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[1.12.x] Artemis Construction Kit | Stockalike Orion & SLS | v1.4.0 | (Lockheed lander!)


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On 12/5/2022 at 11:47 PM, Astra Infinitum said:

To anybody,

has anyone thought up of an efficient way to put the new lander in the SLS stack to be able to launch orion and the lander on the same rocket??  I tried using the SLS block 2 and put the lander on top of the SL-SA-P Payload Adapter and  added an additional SL-I Tubular Aerodynamic Adapter on top of that so it could fit, and then put the rest that was originally on top of the SL-SA-P Payload Adapter back on op of the newly added tubular adapter (which would be the  SL-SA-F Monolithic Fairing Adapter) but theres no way to make it work without using EditorExtensionsRedux using the surface attachment function of the mod te replace the payload adapter node bc the payload adapter node is no longer there bcause ytou have to use it to attach to the bottom of the lander.


Does this make sense?


Anyone else build the full stack with Orion atop AND  the new lander within the stack? If so, how?


Would be cool to figure out a way, so if anyone got ideas shoot em this way. 


I've basically been launching the lander to my destination by itself first, or launching it by to meet a station already orbiting destination, then launch orion with crew to dock with lander/or station and take lander down.

It's absolutely possible - if you use the payload adapter (designed to be used with the universal stage adapter) instead of the fairing adapter you have two nodes, one for payload and one for the universal stage adapter: 



With SLS Block 2 you can just about manage it, but got to be careful on DV margins. EUS didn't quite have enough to get to TLI so had to use the lander engines to finish the burn, and the Orion SM is way too small to manage capturing the entire Orion/Lander stack into LLO, so you have to use the lander for that too. Since it's designed for round trip from NRHO to surface it has enough margins to pull off the capture burn to around a 20km orbit and then make a landing & return without the Orion OMS having to fire at all. Polar orbit would probably be much tighter. 

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You can do even better if you ditch the conical payload adapter and dock the Orion to the lander before TLI. It would be even more effective if you could decouple the conical section from the payload base and ditch that also. You'd need to be creative to avoid creating space junk though.

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7 hours ago, Somecallmesteve said:

Will this essentially replace DIRECT launch vehicles as a mod? And is it compatible with the Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit?

No, because there's no shuttle ET (External Tank) included in the mod. There's another mod coming out soon which will have an updated ET, so stay tuned

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Hello can anyone help me? 

I cannot seem to get this mod to work, I have tried everything, installing through ckan, installing manually, and now my decouoplers have disappeared too :(

I don't know how I can attach my log files but if anyone is keen to help Im sure I can find a way to get them over to you?

thanks in advance 

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1 hour ago, bobbycom said:

Hello can anyone help me? 

Hi - welcome to the forums. Do you have a gmail account? If so you have free storage space where you can upload your log file. If you're logged into your gmail, just change the address to "drive.google.com" and you can create a folder, share it, put the log file in there, and post the link here. you'll probably be able to get install help just by uploading your ksp.log.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, astronaut_t said:

None of the fuel tanks have an LH2/Ox option for me, only one or the other.  I have both cryoengines and cryotanks installed. here is my gamedata folder:


Might be InterstellarFuelSwitch. I've never used it. But I think it causes conflicts with Nertea's cryo mods.

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Hi, this is a gorgeous mod and I'm loving it, but I was wondering if you were planning to add TAC life support support? It's certainly not a major problem, I've just been sticking the hex cans to the service module, but it does undercut the elegance somewhat to have to do so

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Not entirely sure what happened here. B9 threw a serious warning when I started the game after installing this. Here's the excerpt from my .log:


[WRN 21:41:24.707] Warning on PartSubtype 5m on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='fairingSwitch') on part benjee10.SLS.fairing: Could not find matching module
[EXC 21:41:24.707] Exception: Could not find matching module
    B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.FindModule (Part part) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
    B9PartSwitch.ModuleModifierInfo+<CreatePartModifiers>d__10.MoveNext () (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
    B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Setup (B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch parent, System.Boolean displayWarnings) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype:Setup(ModuleB9PartSwitch, Boolean)
    PartLoader:CompilePartInfo(AvailablePart, Part)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


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On 1/9/2023 at 8:17 AM, Maeamian said:

Hi, this is a gorgeous mod and I'm loving it, but I was wondering if you were planning to add TAC life support support? It's certainly not a major problem, I've just been sticking the hex cans to the service module, but it does undercut the elegance somewhat to have to do so

This MM Patch could be a temporary fix since TAC life support will patch all pods that requires at least 1 crew. Orion and HLS pods doesn't have such requirement so that the TAC's patch won't work for them.

I don't vouch for the safety of using the following patch(it does the job though, and nothing went wrong for me) since I'm not an expert in writing MM patches, so it's possible that this patch might cause issues that I can't foreseen, since I didn't finish reading the entire documentation on how to write an MM patch.

To use it, you have to have Module Manager installed in your KSP.

Create a folder under GameData, name it whatever you want, such as 'myMMpatches'. Then paste the following into a .txt file, save it and change the file extension to .cfg under the folder you just created.

		minimumCrew = 1
		minimumCrew = 1



Or you can just change the 'minimumCrew' to 1 in the part's config. However, changes you made to the .cfg will be lost when you reinstall or update the mod.

To do that, find 'HLS_pod.cfg' and 'orion_Capsule.cfg' under 'GameData\Benjee10_Orion\Orion\Parts', then open those files with a text editor.

Locate the following

		name = ModuleCommand
		minimumCrew = 0
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.020
		hasHibernation = True

then change it to

		name = ModuleCommand
		minimumCrew = 1
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.020
		hasHibernation = True

It basically does the same thing as the MM patch, changing the minimum crew requirement for the pod from 0 to 1, so that TAC life support will recognize them as crew pods and add it's functionality, as well as the resources to the pods.

Edited by henrylzy
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