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[1.12.x] Parallax - PBR Terrain and Surface Objects [2.0.8]


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55 minutes ago, TwoCalories said:

Is there support for Outer Planets Mod? Sorry if this has been asked before or the answer is on the first post and I didn't see it.

Not yet but maybe someone could make configs for it eventually  

@ballisticfox0 are still planning on completing configs for KSRSS and RSS.

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On 6/21/2023 at 4:15 AM, BIOZ said:

I think so. Actually I didn't plan it will become something big, it was a temporary solution just to sit and wait until the real config come out. And if I will create my own config, it will be made from the scratch, rescaling KSRSS is not good everywhere.

Would you kindly PR these (and also later the forthcoming ones of course) to RSS? Please? :) It's sitting right here, waiting :D


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@NathanKell :D Ok. Right now I have nothing to merge. Tessellation configs are good, but Parallax has some problem with Kopernicus, Gameslinx and I are already working on it. Scatter configs are not mine, I'm just rescaling KSRSS. When I make something worth merging, of course I'll make a PR :)

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3 hours ago, BIOZ said:

@NathanKell :D Ok. Right now I have nothing to merge. Tessellation configs are good, but Parallax has some problem with Kopernicus, Gameslinx and I are already working on it. Scatter configs are not mine, I'm just rescaling KSRSS. When I make something worth merging, of course I'll make a PR :)


I'd say it's well worth PRing in the rescaled KSRSS configs for now just so we have something, and you're the one who knows how they should be set best for RSS. I mean, I can try, but I don't know 'em as well. :D 

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2 hours ago, NathanKell said:

I'd say it's well worth PRing in the rescaled KSRSS configs for now just so we have something, and you're the one who knows how they should be set best for RSS. I mean, I can try, but I don't know 'em as well. :D

Couldn't agree more :) But the thing is - my files contain no scatters, they require to download certain KSRSS files. I can set them up to work, but I don't know if BallisticFox gives me permission to take their cfgs. If it's ok, I think I can ask them.

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On 3/23/2023 at 2:06 PM, LezRowl said:


I'm having a strange problem with the parallax textures/models loading. This bug appeared half-way through my gameplay and now all of the trees are loading with gray textures and sometimes won't even have a model at all. Relaunching a craft seems to always create a different way that the textures are breaking. 

In the picture below the trees load with no textures or leaves. The trees in the distance are just a plain png. There are also red sticks poking out of the ground in a different biome that were supposed to be fir trees.




I'd like to know if there is a known fix for this, because it looks awful. 


I'm having the same issue as this user. It seems like this problem shows up after playing for a little while and is fixed when I restart the game. Any suggestions? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2020/9/21 at AM1点22分, Gameslinx said:





Parallax completely recreates the surfaces of the planets, from the environment all the way down to the terrain detail. It combines a tessellation and displacement terrain shader as well as a completely new scatter system to vastly improve the planet surfaces. Parallax uses GPU instancing for surface objects in order to render massive amounts of geometry at amazing performance.

See Installation Instructions below. Also see the Troubleshooting section below, and direct users here if things are not working!

Watch the new trailer here:

Features Overview

Parallax completely replaces the terrain shader used in the normal game as well as its scatter system for placing thousands of objects over great distances. Here are some of the key features of this mod:

  • High quality terrain tessellation shader, like in No Man's Sky
  • Trees, grass and many other types of foliage
  • Procedural rocks and objects
  • Collisions with surface objects
  • Self shadowing
  • Completely new planetary surface textures



The shader that Squad uses for Kerbal Space Program's terrain is extremely limited. Parallax's original feature was a brand new terrain shader, but the scope has expanded to surface objects as well.

Parallax improves upon the stock shader in a number of ways, for example:

  • Normal mapped lighting is accurate and faces the right way on a surface at any angle
  • Tessellation allows surfaces to have much more complexity, allowing for the creation of lifelike planet surfaces
  • No lines/artifacts, unlike the stock shader

The scatter system is also a massive improvement over Squad's implementation:

  • 使用计算着色器几乎可以立即生成数百万个对象
  • 每个对象都是使用 GPU 实例绘制的,这意味着绘制调用显着减少。这极大地提高了渲染性能
  • 每个对象的视锥体剔除
  • 物体是可碰撞的
  • 按需加载




最小值 - 禁用散射:

  • CPU:视差对 CPU 没有太大影响,所以这并不是一个真正的问题
  • GPU:必须支持着色器模型3.0,
  • RAM:4GB(禁用分散对象)

最小值 - 启用分散

  • GPU:必须支持着色器模型5.0
  • 渲染器:推荐使用DX11,但支持OpenGL。由于限制,由于 Apple 放弃了对 OpenGL 的支持,因此不支持 Mac OSX。Linux 运行 OpenGL。
    • 必须支持异步GPU读回(如果你不知道这是什么,不用担心)
  • 内存:6GB


  • GPU:DirectX 11、着色器模型 5.0
  • 内存:8GB

您可以在这里关注 Parallax 的开发:  https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/



  1. 从 GitHub 发布页面下载 Parallax、Parallax_StockTextures 和 Parallax_ScatterTextures。
  2. 下载并安装哥白尼。最低版本发布 139 或更高版本。
  3. 打开 Parallax zip 并将 Parallax 文件夹移至 GameData。
  4. 打开 Parallax_StockTextures zip 并将 Parallax_StockTextures 文件夹移至 GameData。
  5. 打开 Parallax_ScatterTextures.zip 并将 Parallax_StockTextures 文件夹移动到 GameData,将其与现有文件夹合并。 是的,它们的名字相同。这是故意的。不要错过这一步。
  6. 启动游戏,并将地形质量设置为“高”。将地形着色器质量设置为“高”或“超高”。Ultra 将启用曲面细分。

可选:此补丁将禁用夏娃的气泡/生命:  https ://drive.google.com/file/d/16-nTUbRgQescq4ajQtka1cJnaOzPcgPy/view







I'm getting a Kopernicus error on the main menu!

  Reveal hidden contents

You have likely failed to install the two textures folders correctly. You must merge the two Parallax_StockTextures folders from both zip files into GameData. Once you've done this, the Parallax_StockTextures folder in GameData should look like this:


I'm getting an infinite loading screen - the planets in the bottom right corner are moving freely and nothing is happening!

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This is usually due to a bad Kopernicus install, but in some cases can be due to a bad KSP install.

  • First, try reinstalling Kopernicus. You need version 139 or later, and must also have the Harmony folder in GameData.
  • If that doesn't work, reinstall KSP 1.12.3. Some files may have become corrupted or changed over time after previous mods. This is the best way to ensure the mod runs.

There are no trees or grass in the Space Center view!

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This is intentional. Right now, scatters don't work in the space center view, and I've not yet figured out how to get them to show.

You will see trees and grass in Flight.

Performance is really bad, my FPS has tanked!

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This has been reported to help massively boost framerates, and I advise you share these steps with anyone suffering from the same problem. These are the settings I use to ensure the game runs smoothly:

Step 1 - Update your NVIDIA graphics drivers

Step 2 - Replace the settings.cfg in your Kerbal Space Program folder with this: https://mega.nz/file/JEEgTZ5a#BDhp8Vm8WvcbYd3lO2VCIg_3_8xr1I4ns8-He8pQ_PY

Step 3 - Use these NVIDIA settings:

  • Right click on your desktop
  • If on Windows 11, choose "show more options", otherwise see next step
  • Click "NVIDIA Control Panel",
  • Click "Manage 3D Settings".
  • Click on the "Program Settings" tab
  • Find, or add, the KSP_x64.exe in your Kerbal Space Program folder
  • Use the following settings. Not all of these settings will appear for you, but that is fine


I'm seeing weird flashing artifacts that look like Z-fighting on the ground, how do I fix that?

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There are two things that cause this.

  1. City lights are not compatible with Parallax at the moment. Delete the city lights config from the visual pack that provides them.
  2. If city lights are not causing this, Scatterer might. In the scatterer config, make sure "merge depth pre pass" is set to false. If this does not fix it, a reinstall of Scatterer will.

I have a planet mod installed, but Parallax isn't working and/or I'm getting a Kopernicus error on the main menu!

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If this planet mod supports Parallax 1.3.1, it will not support Parallax 2.0.0.

You will need to remove the Parallax configs for those planet mods until they are updated.





  1. 对性能有何影响?
    • 您可以预期在 GT 960M 或更高型号上可以很好地运行 Parallax。
  2. 这是做库存的吗?
    • 是的!这也适用于支持它的行星模组。
  3. 为什么很多灯都滞后?
    • 由于某种原因,KSP 使用 Unity 的“前向渲染”路径而不是“延迟渲染”路径。这意味着对于场景中的每个像素光,都会重新计算曲面细分。如果有很多灯光,这会很快增加。在 KSP 移动到延迟渲染路径之前,我对此无能为力。
  4. 我需要 NASA 超级计算机吗?
  5. 这适用于EVE和 Scatterer 吗?
    • 是的。Parallax 是与 Scatterer 一起开发的,因此我建议您同时使用它们以获得最佳效果。
  6. 我可以更改设置吗?
    • GameData/Parallax 文件夹中有一个配置。这控制地形着色器的质量以及散射系统的选项
  7. 你们会为模组制作者发布文档吗?
    • 是的,文档正在编写中,并将在 github wiki 上经常更新。
  8. 这可以与 Rescale / Sigma Dimensions 一起使用吗?
    • 是的,但请检查配置,因为必须调整某些值才能看起来正确。
  9. 我可以在自己的配置中使用 Parallax_StockTextures 中的纹理吗?
    • 虽然许可证确实允许您使用它们,但我更 希望您不这样做。 库存纹理是为了改善库存游戏。我不想看到大量使用这些纹理的配置包,因为它剥夺了我为库存行星创建的配置包的独特性。请 - 不要偷懒,自己做。



您可以在此处下载 Parallax for KSP 1.12.x:




如果您想捐款以表达对该模组的感谢或支持其开发,请点击下面我的 Patreon 的链接。您也可以通过捐赠来解锁一些很酷的福利!

捐款绝不是要求的,但我们非常感谢。感谢您下载该模组,或者如果您是长期支持者,感谢您在整个开发过程中坚持使用它 :)

 Patreon 徽标由 DeviantArt 上的 laprasking 设计



Parallax 根据Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) 获得许可。 

这意味着您可以 在以下条件下以任何媒介或格式自由共享、复制和重新分发该材料:

  1. 归属 - 您必须给出适当的信用,提供许可证的链接,并表明是否进行了更改。您可以以任何合理的方式这样做,但不得以任何暗示许可方认可您或您的使用的方式。
  2. 非商业性 — 您不得将该材料用于商业目的。
  3. 禁止衍生品 — 如果您重新混合、转换或在材料的基础上进行构建,则不得分发修改后的材料。

来自:https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0

Does it not support RSS?

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I'm getting weird flickering with lighting on the scatters:

System: Linux Mint, Nvidia 1060 card with latest Nvidia driver (reinstalling drivers fixed a previous issue).

Mod list:

000_ClickThroughBlocker          ModuleManager.Physics
000_Harmony                      ModuleManager.TechTree
001_ToolbarControl               NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE
BetterBurnTime                   Parallax
BoulderCo                        Parallax_StockTextures
Chatterer                        PersistentRotation
DistantObject                    RealPlume
EngineLightRelit                 RealPlume-Stock
EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements  RSMP-main
FMRS                             Scatterer
Kopernicus                       ScattererAtmosphereCache
ModularFlightIntegrator          ScienceAlert
ModuleManager.4.1.0.dll          SmokeScreen
ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll          Squad
ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll          SquadExpansion
ModuleManager.ConfigCache        StockWaterfallEffects
ModuleManager.ConfigSHA          Trajectories
ModuleManagerLicense.md          Waterfall


The flickering only seems to happen on Kerbin "Sapling" trees.

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English is not my native language) When I installed Parallax, I was having a problem where it wasn't applied even though I followed all the procedures correctly. I was concerned about a mod conflict and even after uninstalling all mods except the essential ones and running them again, I'm still having the same problem.

Parallax_ScatterTextures and Parallax_StockTextures are also installed correctly.


The version of the game is 1.12.3





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English is not my native language) When I installed Parallax, I was having a problem where it wasn't applied even though I followed all the procedures correctly. I was concerned about a mod conflict and even after uninstalling all mods except the essential ones and running them again, I'm still having the same problem.

Parallax_ScatterTextures and Parallax_StockTextures are also installed correctly.

The version of the game is 1.12.3










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15 hours ago, mmmm said:

English is not my native language) When I installed Parallax, I was having a problem where it wasn't applied even though I followed all the procedures correctly. I was concerned about a mod conflict and even after uninstalling all mods except the essential ones and running them again, I'm still having the same problem.

Parallax_ScatterTextures and Parallax_StockTextures are also installed correctly.

The version of the game is 1.12.3










Missing 000_Harmony from kopernicus ?

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Hey, I'm trying to make some custom configs for Parallax. I'm using Kopernicus and Texture Replacer to swap out some planet textures. For example, I'm trying to turn Dres brown and white instead of gray. I can't figure out how to make the parallax terrain colors change with it though. Dres looks brown when I'm zoomed way out, but once I zoom in and Parallax loads, it turns gray again. Does anybody know how to change the planet's colors in a way that parallax understands?

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The op says in the FAQ:


  1. Does this work with Rescale / Sigma Dimensions?
    • Yes, but check for configs as some values must be adjusted for things to look correct.

Can someone please tell me what to adjust?

When using Sigma dimensions and rescale (continued), the scatters are much less dense and some of them are missing completely. 





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@Gameslinx, do you think it'd be a good idea to add an optional patch for a "Lifeless Laythe", similar to the Lifeless Eve patch? As beautiful as Laythe is with the alien foliage and stuff, I honestly preferred the "alone in a solar system" feeling. I'll also add that Laythe well inside Jool's radiation fields, so life blooming on the surface is a little unrealistic, in my opinion.

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I am having issues with Parallax lagging my entire computer to the point of absolute replayability. After many hours of troubleshooting, I have been unable to solve this issue. I already added the updated grass.dll on the github page, which solved one issue with the game flat out crashing after regenerating shaders constantly but the game still remains unplayable. The main issue seems to be the thread group count going above the maximum allowed limit. While slightly laggy in the outside view of the KSC, the game is still playable. The main problem is when switching to flight the game instantly slows my PC to a crawl. This only happens on Kerbin and only when on the ground (Not from orbit). Any help is greatly appreciated.
Note: I have already tried completely reinstalling, verifying game files, and doing manual installs/installing through CKAN
Specs: Nividia GeForce RTX 3060 / Intel i5-9400F / 16 GB ram

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1b4gi27k8o8shwtht32tp/KSP.log?rlkey=6v706vkrimryz5ghmlvyx8si1&dl=0

Edited by Velociraptor_65
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