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4 hours ago, Jatwaa said:

two versions MOIST! and SEA (Sink Em All). 

MOIST! adds parts, SEA doesn't, just resources and functions. I love to see more ideas out there for submarines so I still think it's awesome :)


edit: If I can help, just let me know!

Thanks @Jatwaa .Funny thing is I joined the forum looking for stuff like yours but nobody put me on to you. If they had I might not have made my mod. Though I did come up with a way to to give adjustable ballast to Kerbals, which I don't think had been done before. So that is something I am proud of.

I don't have the ability to make my own meshes so I have to make use of other peoples. In my unreleased to the general public I have made use of Kerbonov and Retro Future, with a bit of Mk2 expansion meshes thrown in. I can config mods but if you wanted to collaborate with meshes and ideas I could try to work something out. This is all new territory for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Working Underwater Lite has hit 201 downloads on Spacedock. May not compare to those who have had over 40,000, but I never expected it to be much noticed, so I am happy that more people can hopefully add their momentum so that we can maybe expand the possibilities of getting more interesting things to do and find down below.

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3 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

maybe expand the possibilities of getting more interesting things to do and find down below

I was going to add some water related missions to the Kerbin Geographical Organization agency in KSRGAP, but if I put some thought into it I could probably come up with a water themed Contract Pack all it's own. This also aligns with some interesting underwater statics I've found in some older KK mods that could be used to provide the backdrops. 

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17 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

I was going to add some water related missions to the Kerbin Geographical Organization agency in KSRGAP, but if I put some thought into it I could probably come up with a water themed Contract Pack all it's own. This also aligns with some interesting underwater statics I've found in some older KK mods that could be used to provide the backdrops. 

Sorry I took so long to answer, was writing up the classified WDYDIKSPT.

That would be awsome!!!

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Seems I will have to update the mod soon as I found (when building a ship with some of the parts) that the largest of the marine drives runs on magic. I don't know how I published it without propellants needed but I guess I did. Was thinking I may as well add some water nacelles that intake water and have battery storage instead of fuel. Any suggestions before I update it?

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1 hour ago, ColdJ said:

largest of the marine drives runs on magic

Or, and stay with me on this... you could leave it as a Magic Drive and add the requirement the player say the words "aqua motus" to engage the engine. 

Or completely ignore this and do what you have to do.

Nacelles would be nice though.

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8 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

Nacelles would be nice though.

Yep. I was so focused on in line subs I forgot that ships with under hanging engines need something to attach the intakes and engines to. I currently was using fuel tanks. Also fast turning with the centre of mass up in the middle meant rolling over for my ship. So I placed a ballast tank in each fuel tank nacelle to lower the COM and now a fast turn that leans but does not roll over.

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To celebrate my Mod (with the magic engine :P) being recognised by Kerbal X I have adapted my Superb Stunt Plane(if anybody actually had noticed it on Kerbal X before) to be able to submerge and, thanks to engine nesting, fly underwater as well. So Pixar's The Incredibles and those lovely futuristic Movies and Tv series of the 50's and 60's with subs that were also planes are now buildable in KSP. The sub with the interceptor attached at the nose in UFO would be something.

Anyhow. simple start.



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Hi. After finding the magic engine I went through and found a few other mistakes. Hopefully all fixed now.

Mod has been updated to 1.1.0 as I have added some new parts for more versatility.

Change Log 1.1.0

"Senior" Marine Engine no longer runs on magic and uses Electric Charge.
"Teen" Marine Engine, found and removed hidden Alternator.
"Sub Vernier" no longer drains a country's power grid in seconds.
"Ballast Ball" now has correct name.
Added 3 sizes of Water Nacelle for use with Ships. Have battery storage instead of fuel. Be careful if used at depth as will boost thrust considerably.
Added 3 sizes of Ballast Weight that use Cold Wars Aerospaces scrap resource and can be used to balance out the extra buoyancy of engines etc. Only Adjustable when building. Can be surface attached or stack attached and used like a micro node.
Added the scrap resource to the resources config of W.U.L.
Added a huge ballast tank for when you make big subs etc out of very buoyant parts.
Went through every config file and hopefully caught everything.

Unzip in main KSP folder and allow it to overwrite previous install.



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2 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Nice! I have added it to my Dev instance of KSP for a "little side project' under the waves.

Have fun. I await your future genius projects being avalable to us mere mortals. :D

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A while back I made similar engines to what I think you are doing, along with a part reskin to differentiate the part:


Other ones I did:


Green parts were atmospheric engines using electric charge (rescaled 0.5x to turn the goliath into a 1.25m engine)

Blue were liquid engines,

Tan/brownish engines were air-augmented rockets/ Jet engines that burned fuel and oxidizer along with intake atmosphere as reaction mass.

I also made a modified ore tank to work as a ballast tank... but with breaking ground and robotics, I went full stock for my craft (even if I do not play stock scale and have modifed the stock system)

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3 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

A while back I made similar engines to what I think you are doing, along with a part reskin to differentiate the part:


Other ones I did:


Green parts were atmospheric engines using electric charge (rescaled 0.5x to turn the goliath into a 1.25m engine)

Blue were liquid engines,

Tan/brownish engines were air-augmented rockets/ Jet engines that burned fuel and oxidizer along with intake atmosphere as reaction mass.

I also made a modified ore tank to work as a ballast tank... but with breaking ground and robotics, I went full stock for my craft (even if I do not play stock scale and have modifed the stock system)

Cool. The more people the merrier. If you haven't already downloaded it. Grab Working Underwater Lite off Spacedock and look through the config files to see the ways I went about things. There are no texture changes in the lite version to make it as "Lite" as possible" but if you look back through the posts on here you will see retextured parts and meshes from other mods I have used in my personal game. That I may or may not release as a mod some day. All my stuff is balanced so as not to be overpowered but works much better under the water than normal jets. Stock RCS thrusters don't even work underwater. I am currently balancing out Water nacelles with imbeded engines that work in a very narrow band around sea level to give ships that travel on the surface more power. For things to do underwater, @Caerfinon is working on some stuff when he has the time. You should also check out @Angel-125s Wild Blue industries, especially his Buffalo mod for under sea stuff. He is also getting close to being able to release his excellent Sunk Works SCUBA gear, that works in 1.11.1 up. Hope you enjoy yourself.

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17 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Cool. The more people the merrier. If you haven't already downloaded it. Grab Working Underwater Lite off Spacedock

I'm sort of weird, in that I merrily and heavily mod the game's solar system, but I don't want to use part mods, which is why I dropped my personal mods after breaking ground allowed similar functionality.














The weight belt for kerbals is very interesting though, and cannot be replaced with stock funtionality afaik.

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Hello. Not UNDER water per se but useable and if you added a ballast tank you could. @Martian Emigrant put me on to the 2 Space 1999 mods and I have been rebuilding these older rather clunky mods into realistic, useable equivalents.. What I have just got finished and balanced, was a moon buggy that was seen in the series but in reality was an AquaCat. So here are the final Buggy and wheel configs to make it work. All terrain and water. An imbeded low power juno to push you across the water. Fantastic handling and Break dancing included. Great at jumping the runway, forming a conga line and going fishing. Attachments nodes at the front and back allow for winches, tow bars, docking nodes and importantly linking these in to one long continuous vehicle. For smaller wheels just lower the rescale factor of the wheel config.


You will need this mod for the part meshes.

https://spacedock.info/mod/1373/Space 1999 Eagle Transporter 3 Pack

This for the AquaCat textures.

Create a new blank config file called AquaCat.cfg and pop it in GameData/MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover once you have the mod installed and then paste this in.



    // --- general parameters ---
    name = AquaCat
    module = Part
    author = MajorTom, ColdJ

    // --- asset parameters ---
        model = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/buggy
        model = Squad/Parts/Engine/miniJet/SmallJet
        scale = 0.2
    rescaleFactor = 1
    Buoyancy = 1
    // --- node definitions: Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
    node_stack_wheel1 = 0.26841, 0.58088, 0.27109, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_wheel2 = 0.26841, 0.0, 0.27109, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_wheel3 = 0.26841, -0.58088, 0.27109, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_wheel4 = -0.26841, 0.58088, 0.27109, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_wheel5 = -0.26841, 0.0, 0.27109, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_wheel6 = -0.26841, -0.58088, 0.27109, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_back = 0.0, -0.49225, -0.18187, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0
    node_stack_front = 0.0, 0.0, 0.26109, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0
    node_stack_tail = 0.0, 1.02225, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
    node_stack_nose = 0.0, -0.82935, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired  = fieldScience
    entryCost = 10000
    cost = 9500
    category = Pods
    subcategory = 0
    title = AquaCat
    manufacturer = Alpha Engineering and CJ Marine
    description = A compact ATV with mounting points for winches, tow bars, docking ports or even other ATVs

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.50
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.20
    minimum_drag = 0.15
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 450
    breakingForce = 2072
    breakingTorque = 2072
    maxTemp = 2000
    vesselType = Rover
    CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.55
    CrewCapacity = 1
    bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
    tags = rover buggy moonbuggy eagle transporter Aquacat car
    // internals, resources, effects, modules


            name = ModuleCommand

            minimumCrew = 0        

        name = ModuleLight
        lightName = spotlight
        useAnimationDim = true
        lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
        lightDimSpeed = 2.5
        animationName = Moonbuggy_lights
        resourceAmount = 0.03
        useResources = true
        name = KerbalSeat
        seatPivotName = seatPivot
        ejectDirection = -1.5, 0, 0
        //name = KerbalSeat
        //seatPivotName = seatPivotR
        //ejectDirection = 1, 0, 0
        name = ElectricCharge
        amount = 2000
        maxAmount = 2000
        name = IntakeAir
        amount = 10
        maxAmount = 10
        name = ModuleReactionWheel
        PitchTorque = 5
        YawTorque = 5
        RollTorque = 5
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 0.24
        name = ModuleScienceExperiment    
        experimentID = crewReport
        experimentActionName = Crew Report
        resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
        reviewActionName = Review Report
        useStaging = False    
        useActionGroups = True
        hideUIwhenUnavailable = True    
        rerunnable = True
        xmitDataScalar = 1.0
        usageReqMaskInternal = 5
        usageReqMaskExternal = -1
        name = ModuleScienceContainer
        reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
        storeActionName = Store Experiments
        evaOnlyStorage = True
        storageRange = 1.3
//    MODULE
//    {
//        name = ModuleDataTransmitter
//        antennaType = DIRECT
//        packetInterval = 0.10
//        packetSize = 2
//        packetResourceCost = 20.0
//        requiredResource = ElectricCharge
//        DeployFxModules = 0
//        antennaPower = 1000000
//        antennaCombinable = False
//    }
        name = ModuleGPS
        name = ModuleDockingNode
        referenceAttachNode = front
        nodeTransformName = dockingNode
            //controlTransformName = controlNode
        nodeType = size0, size1
        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 0.3
        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
            name = IntakeAir
            rate = 5
        name = ModuleEnginesFX
        engineID = Cruise
        thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
        exhaustDamage = False
        ignitionThreshold = 0.1
        minThrust = 0
        maxThrust = 5
        heatProduction = 0.01
        useEngineResponseTime = True
        engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.12
        engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5
        fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.74
        spoolEffectName = running_turbine
        engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
        engineSpoolTime = 2.0
        EngineType = Turbine
        exhaustDamageMultiplier = 1
        clampPropReceived = True
            name = IntakeAir
            ignoreForIsp = True
            ratio = 22
            name = ElectricCharge
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
            ratio = 1
            DrawGauge = True
            key = 0 6400 0 0
        // Jet params
        atmChangeFlow = True
        useVelCurve = True
        useAtmCurve = True
        machLimit = 0.75
        machHeatMult = 3.5
            key = 0 1 0 0
            key = 0.44 0.897 0 0
            key = 1 1 0.1988732 0.1988732
            key = 1.3 1.03 0 0
            key = 2 0.68 -1.065708 -1.065708
            key = 2.4 0 0 0
            key = 0 0 0 0.7448742
            key = 0.072 0.13 2.075459 2.075459
            key = 0.16 0.28 1.464173 1.464173
            key = 0.42 0.578 0.93687 0.93687
            key = 1 1 0.5529748 0
        name = ModuleAlternator
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 1

                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_jet_deep
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.05 0.35
                volume = 1.0 0.5
                pitch = 0.0 0.6
                pitch = 0.05 0.8
                pitch = 1.0 1.5
                loop = true

        name = ModulePartVariants
        useMultipleDragCubes = false
        baseVariant = Yellow
            name = Yellow
            displayName = Yellow
            themeName = Yellow
            primaryColor = #cdad00
            secondaryColor = #cdad00
                shader=KSP/Emissive Specular
                mainTextureURL = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/Moonbuggy_textures
            name = Canada
            displayName = Canada
            themeName = Canada
            primaryColor = #ffffff
            secondaryColor = #1874cd

                shader=KSP/Emissive Specular
                mainTextureURL = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/Moonbuggy_texturesC

            name = BlueLightning
            displayName = BlueLightning
            themeName = BlueL
            primaryColor = #cdad00
            secondaryColor = #0000ff
                shader=KSP/Emissive Specular
                mainTextureURL = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/Moonbuggy_texturesB            



Make sure your new textures are in the same folder. Then do the same for the wheel config. named AquaCatWheel.cfg



    // --- general parameters ---
    name = AquacatWheel
    module = Part
    author = MajorTom, ColdJ

    // --- asset parameters ---
        model = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/buggywheel
    scale = 1
    rescaleFactor = 1.2

    // --- node definitions: Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
    node_stack_wheel = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0

    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired  = fieldScience
    entryCost = 5000
    cost = 500
    category = Ground
    subcategory = 0
    title = AquaCat Wheel Large
    manufacturer = Alpha Engineering and CJ Marine
    description = Aquacat multipurpose wheel. The land, the ocean or the Mun, we got you covered.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.0005
    CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.3
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 10000
    breakingForce = 2072
    breakingTorque = 2072
    maxTemp = 2000
    bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
    tags = rover moonbuggy buggy eagle transporter moonbase alpha major tom

    // internals, resources, effects, modules
        name = ModuleWheelBase
        wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider        
        wheelTransformName = wheelPivot
        // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
        FitWheelColliderToMesh = False        
        radius = 0.22    //0.32
        center = 0, 0, 0
        mass = 0.040
        groundHeightOffset = -0.4
        TooltipTitle = Moonbuggy Wheel
        TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
        name = ModuleWheelSuspension
        baseModuleIndex = 0
        suspensionTransformName = suspensionPivot
        suspensionDistance = 0.1
        targetPosition = 0.01            
        springRatio = 14
        damperRatio = 2
        name = ModuleWheelSteering
        baseModuleIndex = 0    
        caliperTransformName = steeringPivot        
        steeringResponse = 1    //0.5 //2
            key = 0 20  //0 20
            key = 5 2.5   //10 5
            key = 30 0.5  //30 1.5
        name = ModuleWheelMotor
        baseModuleIndex = 0
        wheelSpeedMax = 20
        driveResponse = 10
            key = 0 1.0 0 0
            key = 5 0.5 0 0
            key = 10 0.25 0 0
            key = 20 0 0 0
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 3.5
        idleDrain = 0.0
        name = ModuleWheelBrakes
        baseModuleIndex = 0
        maxBrakeTorque = 3
            brakeResponse = 1 //2


Hope you enjoy them.

@Caerfinon and @Tsar_bomba



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1 hour ago, Caerfinon said:

Soon as work is over it's time to race around the KSC Harbour and beach areas! :heart_eyes:

:awe:Multiplayer race :awe:

As an aside  @ColdJ

 would it possible to create a part that would actually have attachment points and guidance without wheels or anything else such as a design along the lines of the Rover body in stock? But it would also have all the buoyancy features of your scripting and mods with it?

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6 hours ago, Dientus said:

would it possible to create a part that would actually have attachment points and guidance without wheels or anything else such as a design along the lines of the Rover body in stock? But it would also have all the buoyancy features of your scripting and mods with it?

Yes. It shouldn't be a problem. Getting the mass right so that Buoyancy works properly is always the first step. I still get confused as to if the Buoyancy parameter is a binary switch or an adjustable feature. Increasing the amount of positive Buoyancy never seems to make a difference but when I did a fraction of 1 of Buoyancy for the marine chair it seemed to work. The AquaCat body can actually be dropped in the water without wheels and driven around using the reaction wheels to steer.

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