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Hello all, new KSP Community Lead


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Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as I am the new Franchise Community Lead for Private Division with my focus on KSP. I’m very excited to be here and even more excited to get to know many of you within the Community. I will try to be as active here as I can be, but most of the time the best way to get ahold of me is via Twitter @Nerdy_Mike 

A little about me:

I have been around video games all my life and somewhere in my 20’s I decided I wanted to make a career out of something that I love (video games and people) and with that I was lucky enough to land a job with Ubisoft where I was able to work on many titles and learn from some great people. From there I went to WB Games for a little over a year where I worked on MultiVersus and after that launched I made the jump to Private Division to be here with all of you.

KSP is a new journey for me as I will admit I don’t know everything there is about the game, but I am eager to learn so if you have any tips & tricks or things I should learn / do, please sent it my way.

Thank you all for reading and again I am very excited to be here :)

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@Nerdy_Mike You are joining a good crew.  The forum Moderators deserve a lot of credit and support, btw!  Don't know if your title encompasses them, but if so: know you have a valuable resource in them.

Example: some very long time ago, almost immediately after my first post, Snark PM'd me with a 'how we do stuff around here' and 'good conduct looks like this, here' message.  It was one of the most appreciated Moderator actions I have received on any forum.  We've a good community here because they not only moderate well - they do so with humor and humanity.  I've had a few, occasionally course correcting, occasionally jocular PMs from the team in the intervening years and never resented one of them.


Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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