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Buffalo 2 Modular Space Exploration Vehicle

Angelo Kerman

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This mod does not work with stock EVA construction. I can't attach modules in a line (due to EVA construction collision detection), and part variants have the attach nodes of the root part (it's a bug even when the parts were placed in the VAB). Is there anything I can do to fix these problems? On that note, is there any mods that make it possible to detach parts that aren't at the very edge for EVA construction and/or place parts that would overlap?

EDIT: There seems to be a (temporary) workaround to the construction problem involving offsetting parts around, and I can still build with the basic chassis parts without variants, but if there are fixes to either of these, please let me know. Also, "Mountain Goat" wheels are bugged , they shift backward and up relative to their mounts once placed, but can be fixed with by quicksaving and reloading.

It's possible that most of these are caused by mod conflicts, though.

Edited by MoonstreamInSpace
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  On 12/9/2022 at 3:47 PM, MoonstreamInSpace said:

This mod does not work with stock EVA construction. I can't attach modules in a line (due to EVA construction collision detection), and part variants have the attach nodes of the root part (it's a bug even when the parts were placed in the VAB). Is there anything I can do to fix these problems? On that note, is there any mods that make it possible to detach parts that aren't at the very edge for EVA construction and/or place parts that would overlap?

EDIT: There seems to be a (temporary) workaround to the construction problem involving offsetting parts around, and I can still build with the basic chassis parts without variants, but if there are fixes to either of these, please let me know. Also, "Mountain Goat" wheels are bugged , they shift backward and up relative to their mounts once placed, but can be fixed with by quicksaving and reloading.

It's possible that most of these are caused by mod conflicts, though.


TBH I've had a lot of problems with stock EVA Construction, and not just with Buffalo 2. You could try using a combination of stock EVA construction to put the parts on the ground and Kerbal Inventory System to build them. Maybe that'll work?

I seriously hope that KSP 2 has a much better construction system.

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Oh, I don't have KIS, as I always found the lagspikes on build annoying. I'll try and set it up again. Would it be possible to have a patch or something that turns all the variant parts into their own separate parts? It should (I hope) fix the main issue.

Edited by MoonstreamInSpace
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  On 12/9/2022 at 6:30 PM, MoonstreamInSpace said:

Oh, I don't have KIS, as I always found the lagspikes on build annoying. I'll try and set it up again. Would it be possible to have a patch or something that turns all the variant parts into their own separate parts? It should (I hope) fix the main issue.


No, the variants are all integrated.

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  On 12/11/2022 at 1:21 AM, Ooglak Kerman said:

@Angel-125 basically, how does Goldstrike work?  I gather that the stock surface scanner will not find goldstrikes?


It's been a few years since I made that, but GoldStrike is a mini-game where you drive around, use the Gold Digger drill (Pathfinder) or the B2 Geology Lab (Buffalo 2) to find resource deposits. These resource deposits are limited, and don't show up in the stock scanners, but you'll see them via waypoints. You can find Aurum (gold) and Graviolium that way, and with Classic Stock Resources, you can find Gemstones and Precious Metals as well. You can define a resource that can be prospected via a GOLDSTRIKE node:

//Each GOLDSTRIKE node tells Gold Strike what valueable resource is available as a lode, how much is available in a given area, and how much to increase the amount when striking it rich. You can easily add other GOLDSTRIKE config nodes.

	resourceName = Aurum

	//Restricts where the resource can be found. Separate multiple types by semicolon. Options: Planetary;Oceanic;Atmospheric;Exospheric. Planetary is default.
	resourceTypes = Planetary

	//List of planet names, separated by semicolon, where the resource can be found. Default: Any, which means any planet can have the resource.
	planetsFound = Any

	//List of biome names, separated by semicolon, where the resource can be found. Default: Any, which means any biome can have the resource.
	biomesFound = Any

	//The minimum distance in kilometers between prospect attempts required in order to include the resource among the possible prospected resources.
	//Default is 3 kilometers.
	//Ex: Aurum, Gemstones, and PreciousMetals all require you to travel at least 3 kilometers before they become available. Assume that Blutonium could be found every 5km.
	//If you only travel 2km before making a prospect attempt, then none of the resources will be found. If you travel 6km, then Aurum, Gemstones, PreciousMetals, and Blutonium
	//will all be potential candidates for prospecting. You still need to make a successful prospecting check to obtain a node.
	minProspectDistance = 3

	//Minimum required altitude in order for the resource to be a prospecting candidate. Can be negative for below sea level. Default is a double.MinValue.
	//minAltitude = 0

	//Maxiumum required altitude in order for the resource to be a prospecting candidate. Can be negative for below sea level. Default is double.MaxValue.
	//maxAltitude = -1000

	//If near an anomaly, some resources are more likely to occur than others. This parameter indicates how likely the resource will be found near an anomaly.
	//anomalyChance = 65

	//Minimum units in the lode
	minAmount = 200

	//Maximum units in the lode
	maxAmount = 4000

	//Roll well enough, and multiply the lode size by this multiplier
	motherlodeMultiplier = 1.5

As you can see from the config node, you can define resources for a variety of different locations and conditions. Technically GoldStrike supports all environments but I only really tested it on Planetary. But yeah, you can get creative, and only find Graviolium next to an anomaly, for instance, or other special resources on specific planets- without defining them using the stock resource definition system, thus preventing regular drills from finding them.

Once you find a lode and park your craft next to the waypoint on the map, you can dig up the resource. Pathfinder has the WBIGoldStrikeDrill, which replaces the stock drill plugin and digs up every resource in the biome, not just a single resource like Ore. The drill will automatically dig up nearby lode resources as well, and automatically deduct what it drills from the lode's resource amount. I vaguely recall being smart enough to not dig up the lode's resource if you don't have tank space for it.

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Might just be my modded install, but looking at the B9 PartSwitch fuel tank types and switcher configs, it seems that a number of parts (like b2FuelTankModule and b2FuelTankModuleShort) only get Ore as a switchable tank in the absence of WildBlueTools/WBIOmniStorage. It would seem seem like they ought to get at least liquid fuel / LFOX, maybe CryoTanks types if that's installed, etc - just FYI!

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  On 12/11/2022 at 3:23 AM, Angel-125 said:

As you can see from the config node, you can define resources for a variety of different locations and conditions. Technically GoldStrike supports all environments but I only really tested it on Planetary. But yeah, you can get creative, and only find Graviolium next to an anomaly, for instance, or other special resources on specific planets- without defining them using the stock resource definition system, thus preventing regular drills from finding them.

Once you find a lode and park your craft next to the waypoint on the map, you can dig up the resource. Pathfinder has the WBIGoldStrikeDrill, which replaces the stock drill plugin and digs up every resource in the biome, not just a single resource like Ore. The drill will automatically dig up nearby lode resources as well, and automatically deduct what it drills from the lode's resource amount. I vaguely recall being smart enough to not dig up the lode's resource if you don't have tank space for it.


Ok.  I've sort of figured it out now.  I tried it with a test game and set the anomaly probability to 100% for graviolium but it didn't find any at the monolith by the KSC.  I did find a lode while randomly driving around though.  Pretty neat.

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  On 12/11/2022 at 6:23 PM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Might just be my modded install, but looking at the B9 PartSwitch fuel tank types and switcher configs, it seems that a number of parts (like b2FuelTankModule and b2FuelTankModuleShort) only get Ore as a switchable tank in the absence of WildBlueTools/WBIOmniStorage. It would seem seem like they ought to get at least liquid fuel / LFOX, maybe CryoTanks types if that's installed, etc - just FYI!


Maybe you can help with that? I don't use B9PS for tank switching so I'm not too familiar with that system. I'd appreciate any help that you can provide. :)

  On 12/11/2022 at 6:39 PM, Ooglak Kerman said:

Ok.  I've sort of figured it out now.  I tried it with a test game and set the anomaly probability to 100% for graviolium but it didn't find any at the monolith by the KSC.  I did find a lode while randomly driving around though.  Pretty neat.


Yeah, it gives more stuff to do on EVA (Pathfinder was made for KIS for the same reason) back before Breaking Ground was a thing.

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  On 12/11/2022 at 8:51 PM, Angel-125 said:

I don't use B9PS for tank switching so I'm not too familiar with that system.


Yeah' it's pain, can't understand why everyone abandoned the good old InterstellarFuelSwitch ;.;  (Okay, B9PS can switch not only resources and it's awesome) I had an idea to make B9PS configs for Unobtainium or Gold Ore/Gold for B2 storage tanks but finally gave up and switched to OmniStorage

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  On 12/11/2022 at 8:51 PM, Angel-125 said:

Maybe you can help with that? I don't use B9PS for tank switching so I'm not too familiar with that system. I'd appreciate any help that you can provide. :)


EDIT OF THE EDIT OF THE EDIT : Here you go! Commented updated version of the original config. Updated versions of both the B9PS config and the tank definitions to bring them in line with values found in Stock and in other mods, such as NearFuture stuff and MKS stuff. Top part of the config is the B9PS switcher applications, bottom part is new tank definitions. Also avoids Tardis-like fuel capacities on some Buffalo parts. I've tried it out on my heavily modded install, and so far nothing has exploded.... YMMV.

Note that I have updated the Tank definitions for most things, but wasn't sure what volumes to give to certain things, like for TAC resources or FreshAir etc. for Snacks FreshAir; made guesses where I could, left at 1:1 ratio where I didn't want to guess.

This may or may not be the 'correct' way to handle volumes, but I'm operating on the "1 unit of base volume = 1 unit of LiquidFuel" principle and applying multipliers to tank definitions as seems appropriate.



Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
More info again again
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Hi everyone is there a tutorial for this mod ,??I’ve tried it out but can’t work out how to get items out of the inventory to place on the ground with a kerbal.  Tried everything I can think of, dragging and dropping, clicking, moving to other containers. I’m using the g key to grab but can’t remove the item from any of the containers. I also can’t place things in containers in the VAB, somethings go in then others will not. I’m keeping an eye on size and weight too. 

in Eva I also can’t attach anything to my kerbals  back or in inventory. 

clearly I’m doing something wrong, can somebody help me out or point me in the right direction.  Is there a setting I’ve missed ?? 

such a fantastic mod can’t wait to use it correctly. 



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  On 12/9/2022 at 11:23 PM, MoonstreamInSpace said:

I actually had KSP_PartVolume do all the work for me, by mass-replacing all instances ModuleInventoryPart to be unrecognizable, running it, taking the generated MM file, and resetting that to use ModuleStorablePart. We'll see how this spaghetti plays out.


Update: It didn't work. I'll have to do it manually.

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This kind of crosses WildBlue mods, so I'll post here
Seems there is a bit of problem  with the Fusion Reactor on the Hacienda IFM (and possibly others) where the EC from the reactor doesn't propagate out of the Hacienda IFM.  EC level in the Hacienda fill up, but not for the whole vessel. 

The template for this is in 000WildBlueTools\Templates\ClassicStock\Production\OmniConverts.cfg

//Fusion Reactor
	TechRequired = experimentalElectrics 
	%TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = fusionPower
	ConverterName = Fusion Reactor
	description = Harness the power of the sun to produce ElectricCharge, but probably at small scale. Be sure to have some ElectricCharge as the reactor may have a jump-start requirement.
	StartActionName = Start Fusion Reactor
	StopActionName = Stop Fusion Reactor
	AutoShutdown = false 
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill

		ResourceName = FusionPellets
		Ratio = 0.0005
		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 500
		DumpExcess = True
		ResourceName = ElectroPlasma
		Ratio = 500
		DumpExcess = True
		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 500

I'm curious..  should there be FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL in the EC OUTPUT_RESOURCE definition?
...  and the REQUIRED_RESOURCE.  Does this mean it always needs 500 EC to run and generate 500 EC?

Interestingly, the Krupp fusion reactor in DSEV doesn't specify a FlowMode for the output EC and it goes all over the vessel.

Thanks and happy another trip around the sun eve

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