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10 Year Anniversary Video


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What an honor to be a part of this. I will not lie - an awesome feeling to be the second person on screen :)

I don't remember the first rockets I built, but I remember the very first day I landed on the Mün, in (I believe) the summer of 2014. I  on the couch by the window, and it was an awful lander with two Thuds, a Lander Can and a single fuel tank. I touched down, put my laptop on the side and jumped up yelling. There was no more fuel for the crew to return, but it was a memory I'll have for the rest of my life.

I hope that more and more people will continue to be inspired by this game the same way I was. My life goal is to set foot on the Moon - And though I have a very, very long way to go before that, I am so grateful for the way this game secured my path to becoming a pilot.

This game, the people behind it, and the community that has formed around it are all incredibly special things.

Godspeed to you all.


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  On 6/24/2021 at 4:51 PM, stupid_chris said:

Thank you to the wonderful team behind the video for letting me be a part of this, and thank you again Felipe for all you've done.

You've help send me towards my career path in a job that I absolutely adore.

Onwards :) 


It's great what you've done for the community, s_c. I was touched to see you make an appearance. (You still look like a hippie, though ;) )

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I have nothing to say that nobody else hasn't already said, but that was such a well-done video, and such an awesome send-off to a game that has really enhanced my life. I was really happy to see HarvestR in there at the end.

I am really honestly seriously looking forward to KSP2. I hope it gets the love, attention, and work such a thing deserves. Squad has already set a pretty high bar there.

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It's been a fantastic ride so far, thank you to everybody who has contributed to the game. From Felipe aka HarvesteR, for starting us out, to all the developers from Squad (and later, Take Two), to all the fantastic modders without whom, I'm very sure, the game would not have become quite as big as it did, and finally to the gamers and streams and the Community Support team.  This is most certainly one of the best and least toxic gaming communities I have ever come across.

So long, and thanks for all the booms!  Here's to many more in the future..


NB: Here's some of my earliest screenshots I could find - v0.23.5 (Album Link : https://imgur.com/a/iOtHBJb)

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Excellent video guys, thank you for that. And thank you for this fantastic game, Felipe. It's been my go to since I discovered it in 2013, while wanting to try Orbiter but leery of what I was hearing about it until I ran across a suggestion of KSP as sort of an Orbiter-lite. At least I think that's how I found this game; my memory of that time is kind of hazy from all the late nights...

It was nice to get a look at the Modfather and some of the other forum "brass." This forum has been my first stop when surfing since I found it, since it's such a great crowd here. Hats off to the moderators for keeping it that way!

I look forward to starting what will hopefully be my last, final master career once the dust settles (and smoke clears) On Final Approach. To all the developers past, present, and future, THANK YOU  for bringing us this Big Bang Program!

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Thank you @SQUAD and @HarvesteR for beginning the joy and legacy of Kerbal Space Program. Thank you so much. I do not know what I would do without this game. 

Thank you Take Two Interactive and @SQUAD for continuing the joy and legacy of Kerbal Space Program.

Thank you @Intercept Games, @Nate Simpson, and the rest of the KSP2 team for continuing the joy and legacy of Kerbal Space Program.  

I do not know what to say. But thank you. This game has brought a resurrection to my interest in space, and now space flight. 

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I would like to pass on my heartiest congratulations to Felipe and the entire development team. You have all created a true masterpiece! It is not only waaaay fun, but it is immersive and educational. I have only been playing a year but am fully hooked. Quite often I am surprised when I look at the clock and realize that hours have passed running a mission!

Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication. I am looking forward to great things to come!

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  On 6/24/2021 at 5:05 PM, DMSP said:

What an honor to be a part of this. I will not lie - an awesome feeling to be the second person on screen :)

I don't remember the first rockets I built, but I remember the very first day I landed on the Mün, in (I believe) the summer of 2014. I  on the couch by the window, and it was an awful lander with two Thuds, a Lander Can and a single fuel tank. I touched down, put my laptop on the side and jumped up yelling. There was no more fuel for the crew to return, but it was a memory I'll have for the rest of my life.

I hope that more and more people will continue to be inspired by this game the same way I was. My life goal is to set foot on the Moon - And though I have a very, very long way to go before that, I am so grateful for the way this game secured my path to becoming a pilot.

This game, the people behind it, and the community that has formed around it are all incredibly special things.

Godspeed to you all.



It's a rite of passage to build your first recue mission for those stranded Kerbals.

And you know you're really hooked when you build a rescue ship for the rescue ship - and it WORKS.

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I have not done much with the update, admittedly, but I am still very much enjoying what I have gotten into so far. It is hard to believe that this game has been around for this long, and still surpasses so many with creativity and enjoyment. I might have to save up and celebrate this accomplishment with a set of Kerbal figures to go next to my Mass Effect ships and Fallout Bobblehead collections. Cheers for a fantastic accomplishment in a wonderfully designed game. 

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  On 6/24/2021 at 3:42 PM, Dman979 said:

Thanks, guys, for making this fun. The community that KSP has created is the reason we're all still here. I can vividly remember the first time I played KSP in 2013 and coming to the forums for help.

HarvestR, thank you for being an inspiration to so many boys and girls around the world.  Here's to KSP2 and the next 10 years.


you got me with the qr code :(

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