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Kerbal injury and temporary paralysis

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Right now, all kerbals ingame have an listed impact tolerance of 50 m/s, or 180 km/h. Any lower than that, they just walk off unharmed. Obviously, this is completely unrealistic and very silly even for a game like this. So I think Kerbals should have some sort of 'injuryMinSpeed' value, where impacts above this speed that don't kill a kerbal will reduce their capability. For example, they may have reduced speed when walking or climbing, may not be able to run, or be incapable of doing science. If this kind of impact occurs three times or something, the kerbal may be completely paralysed and require other kerbals to lift them back into the vessel following which they will heal after some time, perhaps as an extension of EVA construction. Sustained exposure to high G-forces could also trigger paralysis. Crashing above 50 m/s will still kill them.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
Added a G-effect
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48 minutes ago, James Kerman said:

I like it. Perhaps a 'medical' class of Kerbal could revive injured/incapacitated crew?

I'd like to see Kerbal professions expanded a little in general, actually. There could be multiple classes of engineers (eg mechanical engineers, structural engineers, electrical engineers) and scientists (eg geologists, botanists, medics), and each specialisation could have some kind of unique ability.

Maybe this would be more suited to KSP2, though.

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20 minutes ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

This is for kerbal impact damage, not health issues from extended stays in microgravity. But ok.

Kerbalism has.

Also KeepFit did something like that, but is obsolete.


Edited by kerbiloid
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I could see a medical professional kerbal if this were to be implemented. Which could in turn lead to more in depth play and parts such as a medical bay, and maybe even bandages for the doctor kerbal to heal other kerbals in orbit, like the engineer repairing parts and using those kits.


If done right, I could get behind and enjoy this as long as it doesn't get too dark. There are other games for that.

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On 3/31/2021 at 10:09 AM, Dientus said:

I could see a medical professional kerbal if this were to be implemented.

And the inevitable personal injury attorneys from the law firm of Kerman, Kerman, Kerman, and Kerman.

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Fines for violating labour safety Kerbal safety (you have to provide every Kerbal with belt, gloves, and helmet and keep under control if they are wearing them).
A sign of every VAB Kerbal before his shift in VAB.

Several weeks to have the planned flight accepted by KAA



(Kerbal Aviation Administration) and wait for the inspector (happily, KSP doesn't have weather yet.)

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