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A controversial opinion of mine

Maria Sirona

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So, uh, i don't think of clipping fuel tanks as a cheat. Yip. That's my controversial opinion.




My justification for it is that the fuel is highly pressurised. And the extra weight of the tanks themselves? The thicker shell of the fuel tank required to handle the extra pressure obviously wheighs more.


Just thought i'd like to tell.

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I don’t think you can really cheat in a 1 player game as who are you cheating? Only yourself. So do whatever you like, if you can sleep nights you cheater :D

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I tried using part clipping recently to turn 2x Mk3 tanks into a single 3.75m tank, but every time the vessel loaded in it immediately self-destructed so I had to abandon the concept.

I even do it in RO/RP-1; I’m playing it realistically enough with all those mods, what’s the point in adding more complexity with arbitrary part placement rules that just get in the way? It’s not like I’m double-stacking fuel tanks or anything, just a few small RCS propellant tanks or hydrolox for fuel cells to keep the outside of my craft looking nice and sleek.

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On 5/22/2021 at 3:46 PM, Maria Sirona said:

My justification for it is that the fuel is highly pressurised. And the extra weight of the tanks themselves? The thicker shell of the fuel tank required to handle the extra pressure obviously wheighs more.


Just thought i'd like to tell.

actually, it's liquid. you can't compress it further.

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41 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Tell that to the bottom of the ocean...

the bottom of the mariana trench, with a pressure 1000 times greater than surface pressure, has water being compressed. By about 0.8%, if i remember exactly.

Yes, the old adage "liquids are incompressible" is not exactly true if taken at face value. But they require ludicrous pressures to compress very little, so for virtually all practical and engineeristical purposes, we can consider them as incompressible.

If you compress your fuel to 1000 atmospheres, which is already well above the maximum pressures you can sustain on a large tank in a practical way, you will be able to stuff 1% more fuel in it. Maybe liquid hydrogen/methane/oxygen/hydrazine are more compressible than water, in which case you may even squeeze an extra 2 or 3%. In any case, as far as actually putting more fuel inside, it's meaningless.


One can do whatever one pleases in single player, but I have to point out when one's headcanon is scientifically unsustainable.


personally, i've done some clippings between wings (with inside tanks) and fuselage to make the thing look better. but not to any large degree.

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