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Team Galileo Grand Tour


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Part 21: Otho and Hox



TGGT goes to Otho's remaining moons, as well as Hox.


(21.1) Hephaestus

Theoretical Δv: 1870 m/s
Actual Δv: 3019 m/s (inefficient transfer)

As it turns out, my previous "actual Δv" calculations were in some cases off by up to 0.1 - 0.2% because I was ignoring the 282 kg mass of the crew members and their personal equipment. Now that I've fixed this, my future calculations should be more accurate.

This means that TGGT's true Δv capacity, assuming full crew and oxidizer storage, is 8843 m/s.

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(21.2) Hox

Theoretical Δv: 2267 m/s
Actual Δv: 2323 m/s (some aerobraking at Hox)

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(21.3) Icarus Iota Jannah

Theoretical Δv: 2123 m/s
Actual Δv: 2898 m/s (some drag at Hox, inefficient transfer)

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Part 22: Leto and Gauss


(Gauss was below the horizon, so I took a picture of everything else in the planetary system.)


TGGT gets a test of its steering capabilities in atmosphere and its sliding capabilities on slopes.


(22.1) Julia Leto

Theoretical Δv: 2082 m/s
Actual Δv: 1585 m/s (aerobraking)

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(22.2) Lili

Theoretical Δv: 3558 m/s
Actual Δv: 3315 m/s (gravity assist at Otho)

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(22.3) Loki

Theoretical Δv: 3231 m/s
Actual Δv: 2980 m/s (gravity assist at Catullus)

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Gravity assists so far: 25 (2 performed this chapter)
Flags remaining: 24 (3 planted this chapter)

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Part 23: Nero



Bonus update! I wasn't sure whether to combine Nero and Niven into one update or not, but they are very different from each other (and more importantly, I haven't actually gone to Niven yet), so I decided to leave them separate.

Nero's airless regular moons pose no challenge aside from their 10-degree inclination, but the views there are quite good.


(23.1) Minona

Theoretical Δv: 1634 m/s
Actual Δv: 1782 m/s

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(23.2) Muse

Theoretical Δv: 894 m/s
Actual Δv: 1002 m/s

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(23.3) Narisse

Theoretical Δv: 848 m/s
Actual Δv: 954 m/s

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Part 24: Niven



Niven is the largest body without a thick (≥0.5 atm) atmosphere containing a reactive gas that would allow a jet plane to work. Instead of a plane, TGGT must land on the surface itself. For this reason, TGGT was designed pretty specifically for Niven; this is why it has so many engines providing what is in most circumstances way too much TWR.

However, it wasn't designed very well. When I was planning out the ship sizes back in May, I thought "the TWR on the surface of Niven is above 1, so it should be fine," and then proceeded to add as many fuel tanks as I could without dropping the TWR below 1 (corresponding to a vacuum TWR of 5.412 m/s2).

How wrong I was.

Well, that's not quite true. It ended up being fine. Eventually. After a lot of explosions and quickloading.


(24.1) Reaching Nero Niven

Theoretical Δv: 4357 m/s
Actual Δv: 1108 m/s (gravity assists at Otho, Gratian, Gael, and Gael; aerobraking at Niven)

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(24.2) Landing on Niven

Theoretical Δv: 1697 m/s
Actual Δv: 905 m/s (aerobraking) (in addition to 1687 m/s worth of ore jettisoned)

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(24.3) Launching from Niven

Theoretical Δv: 1416 m/s
Actual Δv: 3064 m/s (+ 273 m/s worth of fuel dumped) (drag, gravity losses)

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(24.4) Otho Tarsiss Tellumo Thalia Where next?

Theoretical Δv: 3613 m/s
Actual Δv: 980 m/s (gravity assists at Gael, Tellumo, and Nero)

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This concludes my grand tour of (the secondary layout of) Galileo's Planet Pack!

I remember landing on Leto for the first time, used to textures from the stock system. I looked at the ground, in all its detail, and thought "how is this even the same game?"

But it's not just the graphics: every planet and moon fits together wonderfully, and the level of internal consistency was so much better than anything I had seen before that I had to go back and re-evaluate my understanding of the stock system. Nowadays, I hardly play stock anymore because the atmospheres, densities, terrain, and many other things just feel so wrong compared to what I have seen from Team Galileo.

Thank you, @Galileo, @OhioBob, and @JadeOfMaar, for creating such an amazing system!



Gravity assists so far: 32 (7 performed this chapter)
Flags remaining: 20 (1 planted this chapter)

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Part 25: Duna

(and some dwarf planets)



There are a bunch of moons remaining in the main Sun system, as well as a few planets. I already landed on all the bodies with thick atmospheres, so there are no major problems left, meaning that I don't have to do complicated route planning. As in the Ciro system, I will go through the bodies in alphabetical order to ensure a variety of orbital transfers.

You might have a few questions:

Surely Duna isn't the first body in alphabetical order?
It's not; it was the most significant celestial body out of the ones in this chapter. Aden is the first alphabetically, but I already went there in part 15.3.

Duna is the wrong color!
A lot of bodies have the same name as stock bodies, but they are from JNSQ, which completely overhauls the system.

JNSQ? The bodies are too small!
I'm using the JNSQ 1x rescale option in order for the system to fit with GPP and GEP. This means that most bodies from the stock system are roughly the same size as they are in stock, but the outer planets and moons might be smaller than you're used to if you're familiar with JNSQ. They have the same surface gravity, though.

What's up with all the spiky terrain everywhere?
That's a side effect of downscaling the system; the terrain gets compressed horizontally. The bodies look a lot better from up close at their native 2.5x scale.


(25.1) Aden Amos

Theoretical Δv: 601 m/s
Actual Δv: 948 m/s (inefficient transfer)

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(25.2) Bop

Theoretical Δv: 1711 m/s
Actual Δv: 2048 m/s (gravity assist at Lindor, but then inefficient transfer)

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(25.3) Celes

Theoretical Δv: 1302 m/s
Actual Δv: 1733 m/s

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(25.4) Dak

Theoretical Δv: 2772 m/s

Actual Δv: 3089 m/s

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(25.5) Dres

Theoretical Δv: 778 m/s
Actual Δv: 1558 m/s (inefficient transfer)

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(25.6) Duna

Theoretical Δv: 2960 m/s
Actual Δv: 2256 m/s (aerobraking)

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Gravity assists so far: 33 (1 performed this chapter)
Flags remaining: 14 (6 planted this chapter)

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Part 26: Eeloo and Hamek



If you have been paying close attention, you might notice that the next body I haven't landed on yet is Edna, not Eeloo. The reason I went to Eeloo instead is because I completely forgot about Edna, and thought I had already landed on it when in fact I had just gone to Dak. By the time I realized this, I was already on my way to Mun, so I will go to Edna after Mun. (Edna's location actually would have made it a great stop in between Duna and Eeloo, so skipping it here wasn't useful.)


(26.1) Eeloo

Theoretical Δv: 4711 m/s
Actual Δv: 3824 m/s (drag at Duna, but then aerobraking at Eeloo)

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(26.2) Enon

Theoretical Δv: 2042 m/s
Actual Δv: 2517 m/s

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(26.3) Eve Gilly Hamek

Theoretical Δv: 1693 m/s
Actual Δv: 2256 m/s (inefficient transfer)

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(26.4) Huygen Ike Jool Kerbin Krel

Theoretical Δv: 1382 m/s
Actual Δv: 1582 m/s

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Part 27: Moho



I was worried that Moho would cause routing issues like Icarus did, but the adjacent bodies in the route are Minmus and Mun, which are perfectly positioned on the other side of an Eve gravity assist.

(27.1) Laythe Lindor Minmus

Theoretical Δv: 4332 m/s
Actual Δv: 3412 m/s (Oberth assist at Kerbin)

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(27.2) Moho

Theoretical Δv: 5445 m/s
Actual Δv: 4361 m/s (Oberth assist at Kerbin, gravity assist at Eve)

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(27.3) Mun

Theoretical Δv: 5503 m/s
Actual Δv: 3248 m/s (gravity assists at Eve, Oberth assist at Kerbin)

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(27.4) Edna

Theoretical Δv: 3138 m/s
Actual Δv: 3504 m/s

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Gravity assists so far: 36 (3 performed this chapter)
Flags remaining: 6 (4 planted this chapter)

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Part 28: Lindor



TGGT returns to the Lindor system but fails to find any traces of chocolate.


(28.1) Nara Pol

Theoretical Δv: 1492 m/s
Actual Δv: 1426 m/s (gravity assists at Laythe, Laythe, and Tylo)

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(28.2) Prax Riga

Theoretical Δv: 1649 m/s
Actual Δv: 712 m/s (aerobraking)

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(28.3) Sun Talos

Theoretical Δv: 1733 m/s
Actual Δv: 2095 m/s (drag at Riga)

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Gravity assists so far: 39 (3 performed this chapter)
Flags remaining: 3 (3 planted this chapter)

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  On 11/22/2022 at 2:16 AM, Leganeski said:

TGGT returns to the Lindor system but fails to find any traces of chocolate.


Fun fact:  While most people seem to associate the Lindor name with the chocolate, the planet is actually named after baseball shortstop Francisco Lindor.  Lindor played for the Cleveland Indians at the time JNSQ was made.  I briefly considered changing the planet's name after Lindor was traded to the New York Mets.

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  On 11/22/2022 at 7:37 PM, OhioBob said:

Fun fact:  While most people seem to associate the Lindor name with the chocolate, the planet is actually named after baseball shortstop Francisco Lindor.


Interesting! I was mainly referencing Lindor's description in the Tracking Station:


[...] A critical question has been raised recently- whether Lindor contains water or chocolate.



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  On 11/22/2022 at 7:52 PM, Leganeski said:

Interesting! I was mainly referencing Lindor's description in the Tracking Station:

[...] A critical question has been raised recently- whether Lindor contains water or chocolate.


Haha.  I didn't even know that was there.  I think JadeOfMaar wrote that; he uses a lot of food references in his descriptions.  Although the planet name has nothing to do with Lindor chocolate, that probably is his inspiration for that.

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Part 29: Jool


Jool, Vall (near top), and Laythe (above and behind Vall), from Tylo.


Remaining in the Jool system is Tylo, which could be a bit of an issue because its atmosphere is relatively dense. However, the surface conditions there are not that different from Brovo, so TGGT should be able to land there.


(29.1) Tam

Theoretical Δv: 852 m/s
Actual Δv: 1692 m/s (inefficient transfer)

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(29.2) Tylo

Theoretical Δv: 2337 m/s
Actual Δv: 882 m/s (aerobraking)

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(29.3) Vall

Theoretical Δv: 2444 m/s
Actual Δv: 3270 m/s (drag at Tylo)

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Total gravity assists: 39
Flags remaining: 0? (3 planted this chapter)

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Part 30: Everywhere and back again


That was all the targets. Vall was the last one.

Wait, really? Let's go check.

(30.1) All the flags

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Yep, that's all of them. I guess it's time to go home.


(30.2) Return to Kerbin

Theoretical Δv: 1608 m/s
Actual Δv: 1723 m/s

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(30.3) TGGT returns to Mun

Theoretical Δv: 2556 m/s
Actual Δv: 1900 m/s (Oberth assist at Kerbin)

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(30.4) Descent to the surface

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This concludes my grand tour of the JNSQ system, and completes all the goals of the mission. (I landed a kerbal on the surface of every solid body and returned home, without refueling on the same body twice.)

When I started exploring GPP, I thought I could never go back to the stock system. But now I can! JNSQ fixes so many problems with the stock system, has much better terrain, and of course adds a bunch of even more interesting planets and moons. Thank you,  @Galileo, @JadeOfMaar, and @OhioBob, for making yet another wonderful system!


Craft files:

Team Galileo Grand Tour mothership

Oxygen plane

Methane plane

Eve plane

Nara plane

Tellumo plane

Ion tug and Taranis lander


(30.5) Epilogue

The crew capsule and crewmembers are safely transported back to the KSC. While emptying one of the compartments in the capsule, Jebediah notices a flag at the back of the drawer. There's a label attached that reads "Tellumo". Thinking back to that part of the mission, he remembers Valentina carrying a flag back inside the crew capsule after she couldn't plant it in the water. Well, it's a flag, so it better get planted somewhere, right?



It is only thanks to the efforts of countless people over a decade that KSP modding has reached its current state. However, there are a few people in particular without whose work this mission would not have been possible.

Thanks to @linuxgurugamer for maintaining Better Time Warp.

Thanks to @Gordon Fecyk for creating Explodium Breathing Engines.

Thanks to @Snark for creating so many small mods that improve gameplay significantly, most notably Simple Fuel Switch.

Thanks to @OhioBob for his dedication to maintaining the quality and consistency of all his mods.

And last but certainly not least, thanks to @king of nowhere, whose OPM Kerbalism grand tour was what initially inspired me to do a grand tour mission.

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  On 11/26/2022 at 3:14 AM, OhioBob said:

Explodium Breathing Engines is all @Gordon Fecyk's.  I deserve no credit for it.


Whoops, you're right. For some reason, I thought that you did some significant theoretical work on it, but I was probably just getting that confused with Eve Optimized Engines (which is also great, by the way).

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  On 11/26/2022 at 3:41 AM, Leganeski said:

For some reason, I thought that you did some significant theoretical work on it


I did post some calculations, but that was just free advice to help confirm some of Gordon's numbers.  There was no real collaboration between us, and I certainly don't deserve any credit for the mod.

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  On 11/26/2022 at 3:41 AM, Leganeski said:

I thought that you did some significant theoretical work on [Explodium Breathing Engines], but I was probably just getting that confused with Eve Optimized Engines (which is also great, by the way)


If anything, @JadeOfMaar deserves as much credit as me for getting the thing going. That was my first real add-on for KSP so I had to learn a lot from experienced modders. As for @OhioBob and his contribution, I really needed his help to make sure I didn't cheat my way off of Nara.

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