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Karecibo Message - Complete Version


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  On 1/11/2023 at 11:42 PM, Vl3d said:


And the original Arecibo message for comparison:




So the new message shows a streak from looks like a star system of some kind (Probably Kerbol) and towards a new system. The new image shows a small humanoid with a larger humanoid. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Kerbals vs Humans, Kerbin vs Earth - KSP Discussion - Kerbal Space Program  Forums

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And here you go, this is where we find the aliens: the system with 2 stars (or 1 black hole and 1 bigger star), one eating the other.



Edited by Vanamonde
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  On 1/12/2023 at 12:20 AM, Vl3d said:

And here you go, this is where we find the aliens: the system with 2 stars (or 1 black hole and 1 bigger star), one eating the other.



From the looks of the video as it plays it's just a random video playing for effect, like the video of the sun you see back there at one point.

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  On 1/12/2023 at 12:26 AM, Minmus Taster said:

From the looks of the video as it plays it's just a random video playing for effect, like the video of the sun you see back there at one point.


Yes, but I'm looking at the hollow star eating the expanding star.. in the karecibo message above the humanoids.

But it could also just be an interstellar ship.

Good luck saving a whole alien civilization guys. That's a lot of interstellar transports!

Edited by Vl3d
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the kraken is a god that transported the kerbins into ksp 1 who knows why they had to be transported there, but the kraken transported them via a portal into this universe was rather unstable, so after many years living alone in a single solar system, the kerbins got tired of exploring the same land over and over to kill there boredom and now wants the krakens head, the kraken will rise up to not be defeated for the mere pleasure of the kerbins and will transport them using the easter eggs the kraken has put over all over the solar system to create a gate to transport them to a suitable new universe where the past fears of the kraken don't exist, there is new land to explore, with new planets, new solar systems, and better technology rather than the limited unstable ksp 1 universe... The head for the kraken will not be taken and now will help the green little things rather than annoying them and help them reach the stars.



thank you coming to my ted talk, no way else someone is going change my mind

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I think the key esc bottom right thing is supposed to be a kerbal? And it definitely looks like a kraken person on the bottom left. The sword appears to break after the kraken so I wonder how that plays into that. I do think Vl3d is right about the kraken peoples star being consumed by another star, the thing at the top appears to show two stars and a planet, and the thing at the bottom seems to be one star that went supernova consuming the other star. Im guessing the line coming from the supernova'd star is supposed to show the planet being turned rogue? 

I think the lore here is a continuation to the planned ksp1 storyline. Pure speculation but I think what theyre going to do is that there was a normal functioning binary star system, the people on that solar system tried to fight the kraken (invent ftl travel), and because of that attempt a star went supernova and began consuming its neighbor. In the process of this supernova, it ended up sending out the homeland of the kracken people. These kracken people then send out a bunch of monoliths in the hope of seeding intelligent life, but then they make kerbals. 

Maybe the reason why the ftl experiments went so wrong is because they triggered the Chronology protection conjecture? When they tried macroscopic ftl, intense vacuum fluctuations lead to a highly intense outburst of energy, this energy compressed the star enough to make it undergo supernova, thus causing there home planet to get flown out of the solar system. Kerbals did not go down this route of ftl travel because they just want to go to space and are perfectly happy with spending 50 years in a tin can and just wanted to do stuff for the sake of doing it, unlike those picky kracken people who wanted to ensure that they only went interstellar when it was as convenient and easy as possible. This explanation of where the kracken people went wrong would fit in with the general theming of ksp, which is doing things for the sake of exploration and just doing them, instead of just being stagnant and only doing things when the stars align. 

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 Maybe i'm looking at this too simply
There's a diagram of the solar system (sun, moho, eve, kerbin (has the line under it for "we are here"), duna, dres, jool (big), eeloo)
There's a rocket
There's a kraken and its tentacles have lines going to that same rocket exploding

the bottom half doesn't mean anything to me yet


maybe it's showing a kerbal in suit vs without, that seems almost right? 


i think it's cute, regardless

Edited by Lupi
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  On 1/12/2023 at 1:26 AM, Strawberry said:



The sword is a rocket. 

Folks on the third planet from Kerbol sent a rocket - the Kraken appeared and broke the rocket. 


No clue what the part between the broken rocket and the two figures could be 

Unless the tall one is a monolith?  All of the other dots? 

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More like Krakencebo, since it's starting to look like it's them who sent Kerbals the message.

And I think the second scale is supposed to represent the distance to this other star system, home of the Kraken kind. 22 units away from Kerbol? I wonder what the unit of measurement is.

Edit: It could be light years, but measured in Kerbin years. The message does single out Kerbin, so it would make sense as a reference, and light speed is the same for everyone. 22 Kerbin years is about 6.4 Earth years. If we take Intercept literally, that the nearest star is about 4 light years, meaning 4 Earth years (with or without scaling of the speed light, which doesn't matter to this discussion), then another nearby star could easily be closer to 6.4ly away. A bit further out, but still reachable with the similar tech level.

There is a star 6.5ly from Earth, which is Luhman 16, but it's a binary brown dwarf. Such a system is unlikely to be of any interest, so unless it's in the game purely as an Easter egg, I doubt Luhman 16 would be a prototype for it.

Another option that's not far off is Barnard's Star at about 6ly away. Now, that one is promising. Prominent point of interest in research and sci-fi literature, and it has an icy super-Earth orbiting it. Barnard's Star b would be just outside of the habitable zone for surface life, but it's well positioned to have a sub-surface ocean of liquid water which might be very habitable. And hey, krakens, right? They ought to live in an ocean. That would actually fit pretty well.

Edited by K^2
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  On 1/12/2023 at 2:35 AM, Luriss said:
  On 1/12/2023 at 2:23 AM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

No clue what the part between the broken rocket and the two figures could be 


I get the impression that its the most important part of the message. Does anyone have ideas on what it might mean?


It's either an interstellar ship, a star that exploded or a binary system with one star / black hole eating the other.

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  On 1/12/2023 at 11:21 AM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Or a system with 4 worlds or a planet with 4 moons... And that is where the Kraken face people are from 


I do think it's a schematic representation of their system. I don't know if it's so symmetrical, though. Maybe that's the best the artists were able to do with a 5x5 pixel area?

Looking at Arecibo again, the Sol system is represented below the "human for scale" portion. The kerbal-meets-kraken might not be the final frame. Since, again, this is starting to look like a message sent by the Krakens to the Kerbals, the final frame would be where the diagram of their home system would appear. So I'm eagerly awaiting one more frame that should tell us with some sort of certainty what the Kraken home system looks like. At least as far as star(s) and major planets are concerned.

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  On 1/12/2023 at 9:48 PM, K^2 said:

I'm eagerly awaiting one more frame that should tell us with some sort of certainty what the Kraken home system looks like. At least as far as star(s) and major planets are concerned


There is certainly time for one to come out before EA (which does not have to be the deadline, given it is EA)... But I will be looking when the 'release trailer' or final 'look, we did a thing!' video drops in February. 

  On 1/12/2023 at 9:48 PM, K^2 said:

Maybe that's the best the artists were able to do with a 5x5 pixel area


If we are correct - that would have to be it... Absent Alien Mega-Structure I doubt it's 4 things in the same orbit. 


This is fun! 

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  On 1/12/2023 at 11:01 PM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

But I will be looking when the 'release trailer' or final 'look, we did a thing!' video drops in February.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking as well!

  On 1/12/2023 at 11:01 PM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I doubt it's 4 things in the same orbit.


This is a fun little topic in itself. 4-body choreographies exist, including some interesting 3-dimensional (non-planar) cases. Their stability is somewhat conditional, and I have no idea how well they work with another body added as a central star. I am not aware of any choreographies existing naturally, but given that they can be long-term stable, they ought to occur by chance somewhere. They would have to be exceptionally rare, however, due to the strict requirement on all masses being equal. (See: N-body Choreography, 4-body Example

There are rosette orbits with a central body, but they are known not to be stable, so they would definitely require station keeping. These have less strict requirements on masses, simply requiring a periodic pattern of masses), but due to the station-keeping requirement, these would certainly have to be artificial structures. (See: Fleet of Worlds, Klemperer Rosette)

Finally, there are some naturally occurring cases of two bodies sharing an orbit that might be extendable to 4. The best example is the orbits of Janus and Epimetheus, moons of Saturn. These require a central body that is far heavier than the orbiting objects, but the masses of the orbiting objects can then be in a pretty wide naturally occurring range.  The way these work is that the energy and angular momentum is transferred between the two in a fly-by of sorts, resulting in the two objects trading places as being the ones in slightly higher or slightly lower orbit, causing a game of tag around the central body. The two body case is stable, but I don't know if a 4-body case can be. No natural examples of more than two bodies sharing an orbit this way are known to me. (See: Simulation of Janus/Epimetheus Orbit)

So in summary, there are some interesting possibilities for 4 planetary bodies or moons sharing an orbit around a central body, but all of them seem a little too outlandish for KSP2. That is, however, somewhat subjective and we'll probably just have to wait for more clues.

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I personally think it is the number of planets in their system, and that the dots just above tell us how many systems the game will be giving us by the end of the EA period.

Also I theorized a rough estimate for the height of the Kraken people based on the message in this video, where I also express a few other thoughts that would take forever to type out. 


Edited by Meb Kat
Adding on to previous point in greater detail
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  On 1/12/2023 at 2:48 AM, K^2 said:

And I think the second scale is supposed to represent the distance to this other star system, home of the Kraken kind. 22 units away from Kerbol? I wonder what the unit of measurement is.


The scale starts with a long line, the only other time we see a long line is to indicate kerbin, I think its supposed to say that the rogue planet is 22 ku (kerbin units) away from the sun. 

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  On 1/13/2023 at 6:02 AM, MechBFP said:

I think the thing you labelled “black star” is the star starting to explode (ie supernova), while the right hand side is the star actually exploded. 


But why does the solid white line from the right lead into it though? The solid lines that touch the edge confuse me as to their meanings.

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  On 1/13/2023 at 6:02 AM, MechBFP said:

I think the thing you labelled “black star” is the star starting to explode (ie supernova), while the right hand side is the star actually exploded. 


If this is true, it *could* be that the Kerbals arrive at an already exploded star, maybe even a black hole and when they meet the aliens they are telling them about when the star was there in their old times

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  On 1/13/2023 at 5:16 AM, Strawberry said:

The scale starts with a long line, the only other time we see a long line is to indicate kerbin, I think its supposed to say that the rogue planet is 22 ku (kerbin units) away from the sun. 


Plausible. The diagram can then be of a planetary system rather than a stellar one. A rogue or distant capture with four moons.

That possibility meshes well with the teaser/Easter egg we got earlier, where a map of the Kerbol system has a sticky note with a question mark attached way out beyond Eeloo.

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  On 1/13/2023 at 7:58 AM, K^2 said:

Plausible. The diagram can then be of a planetary system rather than a stellar one. A rogue or distant capture with four moons.

That possibility meshes well with the teaser/Easter egg we got earlier, where a map of the Kerbol system has a sticky note with a question mark attached way out beyond Eeloo.


I feel we're getting close to the truth. Still.. aliens before interstellar travel? It's a little bit overwhelming. What do we do with them?

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