage of "something" and say its bigfoot but never anything obviously clear, because once its clear its determinable. 

I guess that also means there will be UFO reportings for as long as there are things "flying", that also means any UFO reported in the past probably falls to the same problem of "what was that, prolly aliens".


Guess human pattern recognition is great for finding lions in the bush, maybe not so great as seeing aliens in grainy images ;P

Edited by MKI
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6 hours ago, SOXBLOX said:

Many, if not most, of these sightings occur in the USA's oceanic test ranges, the blocks of (supposedly) sanitized airspace over the Pacific and Atlantic, where things like Aegis are tested. Most of these sightings, including the "tic-tac" incident, occurred when new, advanced radars were deployed and first operationally tested in these ranges. From the data, they conclude that an adversary (hi, China) is using balloons and drones to get away with an enormous intelligence heist.

If this is proven true later I guess that kinda shows what I've been saying as 'reverse intelligence' - basically them saying to adversaries "whatever you've been doing, we can see you doing it".

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20 hours ago, zedzded said:

I've got an open mind, I'm not convinced on any theory or explanation of the Tic Tac UFOs. No theory really seems to add up.

I been thinking a lot lately again about this whole thing and i am even more than convinced that

its related to this ''Active Camouflage'' technology probably operating and powered by underwater platforms, maybe nuclear submarines.

Imagine a projection technology that actively transform, hide, manipulate every known detection system we have, even our own eyes.

Make notice, its not that there is nothing there, there is some sort of mechanism, probably an advanced drone, but its like a relay or something, i can't get my mind around it.

Arm chair science is hard.

Also can explain why the image resolutions that are released to the public are really bad, because the high resolution images portray the weaknesses of this new experimental technology,

potentially uncovering too soon this new top secret technology.

It's hard to imagine the two mainstream possibilities, a nation having quantum level understanding and manipulation of physics or an old lost civilization under the sea or aliens.

Although to be fair its not impossible to be some remnants somewhere on the planet of an ancient civilization that left some vehicles lying around for various reasons.


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21 minutes ago, Souptime said:


its really zoomed in on a tic tac flung across the room

boom destroyed with facts and knowledge


camera people faked it by hanging a tic tag I front of the camera 

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42 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:


camera people faked it by hanging a tic tag I front of the camera 


34 minutes ago, Souptime said:

drawing soon



idk why i just couldnt get the feeling right, maybe i'll do an updated version one day

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7 hours ago, magnemoe said:

You must assume that advanced sensors as in not only eyeball or cheap drones will use both visual and IR. 
And if you are high or over cold terrain or water you will show up in IR even if you are an duck. 

A problem with IR-targeting of the helicopters is/was that they produce whirls that smoothen the IR-spot.

Also, the IR should be produced by a passive body, while  a custom object
1) it has to dissipate some energy due to entropy and so
2) IR is its maximum by default when it's just passively emitting.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien's_displacement_law

UFO, say, may have a cooled surface, matching the IR background; the internal heaters may be actively cooled by some cooling system, converting IR into something hotter, say into the visible light.
So, we can see a glowing cool object, with no visible details because it's just displaying on its surface the visual info from the opposite side.

Acoustic camouflage is also on, it actively produces sounds in counter-phase, so it's soundless.

The only question is: why do they care at all to hide from the monkeys.

On the other hand, if (I believe, it's the most probable version) the aliens are former humans kidnapped by the Elder Ones for landscape design, they can just avoid wet kisses from their ape-like cousins.

Edited by kerbiloid
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It doesn't take a genius to build a telescope.

If Aliens did fly here, they wouldn't pop in within visual range and give some human flying machine a run for its money. If we can get sub-meter resolution from spy satellites with current tech, some alien civilization wouldn't get caught on camera that easily, hell modern fighter pilots wouldn't get caught with their pants down like that. So to consider some advance space fairing civilization lets our tech get within camera range just doesn't make sense. They are either way beyond our tech or incredibly stupid for being found by our lamest tech.

8 hours ago, Serenity said:

Although to be fair its not impossible to be some remnants somewhere on the planet of an ancient civilization that left some vehicles lying around for various reasons.

I'd rather not have UFO's actually be aliens, I'd rather have all UFO's to be actual grainy footage, actually be "secret military tech", or straight up faked. Because actual aliens existing wouldn't be "cool" or like the movies, it would be the single worst thing in the history of history. Everything humanity has done would become essentially meaningless, and it would essentially mark the end of human civilization as we know it, in the single worse way possible in that tomorrow could actually be doomsday. 

The reason for my stance on this is the Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter. Where the Fermi Paradox boils down to "where are all the aliens", and the Great Filter proposes the solution to why we haven't see a bunch of aliens, even though there has been billions of years for them to go out and make their presence known. 

Sure you can consider stuff is "fake", and its all the government covering stuff up, but its a weak claim because most governments of all types are slow and bureaucratic. Its true you could be in a country that has censorship that does impact what possible knowledge and wisdom you can get closer to being able to manipulate what is considered real/fake, but the most open countries have a hard enough time keeping their own message straight. So considering these large organizations being capable of covering up arguably the single most groundbreaking fact in the history of history seems completely impossible, when my personal experience with large government organizations is just them being slow and inefficient. 

So going back to the Fermi Paradox and Great Filter, and why finding ancient alien civilizations would be the worst thing ever. The idea is simple, humanity isn't even an infant in the grand scheme of the universe. During those billions and billions of years of existence multiple galactic civilizations could of risen and fallen. The issue is if they did, then humanity has 0 chance at doing anything about it besides getting squashed like a bug. During those billions, a single civilization could conquer the entire galaxy and make their presence known among the stars by purely expanding. Instead when we look we find literally nothing. No Dyson spheres, no Death Stars, no nothing. 

The reason for this may be solved by the Great Filter, which reasons that life on Earth has passed the Great Filter and we thus are "safe" from future doom. Other planets/stars/galaxies haven't, which is why complex "intelligent" life is hard to come by. The filter makes it hard for life to get its way to making its presence known across the galaxy. As long as we have passed the great filter, we are golden as that means life has already gotten through the hard part. If we haven't passed the great filter, that means humanity is probably doomed in the future as something will "filter" us out before we can expand out into the galaxy to make our own mark. Its not clear what the great filter actually could of been, there are some guesses from the creation of life in the first place, to multi-cellular life, to "intelligence" and awareness. Its also possible the filter is still in our future, where we could still be doomed from some force that extinguishes civilizations before they can get big enough to be noticeable at the galactic scale.


So finding ancient alien civilization would be the single worse thing ever, as that means we haven't passed the great filter if we find dead alien civilizations nearby. Take your pick of doomsday scenarios, all of them suddenly become incredibly likely. Alien empire that eats everyone? Climate change turns us into Venus? We blow ourselves up with nukes? Robot takeover? Asteroid Impact? Take your pick, they are all on the table and then some. 

Now finding something else, like alien bacteria on Mars or complex life forms within Enceladus is different, in that means the filter is "closer" to where we are now, in that complex life might be common, but intelligent life might not be. The less complex life we find out among the stars the better our own chances. 


To kinda comprehend how screwed we would be if aliens are real, consider this hypothetical:

You have to fight someone to the death and are given 300 years to prepare. You can build whatever you deem is necessary to win, including weapons, technology, etc. They key is you have 300 years and obviously get to live that long to see thru the fight. However your competitor got a head start of a few billion years. Its obvious you have no chance once the fight roles around. It should be obvious that you wont even have a clue as to what billions of years of preparedness looks like. Imagine a modern battalion of soldiers tricked out with the latest gear and vehicles, getting ready to fight against men with muskets and cannons. There's basically no chance at all for the low tech to do almost anything but give up. Throw in another billion years of advancements and you can't even imagine how they could imagine what they could actually use, or how they would use it. 

There are other possible answers to the Fermi Paradox, but the "great filter" is my personal favorite one and why I root to never find complex intelligent life out there. I'm greedy and want the universe for humanity. Plus the idea humanity could stand up to a real galactic civilization is pure hubris on our part.


So to bring this crazy long post about aliens to a close, keeping the "grand scheme of things" in regards to what we do know about the universe in mind, "flying tic-tacs" aren't advanced enough for me to even consider they are aliens. Real aliens have had much more time to make something much more impressive. Real aliens just can't exist, otherwise we are hopelessly doomed to something so advanced that its beyond even comprehension. So keep looking up, but pray you don't see anything, and even if you do... you don't want it to be aliens ;D

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I made this post to offer an explanation that doesn't include quantum level technology or aliens but still i am amazed how almost every single response

is focused that oh it can't be aliens or it must be aliens, or alien theories, i am not saying its not interesting just curious, it feels like most of us want this

to be aliens but at the same time oh no it can't be.

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2 minutes ago, Serenity said:

I made this post to offer an explanation that doesn't include quantum level technology or aliens but still i am amazed how almost every single response

is focused that oh it can't be aliens or it must be aliens, or alien theories, i am not saying its not interesting just curious, it feels like most of us want this

to be aliens but at the same time oh no it can't be.

to be honest I kinda want aliens to be not real, like if they really turn out as real then i will believe it too but I prob. won't like them because flying really fast and stopping on a dime is cheating, pls ban them

it's kinda like (for me atleast) with cobalt bombs, I don't want that they exist, and if they exist, I won't like them, because in that example they are just a bit short of doomsday devices

11 hours ago, Souptime said:




idk why i just couldnt get the feeling right, maybe i'll do an updated version one day

that's fake, like totally, a kerbal filmed and a roboter arm piloted by robotug (from bradley whistance) made whoooooo

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From what we can observe it seems that everything must be real, i am terrified in the idea that some things don't exist or can't exist cause that will lead to even more questions,

i hope things exist because if they don't then we talking about scary stuff, like great filters, simulations, unknown entities, magic etc.

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