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What are the most satisfying KSP moments?


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When you press Space, and the deorbit burns.
When you it again, and the chute opens.

Then you see that it was enough fuel to return, and that you haven't forgotten the chute, and indescribable satisfaction wraps your tired mind while you capsule is swinging on slings.

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There's something nice about a docking, especially when you "do it in one" ie the final closing few hundred metres are done without stopping, just a few slowdowns then contact.

And of course, the chutes coming out on a long long trip as it descends the last few thousand m onto Kerbin's surface are always immensely satisfying.

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 The ka-sploosh as your pod full of tired Kerbals finally splashes down in the ocean just off the KSC coast after a long and difficult voyage to far-flung destinations, running on fumes and with the tiniest of margins left on all resources, but packed to the gills with sweet, sweet science...

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When you realize how much potential there is to the robotics parts, spend 2 days to make and tweak a physics defying helicopter, and get a screenshot like this one (with a teensy bit of photoshopping)...


This game, despite being so old, never fails to amaze visually (at least with the right mods)...

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For me, currently:

  • Landing right on target
  • Bellyflopping in a Starship, then landing perfectly
  • Launching an SLS/ Ares 1, when jettisoning the service module fairing and LAS
  • Launching a Space Shuttle, when separating the SRB's, and not having them destroy your wings/flaps/both :D  
  • Being on the night side of a planet, and there is no lag at all :D 
Edited by SpaceX_Boi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Learning new things about the game that despite many many (many :blush:) hours of playing, you still didn’t know. Like the fact that the “funds penalties” difficulty setting also changes the cost of building upgrades at the KSC, or the +/- orbit buttons on nodes that make it much easier to plot future intercepts or evenly space your relay network.

And then there’s the community content- I can flick through the forums and get an hour-long cinematic, a thousand part monstrosity to visit every planet and moon and a robotic flappy bird game in quick succession.

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Landing an unpowered shuttle on the runway from orbit. I imagine landing an unpowered pod back on the launchpad from orbit might beat it though but not managed that one yet...

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