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Show and Tell - Mammoth-II Engine


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WAAAAAAH my favorite and most used engine is getting a V.2 WAHHAHHAHHHAAAAAAAAAA
(i have no idea why my text is black around it)

Edited by CEO of China
weird black text box thingy explain thingy
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On 7/29/2022 at 12:20 PM, ShadowZone said:

Icing on the cake would be if they would become all burnt and sooty after use :D

I love the work that's being put in, every part I've seen looks great.  The new airplane 'pit looks great, complete with functional LCD display?  I've fallen in love with mods in KSP1 that give the MFDs a purpose.  I've seen dev info that joystick support is native, and I WILL be buying a decent throttle and stick for this (if that remains true) because I love to build planes and fly them.  The native procedural wings gives me goosebumps just from the very small amount shown of them so far.

Now I want devblogs about things such as the save system - how it will improve on KSP.  I want to know more about the 'team colors' and multiplayer.  I want a devblog about if 'soot' and general wear and tear will be a thing because to have some battle-scarred SSTO orbiter that accumulates wear... 

I want to know if we'll be able to place decals, as mods let us do.  I want more info on the science system!  I always run two concurrent campaigns - one full  funding + science + rep game, and a 'virtual design labs' game.  Do test flights and design in virtual, flip to the campaign to run the mission.  Anything that happens in campaign, stays.  Gives it more challenge.

Anyways there are so many aspects of the game to do deeper dev blogs on (ala the 'resource system' blog, or the 'parts' blog by Nertea/Chris Adderley).  I don't mind having the whole game 'spoiled' frankly, as I didn't get into KSP1 until it had the full kerboller system and I'd watched a bunch of vids and finally bought in and have had...over a thousand hours of enjoyment.  As I now run with mods by default, I want to know how much stuff from mods got incorporated or inspired KSP2 development.

Edit:  Mis-spelled 'Adderley'.  Apologies to one of my favorite mod-devs who became an actual game dev and I expect great things.

Edited by Defenestrator47
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On 7/29/2022 at 1:02 PM, Ghostii_Space said:


O motor Mammoth-II, reunindo todo o desempenho do antigo Mammoth de quatro bicos em um pacote muito poderoso! Projetado por Chris Adderley e trazido à vida por Jonathan Cooper. 



I find it interesting that no one noticed that there is no longer the "Pre-Alpha Footage" watermark on this video, which is present in pretty much every Show and Tell video. :)

Edited by Pgabrielmnecraft
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4 hours ago, Pgabrielmnecraft said:

I find it interesting that no one noticed that there is no longer the "Pre-Alpha Footage" watermark on this video, which is present in pretty much every Show and Tell video.

This is probably because the clip is not from the KSP 2 game, but is instead from the Unity engine. 

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1 hour ago, Kerbart said:
On 7/29/2022 at 10:32 AM, The Aziz said:

What's the hitbox and if it's accurate to the model, how many Kerbals I can put inside the bell?

Finally somebody asking the real questions!

The answer is.... 27! 27 Kerbals fit in the bell of the Mammoth-lI Engine. 



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17 minutes ago, Ghostii_Space said:

The answer is.... 27! 27 Kerbals fit in the bell of the Mammoth-lI Engine.

Oh my goodness, I was off by a factor of 3... on the small side! This engine is a beast! My irrational urge to slap four of them into a Mammoth2 is barely outweighing my concern for civilization.

Plus another three in the exhaust pipe. This brings it up to a nice even 30 Kerbals, perfect for marketing the engine to...

Edited by t_v
don't want to hinder thread loading
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On 7/29/2022 at 6:25 PM, Davi SDF said:

Now, put 4 of them together in an engine plate and call it Mammoth2

Okay jokes aside we unironically should get a 20m rocket engine meme part in the form of this solely because I think it'd be very funny and enable uhh "interesting possibilities" (what do you mean we're supposed to construct megaships in space?), sea dragons diameter was 20 meters so its definitely possible for a rocket engine to be that big.

Re: This is off topic, but jesus our rockets are massive. Saturn V was 10 meters in diameter, F1 rockets had the diameter of 3.7 meters. Each rocket on Saturn V was the size of the mammoth-2, and there was 5 of them. With the small size of kerbals its easy to forget that the rockets we build in game are quite small, falcon 9 has a diameter close to 3.75 meters, the largest parts we get in ksp1 discounting dlc is just average size in real life. 

Edited by Strawberry
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8 hours ago, Strawberry said:

Okay jokes aside we unironically should get a 20m rocket engine meme part in the form of this solely because I think it'd be very funny and enable uhh "interesting possibilities" (what do you mean we're supposed to construct megaships in space?), sea dragons diameter was 20 meters so its definitely possible for a rocket engine to be that big.

Re: This is off topic, but jesus our rockets are massive. Saturn V was 10 meters in diameter, F1 rockets had the diameter of 3.7 meters. Each rocket on Saturn V was the size of the mammoth-2, and there was 5 of them. With the small size of kerbals its easy to forget that the rockets we build in game are quite small, falcon 9 has a diameter close to 3.75 meters, the largest parts we get in ksp1 discounting dlc is just average size in real life. 

To be fair, KSP's universe is much smaller, so we don't need such beasts (that is, until you are tired of docking and want to put a big station in orbit)

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9 minutes ago, MechBFP said:

They probably felt like it.

I wonder why they felt like it, personally I think it should be named after a different engine but I am not the best at naming things.


Edited by Ryaja
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