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[KSP 1.12] EVA Repairs

Angelo Kerman

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On 9/30/2021 at 8:25 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

hmmm, the mouth makes me deeply uncomfortable 

Probably working as designed... ;)

I'm really enjoying trying out EVA Repairs in a new career while running through my usual rounds of "test these engines a bit before we go anywhere..." as I build some early-game rockets and planes. Here are some observations for @Angel-125 and fellow players:

  • I'm using Scrapyard, and this mod seems to be agnostic to the individual-parts themselves--which is fine!--it's meant to be a more abstracted, lighter-weight system, and I appreciate that! Scrapyard still has the effect of streamlining construction and shortening build times with KCT.  There's no reason the lessons learned from one exploded SRB wouldn't immediately be applied to another one currently under construction or on the shelf.
  • I'm also running a handful (okay, a handful+) of parts mods, and getting the activation failure science points is a huge windfall for the R&D team--But almost too much?  Could the science point amount earned per failure be defined on the settings page, randomized (within a range), or defined on a per-part basis in the MODULE? --Or maybe tie it to the global science reward % slider (if it's not already)? I wouldn't mind earning .5 or .25 points if I'm running a battery of cheap SRBs on a test stand.
    This mode of earning science feels more genuine than learning how to build bigger rockets by taking temperature readings in the atmosphere or detecting graviolis, but raking in early failures enables flying through the early tech tree... ;) -- maybe later on I'll wish the payout was higher...  This is obviously a perceived balance thing in my current game.
  • KRASH is entirely compatible -- test flights run do *not* increment the reliability scores, etc.
  • However---all failure modes will still happen in a KRASH simulation. Disabling them in game settings does work, but that's relatively clunky. Would a hotkey master switch or toolbar button to temp disable the mod (similar to engine lighting) be feasable? The game does remember the previous "on" settings upon reverting / terminating a KRASH sim, so that process is only half-clunky.

Overall, I'm liking how clean and easy this is to work with so far, and while I find myself missing some of the deeper complexity of BARIS, I'm interested in seeing how this one evolves.

Edited by Beetlecat
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3 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

Probably working as designed... ;)

I'm really enjoying trying out EVA Repairs in a new career while running through my usual rounds of "test these engines a bit before we go anywhere..." as I build some early-game rockets and planes. Here are some observations for @Angel-125 and fellow players:

  • I'm using Scrapyard, and this mod seems to be agnostic to the individual-parts themselves--which is fine!--it's meant to be a more abstracted, lighter-weight system, and I appreciate that! Scrapyard still has the effect of streamlining construction and shortening build times with KCT.  There's no reason the lessons learned from one exploded SRB wouldn't immediately be applied to another one currently under construction or on the shelf.
  • I'm also running a handful (okay, a handful+) of parts mods, and getting the activation failure science points is a huge windfall for the R&D team--But almost too much?  Could the science point amount earned per failure be defined on the settings page, randomized (within a range), or defined on a per-part basis in the MODULE? --Or maybe tie it to the global science reward % slider (if it's not already)? I wouldn't mind earning .5 or .25 points if I'm running a battery of cheap SRBs on a test stand.
    This mode of earning science feels more genuine than learning how to build bigger rockets by taking temperature readings in the atmosphere or detecting graviolis, but raking in early failures enables flying through the early tech tree... ;) -- maybe later on I'll wish the payout was higher...  This is obviously a perceived balance thing in my current game.
  • KRASH is entirely compatible -- test flights run do *not* increment the reliability scores, etc.
  • However---all failure modes will still happen in a KRASH simulation. Disabling them in game settings does work, but that's relatively clunky. Would a hotkey master switch or toolbar button to temp disable the mod (similar to engine lighting) be feasable? The game does remember the previous "on" settings upon reverting / terminating a KRASH sim, so that process is only half-clunky.

Overall, I'm liking how clean and easy this is to work with so far, and while I find myself missing some of the deeper complexity of BARIS, I'm interested in seeing how this one evolves.

Thanks for the feedback, that helps!

Currently science rewards don't respect the science multiplier, but I can add that in. A random amount of science gained sounds like a good idea as well. A toolbar button is feasible, but... how not sure how many people need that level of control. It's something to think about for sure.

Meanwhile, I've made significant progress on the repair bot:


I have a use for the stock RV-1X Variable Thruster Block. They work much better than the integrated RCS thrusters that I experimented with earlier this evening. I may have to animate the arms somehow when you activate the RCS.


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EVA Repairs 1.2.0 is now available:

New Parts

- T-800 T.H.O.M.P.B.E.R.R.Y. Repair Bot: This advanced robot is capable of making repairs on broken parts in place of an engineer. It can also repair tires, solar arrays, and deployable antennas, and it can even repack parachutes. It has a small storage compartment for holding EVA Repair Kits.
- T-800 Micro Wheel: This wheel is specially scaled for the T-800 Repair Bot for those times when you need to drive around and make repairs.
- T-800 Micro Docking Port: This is an exceptionally small docking port that has been scaled for the T-800 Repair Bot.


- Deployable landing gear and deployable landing legs can now break. You'll need to enable the "Deployable landing gear and legs can break" difficulty option.
- If KRASH is installed, then EVA Repairs will be disabled while a KRASH simulation is running.
- The max science that a part can gain when the part's activation check fails will now vary between 1 and 10 science points.
- The science gained when the part fails will also vary, up to the maximum possible science that can be gained for that part.
- The science gained when the part fails will now respect the science gain mulitplier game difficulty setting.
- Fixed issue where EVA Repairs wasn't being added to probe cores that had no reaction wheels.

Obligatory promo images:




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3 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

*sigh* EVA Repairs 1.2.1. is now available:


- Fixed issue where KRASH support was preventing parts from breaking.
- Fixed issue where broken landing gear could still be toggled through the Gear action group.
- Fixed issue where reaction wheels could fail even if they were toggled off.


Thanks for the bundle of updates concerning KRASH, though now I'm feeling regret for prompting a potential headache from it... ;)

I'm picking up a gnarly NRE spam in the editor with both KRASH & EVARepairs installed. Here's a log from a somewhat minimal test install:


Edited by Beetlecat
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16 hours ago, Beetlecat said:


Thanks for the bundle of updates concerning KRASH, though now I'm feeling regret for prompting a potential headache from it... ;)

I'm picking up a gnarly NRE spam in the editor with both KRASH & EVARepairs installed. Here's a log from a somewhat minimal test install:


Ugh. Ok, this is turning into a nightmare, and EVA Repairs is supposed to be lightweight. Next update will pull KRASH support, and I'll add an app button to the toolbar.

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36 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Ugh. Ok, this is turning into a nightmare, and EVA Repairs is supposed to be lightweight. Next update will pull KRASH support, and I'll add an app button to the toolbar.

Ugh, indeed. So sorry for prompting this. It was an elegant idea but there are so many ghosts in these here machines.

A big master switch button will serve the same purpose nicely-- and maybe even serve as a role-play failsafe for other mod interaction shenanigans.

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... And here is EVA Repairs 1.2.2...

- Removed KRASH support since the wrapper was causing NREs.
- Added EVA Repairs app button. This button toggles EVA Repairs on and off. Look for the gear and wrench icon in the KSP App toolbar. It is available in the VAB/SPH and in flight.
- Fixed issue where some difficulty options were appearing even when EVA Repairs was disabled.


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EVA Repairs 1.2.5 is now available:


- Added new TECH_UNLOCK_BONUS config node that specifies which nodes will provide a starting reliability bonus. This config node makes it possible to support
non-stock tech trees.
- Removed hard-coded stock tech-unlock bonus nodes and moved them to the TECH_UNLOCK_BONUS config nodes found in BaselineConfig.
- Fixed issue where probe cores that hibernate on warp were still losing MTBF while timewarping.

One of the issues that came up during @Rocketology's stream is that a base MTBF of 600hrs is too short for missions beyond cic-minmar orbit- especially if you leave your probe cores, converters, drills, and reaction wheels running. We're working on some new mechanics to improve MTBF as technology improves. I also have another part to make- a proper storage box for the repair bot- so expect another update in a couple of days...

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EVA Repairs 1.3.0 is now available:

New Part

- T-800 Recharging Station: This small storage cabinet can dock a T-800 Repair Bot inside. It also doubles a small radially attached service bay.


- Removed ability for probe cores to fail. Game testing shows that they fail too early for interplanetary missions, especially since players are likely to forget to hibernate the probe.
- Deployable landing gears and legs will only lose MTBF if they are retracting or extending.



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Cool mod! I've been using this together with KCT in a new 1.12 career save and I noticed an interesting (probably unintended) side effect. Basically, the reliability doesn't get updated until after I first launch a part even if construction of the next part finishes after I launched the previous one - if KCT finishes building the same item from the queue, or if I duplicate the queue item, or (I think) if I use the plan feature to order an item, they'll have the previous lower reliability. It's not a big deal but it becomes a bit tricky to order multiple rockets at once since they will all fail. 

Also agree about MTBF, 600 hours MTBF is way too short for my taste. It means that after a mere few months, all critical parts on all of my SCANsats are broken :) I changed it to 5000 internally but exposing it on the settings page would be useful IMHO. 

Edit: setting MTBF to 5000 actually decreased MTBF, now every part only starts with 12% MTBF. Not sure how I managed to break that :)

Edited by Grimmas
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On 10/10/2021 at 2:43 PM, Grimmas said:

Cool mod! I've been using this together with KCT in a new 1.12 career save and I noticed an interesting (probably unintended) side effect. Basically, the reliability doesn't get updated until after I first launch a part even if construction of the next part finishes after I launched the previous one - if KCT finishes building the same item from the queue, or if I duplicate the queue item, or (I think) if I use the plan feature to order an item, they'll have the previous lower reliability. It's not a big deal but it becomes a bit tricky to order multiple rockets at once since they will all fail. 

Also agree about MTBF, 600 hours MTBF is way too short for my taste. It means that after a mere few months, all critical parts on all of my SCANsats are broken :) I changed it to 5000 internally but exposing it on the settings page would be useful IMHO. 

Edit: setting MTBF to 5000 actually decreased MTBF, now every part only starts with 12% MTBF. Not sure how I managed to break that :)

Oh, that's interesting. I need to look more closely at my craft in the persistent file & KCT's queue and storage. Do the EVARepair stats get baked into each individual part-per-craft? I wasn't under the impression that's how it worked. :D  --that it was more of a global status of "this category of part" whether it's in KCT construction queue or not?

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Integrating with other mods has been problematic. I recently tried integrating KRASH but it had null ref exceptions so I ended up removing the wrapper. I'll have to look into a way to increase MTBF after the part has been created- it's baked into the part when you first load into the VAB/SPH.

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EVA Repairs 1.3.2 is now available:


- Added new Starting MTBF difficulty option. The Starting MTBF ranges from 600 hrs (the default) all the way to 6000 hrs.
- Added new Debug Mode difficulty option. This is for convenience of testing.
- Upgrading the R&D building will improve MTBF for future launches.
- Fixed issue where parts could suddenly fail upon switching them back to an active state after long periods of dormancy.

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NullReferenceException appearing upon startup. KSP 1.12.2, no other mods but EVA Repairs.

[EXC 18:52:39.599] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	EVARepairs.EVARepairsSettings.get_MaintenanceEnabled () (at <3fdbba5ee42f4f12a98904be8c1aec18>:0)
	EVARepairs.AppButton.EVARepairsAppButton.Awake () (at <3fdbba5ee42f4f12a98904be8c1aec18>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

Full Log here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CGNqcJbTy65-yOhAkkmfRK9-vLfoo-d/view?usp=sharing

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On 10/24/2021 at 12:10 PM, Aerospacer said:

Thank You, really interesting and playable mod. But it can't be done until the Repairbot gets a shining metal ass.  :D

Just remember, if you're going to go on a Bender, take a designated driver with you. :cool:

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On 10/29/2021 at 3:48 PM, DaBakonAder said:

I do have one question: if I turn everything off but parts require maintenance, what’ll happen?

In that case, as time passes, parts will lose MTBF until they reach 0. When that happens, they'll break and need repairs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/2/2021 at 5:22 PM, Angel-125 said:

In that case, as time passes, parts will lose MTBF until they reach 0. When that happens, they'll break and need repairs.

I thought when parts reach MTBF 0 they cannot be repaired or am I mistaken? Atleast that is what seems to happen to me in my save game. I like it but I am just wondering if everything is working as intented.

Was also wondering if it is normal that all parts are showing MTBF -1 in the editor. They seem to work perfect in flight. 


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