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Who did you bring in your first mun landing?


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It was just meant to be an orbiter, so I had all the veterans on it. I didn't know I could burn radial out/in to get my trajectory right, so I got to the mun, and was on a trajectory that would lead to lunar impact. I burned as much as I could, but ended up on my side with one solar panel broken. I was so excited that I had landed on the mun,  I completely forgot about the fact that the veterans were stranded. That save was deleted a long, long time ago. 

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Jeb, Bill, and Bob.

Because there was no other choice.



23 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

It was just meant to be an orbiter, so I had all the veterans on it. I didn't know I could burn radial out/in to get my trajectory right, so I got to the mun, and was on a trajectory that would lead to lunar impact. I burned as much as I could, but ended up on my side with one solar panel broken. I was so excited that I had landed on the mun,  I completely forgot about the fact that the veterans were stranded. That save was deleted a long, long time ago. 

Sounds familiar:




Edited by razark
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first was on the initial eggbox version, was Jeb, alone, in a Mk1 capsule based lander, due to career progress he couldn't actually get out and as such was a touch and go job with science collection.

crude lander but was designed without the aid of internet sites just a few manual calculations on dV requirements, was quite pleased actually, a sense of achievement, especially when he came back successfully.

second flight was Val to for the XP, also successful, different landing zone

actually successful first time landing, after a free return flyby and two orbital flights to test the actual craft (and grab far & near orbit science) before enough was unlocked to add the six little legs and try risking it. designed to have a 50% dV margin for the landing bit and 10% on ascent with 10% on the rest and had a decent amount of fuel left at the end but really enjoyed it

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Just landed today. Brought Jeb (for maneuver nodes) and Bob (to reset science containers). Took me several tries but eventually I landed. Now I need to do science without tipping my lander over.

Also I cheated to get back to Kerbin because I didn't have enough Delta-V after getting in Mun Orbit.

Edited by Richmountain112
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