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[KSP 1.8+] Kerbal Konstructs (Continued)


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Maybe I don't quite understand this setting, enable commnet groundstations for Kerbal Konstructs. I was under the assumption if 'enable extra groundstations' is turned off in career advanced settings and you had this option on when you landed and opened up new bases across kerbin, it would give you commnet at every base you open. 

Here's what I'm trying to do. I'd like to only have KSC provide DSN / commnet at the start. As I fly around completing kerbinside remastered GAP and Planes with Purpose contracts I'd like to buy and open bases along my way expanding my comm network. Is that possible? 


KK setting

Edited by Fihnakis
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On 11/2/2023 at 12:57 AM, FormosaT_9 said:

A friend in Shanghai told me to post it here

hello all ! maybe weeks ago
some of you saw we create a longer track in game:

Nowadays, we try design rail stations - BUT WE NEED HELP

we saw some mods using AnimateOnClick, so we try to change tracks with it;
seems like all buttons, animations and colliders work normal.
But like what happen in the video, there dont have HighlightOnHover at all.
for this station, this is our code:


    mesh = GTEndStation.mu
    module = Part
    static = true
    manufacturer = XuanDe
    name = GTEndStation
    author = XuanDe
    title = RailSta End _GT
    category = XuanDe
    cost = 0
    description = carts turn around here, click the core of rail
    keepConvex = False
    isSquad = False
    isHidden = False
    DefaultFacilityType = None

        namespace = KerbalKonstructs
        name = AnimateOnClick
        collider = pCube141
        animationName = CD4
        // Optional
        HighlightOnHover = True// should the object lightened up when the mouse goes over it
        animationSpeed = 1 // Animation speed 

we have more complex station WIP, we really need to that Green.
Closed Beta now, but will send MU and texture if need ~ Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I'm having trouble understanding the filesystem for Kerbal Konstructs. Hopefully someone can help. I've followed the tutorial multiple times and successfully created three bases over the course of my time playing a save--one on the Mun, one on Minmus, and one on Gilly. During the play instance I created the Minmus and Gilly bases, I was able to return to the VAB, pick a ship, and launch from them. Ship recovery and radar recognition didn't work, however. Upon closing the game and returning at any time thereafter, the Minmus and Gilly bases remain visible on the map but cannot be selected from the VAB ever again, even going into the KK menu and looking for something to "open" (I had it set open by default).  The Mun base still works fine across loads. I have identical settings on all three.

Now to my question, which I think relates to the filesystem. The tutorial suggests making a new folder to hold your base files. Mine are in Mods/KerbalKonstructsSites/Kerbal-Konstructs/Statics/ Then I have folders for "MunBaseAlpha," "Minmus Base," and "Gilly Base." Should these not be three separate folders?  The part names are identical, which would overwrite all but one, even though the base name files differ. Or is the problem just that the other two folders have spaces in the names? Thanks!

EDIT: Huh... the Gilly base is currently selectable (new startup again), I guess because its files remain in the folder in the main KK mod folder... Minmus is still unusable...

Edited by BrobDingnag
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On 2/24/2024 at 8:25 AM, BrobDingnag said:

Huh... the Gilly base is currently selectable (new startup again), I guess because its files remain in the folder in the main KK mod folder... Minmus is still unusable...

KK tends to be quirky and will lose settings from time to time. Counter intuitively, especially if the folder containing the statics is inside the KK folder structure. KK can find any unique Static as long as it is in the GameData folder. So most times it is best to store your Statics in a folder in GameData that is out side of the KK folder structure. It will find them but be less likely to change the settings. This includes the config files that tell KK what static goes where in the game world and all other settings for your self created layouts.

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After upgrading my RSS and Scatterer/EVE my game is no longer loading. Observing the logs I can see that KK has difficulties finding the CelestialBody "Earth" but I am not sure why. The definition is there, perhaps the load sequence?


Edit: scratch that, KK is responding to an issue in Kopernicus


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On 2/24/2024 at 7:45 PM, ColdJ said:

KK tends to be quirky and will lose settings from time to time. Counter intuitively, especially if the folder containing the statics is inside the KK folder structure. KK can find any unique Static as long as it is in the GameData folder. So most times it is best to store your Statics in a folder in GameData that is out side of the KK folder structure. It will find them but be less likely to change the settings. This includes the config files that tell KK what static goes where in the game world and all other settings for your self created layouts.

Thanks! I think I found the problem. It was that the folders had spaces in the names. Got rid of the spaces and all my sites now show up perfectly in the separate folder (except Minmus, so I've clearly made my own mistake there). They can have spaces in the names within the game itself, so there's no compromise on appearance.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, is there any fix or workaround on the issue of statics "moving" when on rails? Like i'll plop everything and i'll make every static be on the same height relative to one another, then i fly away and when i come back, some statics have shifted, some are slightly higher or lower and there's bumps everywhere... Using Kerbinside Remastered. In any case, thanks in advance

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's something wrong with costs of opening bases. Here is an example:



It took 2x more than was written. I recall this being a bug a few years ago last time I played KSP and it had something to do with difficulty options, however, the result was the same when I set the difficulty options to 100% funds rewards and penalties. What's the source of this issue? Is there a permanent workaround?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having an issue with KK in version 1.12.3. After i make a launchsite on Laythe, then when i close the game and boot it up again, everything is normal up to the part when the main menu is supposed to load. Instead of loading in, the game freezes and does not load at all. Does anyone else have this issue or is it just me?

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On 5/19/2024 at 4:31 AM, SierraLaythe said:

I am having an issue with KK in version 1.12.3. After i make a launchsite on Laythe, then when i close the game and boot it up again, everything is normal up to the part when the main menu is supposed to load. Instead of loading in, the game freezes and does not load at all. Does anyone else have this issue or is it just me?

Make sure you  don't have "Focus Last Launch Site" enabled in the KK settings.

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12 hours ago, darthvader15001 said:

I tried ctrl k, and nothing happened. How do you open the editor?

Have you got Mod Manager and


installed? Need them for KKC to work.

Also need to be out in world in a craft or as a kerbal.

Then CTRL K should work.

Remember to save both in the sub window and the main window once you have changed something. Sometimes you need to drag the sub window up to see the save options at the bottom.

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On 5/25/2024 at 3:10 AM, ElonsMusk said:

I think you also have to be landed for Ctrl K menu to be operable. It's been a while.

Nope - it works while in flight. I don't recommend using it that way, however - when clicking buttons that refocus on certain KK objects, the work area can re-center on the active craft. When flying at 300m/s in an aircraft at 7800m altitude, that can cause some... interesting results. This happened to me last week when I decided to build a ranch for Jeb at the spot just before my plane ran out of fuel so I had somewhere to land and refuel next time.

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1 minute ago, Rattana said:

is there a step by step guide on how to make ur own statics for KK? i know how blender works and am an asset creator by trade

First off you need the plugin for blender. Used from Blender 3.0 to 3.9, will not work with blender 4.0 or higher.

First off @taniwha has released a newer version of the .mu plugin. Found through this link.


You click on the green "Code" button and then download the Zip file in drop down.

(for those who understand coding and would like to see how the plugin is being upgraded over time, use this link the logs. )

This version requires a Blender or BforArtist version greater than 3 to work.

As the BforArtist version is much easier for someone starting out to get a handle on I will put the link for version 3.1.3 here. Remember it is Blender , just with an easier to use interface. Leaving this link for now as it is the one I currently use. @Stone Blue and others have used the latest plugin on all BforArtist versions up to the latest and it is working, so lastest release link below this one.


And my thread for things discovered while using it and quirks it has, like needing to detatch the vertex colour of some shaders in order to see the uv map on your model.

Once you are set up. Import a .mu static model into Blender. One of the ones from the free statics that come with KK will do. Open up it's corresponding config file in a text editor. You will know which one is correct because it will have the model name in it. Compare the config file to the model heirachy in Blender to see what matches what. Use the model and config as an example to create your own. Remember that each static config needs it's own unique name in the config so that the game can tell them apart. Compare many static configs to each other to get the feel of what is needed. Build yourself a model, add colliders. UV map it to the texture file you create in the folder you are going to store it in.

As long as your folder with config, model and texture file are within the GameData folder, the KK will find and load it. You then just open the editor in game and go into the list of things that can be spawned to find it.

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On 12/12/2023 at 3:55 AM, gloop said:

Would it be possible for the mod to somehow make use of this sort of thing to allow recovery from other planets without having to launch an entirely new vessel every time?

I would rather implement a different method of recovery. There is already a Hangar that can store your craft. One needs to add the SCRAP button to the Hangar which destroys the stored craft and remunerates its money cost and science content. But not directly to the player account but to the balance of local Business and Science buildings, and you have to recover money and science from them, you are also capped by those buildings' money and science caps.


This will be both more fair and balanced, and less buggy.

Edited by ave369
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