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Kerbal Space Program 2: Episode 5 - Interstellar Travel

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  On 4/12/2022 at 3:36 PM, Vl3d said:

Guys, I think there's a second message in the Karecibo transmission. I think the grid is actually 3D: 7 by 7 by 23.

Can someone who plays Minecraft or has 3d graphics skills check?


1. How would Minecraft help? 3D voxel software is more available. 
2. just looked, it returns gibberish. 

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I don't know, I thought it was a Contact movie reference. I'm just disappointed about how basic the message is. I thought we would get more.

Anyway I decoded it manually from the audio (see below), it's almost the same as the one from Reddit, but I got 50 lines instead of 49. I discovered it has to be changed (some characters deleted or added) for the graphics to lign up. So we can't even be sure of it's exact size.

And even weirder, if I count the original binary message from all the audio, I get a length of exactly 1163 digits, which is a prime number and thus not divisible by 23. But in that case the image doesn't align correctly.



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Original audio binary by-hand transcription (feature videos 3, 4, 5) (left in comparison image):




Good binary configuration for kraken+rockets graphics alignment (right in comparison image):




Comparison image (original left, aligned right):


Edited by Vl3d
original message had one more zero at the end to total 1163
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To get the binary you download the YouTube audio for the Features, crop the audio and view the Spectogram in Audacity. I used 0 for left channel, 1 for right channel. They represent the same message for redundancy (mutually exclusive pulses). It looks like this.


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@Vl3d I spent some time last night playing around with the codes in the something more sections. If you try to decode it visually, you will be missing a few bits here and there. There's points where the pulses on the right channel don't show in the spectogram. Also the pulses during the fade out don't show clearly either.

If you filter out the rumble and hiss, you can hear the pulses clearly, but they still don't show clearly. 

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If there is no need for procedural solar panels in stock, it can be a mod. The only reason why you think it's something easy to implement is because unfortunately procedural radiators look like solar panels. Maybe they shouldn't.

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  On 4/18/2022 at 3:46 PM, Vl3d said:

If there is no need for procedural solar panels in stock, it can be a mod. The only reason why you think it's something easy to implement is because unfortunately procedural radiators look like solar panels. Maybe they shouldn't.



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I do understand why the high tech radiator panels would be like a very thin plastic membrane with a lot of capillaries, but look at how the Venture Star made them look distinct. I mean, that's similar to how the metallic hydrogen engine radiators looked like in the KSP2 cinematic. They look hot and cool at the same time!


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So Nertea has been apart of the ksp2 team for some time now and I suspect he had a huge impact in the field of radiators.  Correct me if I am wrong but I do not remember seeing radiators that looked like the ones we saw in the procedural radiators show and tell in previous pre alpha captures.  And I'm not talking about the procedural shapes.  Nertea is the modder responsible for the Far Future Technologies mod in KSP1.  He includes a set of radiator pieces that look much like the ones in the show and tell, minus the procedural part.  and he really did his homework!  It's not for looks.  They may have an appearance that could be confused with solar panels but they are a conceptual interpretation of carbon fiber reinforced graphite composites.  They have a very mirror like reflective property.  Yet these are the supposed future for waste heat removal in spacecraft.  Sure the developers could have gone with a design that looked unique compared to solar panels, but we've seen time and time again the developers' commitments to grounding everything in KSP2 to real science.  2014 dissertation on high heat dissipation in nuclear powered spacecraft by Briana Tomboulian .  I am sure @Scott Manley would be able to elaborate further.  Its a little beyond my knowledge in thermodynamics.  Perhaps another "what Kerbal Space Program Doesn't Teach You" video?  I for one would certainly be intrigued!

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I was really glad to see the stuff about overhauling the burn and time warp system to account for interstellar distances. This was definitely on my wish/concern list for ksp2, so seeing that acknowledged and hearing the effort they are putting into it was quite encouraging.


Also, every KSP save I've ever done, early on I will always send a probe on an escape trajectory from the Kerbin Solar System; even though there was nowhere for it to really go, it is a nod to the rest of the galaxy and wishing I could explore that too. So the idea of finally being able to do that, and hearing them talk about clearing the Kerbol system for the first time and seeing the bigger picture opening is quite exciting.

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  On 4/19/2022 at 3:02 AM, DrCHIVES said:

So Nertea has been apart of the ksp2 team for some time now and I suspect he had a huge impact in the field of radiators.  Correct me if I am wrong but I do not remember seeing radiators that looked like the ones we saw in the procedural radiators show and tell in previous pre alpha captures.  And I'm not talking about the procedural shapes.  Nertea is the modder responsible for the Far Future Technologies mod in KSP1.  He includes a set of radiator pieces that look much like the ones in the show and tell, minus the procedural part.  and he really did his homework!  It's not for looks.  They may have an appearance that could be confused with solar panels but they are a conceptual interpretation of carbon fiber reinforced graphite composites.  They have a very mirror like reflective property.  Yet these are the supposed future for waste heat removal in spacecraft.  Sure the developers could have gone with a design that looked unique compared to solar panels, but we've seen time and time again the developers' commitments to grounding everything in KSP2 to real science.  2014 dissertation on high heat dissipation in nuclear powered spacecraft by Briana Tomboulian .  I am sure @Scott Manley would be able to elaborate further.  Its a little beyond my knowledge in thermodynamics.  Perhaps another "what Kerbal Space Program Doesn't Teach You" video?  I for one would certainly be intrigued!


Yeah, Nert becoming a part of the KSP2 team is just pure awesome. No we have the creator of the best mods and models in all of KSP1 helping bring that awesomeness into the base game. And yeah, Nert always did his homework and, as I recall, had aerospace in his background/expertise as well so he could always be counted on for high accuracy.

Also for accuracy, the fact that they have physicists on staff and are very serious about consulting lots of experts to get the best info the can is a very good sign.

Unrelated physics wise: I wonder how their coding/game engine improvements are dealing with gravity. From my understanding, simulation of the N-body problem is a notoriously tricky and processing heavy issue, so obviously they will have to deal/work around that, but I also suspect they aren't necessarily just content to put things on rails most of the time like KSP1, so I wonder what/how they are approaching the whole thorny thing.  Random related wish/thought: I wonder if we will get LaGrange Points

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  On 4/20/2022 at 8:21 PM, GigFiz said:

Unrelated physics wise: I wonder how their coding/game engine improvements are dealing with gravity. From my understanding, simulation of the N-body problem is a notoriously tricky and processing heavy issue, so obviously they will have to deal/work around that, but I also suspect they aren't necessarily just content to put things on rails most of the time like KSP1, so I wonder what/how they are approaching the whole thorny thing.  Random related wish/thought: I wonder if we will get LaGrange Points


I suspect that's going to have to be one of the 'gamification' things we have to accept.  SOI is SOOOO much easier (said the non-maths guy).  I really do wonder, however, whether some limited n-body stuff might find its way in... like Rask & Rusk zone.  Just one or two very small places where you want weird stuff to happen; that might be actually harder to do via the old SOI (i.e. what happens when you go between the two).


Still - like you wrote: it will be cool to find out what they've done!

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  On 4/20/2022 at 8:21 PM, GigFiz said:

I also suspect they aren't necessarily just content to put things on rails most of the time like KSP1, so I wonder what/how they are approaching the whole thorny thing.


It's been confirmed already that only the Rask & Rusk system will use N-body. All other planets and moons will use the on-rail, SoI system like KSP1. No, Lagrange points haven't been confirmed, but most likely won't be simulated. 

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  On 4/20/2022 at 9:29 PM, shdwlrd said:

It's been confirmed already that only the Rask & Rusk system will use N-body. All other planets and moons will use the on-rail, SoI system like KSP1. No, Lagrange points haven't been confirmed, but most likely won't be simulated. 


Yeah I kinda figured; the impression I've gotten from explanations is that for N-body physics is that if it's only 2 bodies that's essentially what on rails is, and for N=>3 the processing power required starts out astronomical and then increases exponentially. So I had mostly presumed that unless someone was having ago at earning the Galactic Institute's Award for Extreme Cleverness, it would be something similar to KSP1.

And RE: Lagrange Points: per this thread (I didn't feel like going through all the links for the original quote source)


"Rask and Rusk, "a binary pair locked in a dance of death", so close to each other that tidal forces rip them apart. Should be fun. And as far as we know, the only binary system using different physics system than the well known from first game 2-body. "in the case of Rask and Rusk, we’ll be calculating the gravitational pull of multiple bodies on our Kerbal vessels, so that developing a stable orbit in complex conditions like a binary planet system becomes a new and exciting challenge! In addition, attempting a landing on Rask or Rusk will be a different experience depending on the location of the sister planet in relation to your target for touchdown, and yes, there will be an a stable Lagrange point between the two planets (if we pull this off correctly)"


So that confirms exactly what you said, with the additional fact that Rask/Rusk will have a Lagrange point, and with the implication of how they worded that, we can pretty safely conclude that it will be the only LaGrange point in the game.

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