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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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What did I do this morning?

  • Got a transfer window to Duna.  Saved the game.
  • I refined my probe that I'm sending to Duna as part of the Duna Mastery challenge and put that into LKO.  Saved the game.
  • Plotted an encounter to Duna.  Saved the game.
  • Burned for the encounter, but the craft spun uncontrollably because I forgot to turn on RCS.  Load previous save.
  • Turned on RCS and burned for the encounter.  The craft spun and wobbled more than I'd like because I didn't have any reaction wheels on the transfer stage.  Loaded the save I created after getting the transfer window.
  • I refined the probe to put a reaction wheel on the transfer stage and launched into LKO.  Saved the game.
  • Plotted an encounter to Duna.  Saved the game.
  • Burned for the encounter, remembering to turn on RCS.  Got the encounter...but a little farther out than I'd like the initial pass to be.  Saved the game.
  • Zoomed in on Duna...and I can see the orbit lines inside the SOI!  Smiled ear-to-ear and nearly woke my wife up with the girlish giggle that slipped out.  Plotted a closer fly-by.  Saved the game.
  • Burned for the closer fly-by.  Saved the game.
  • At the new Pe of 231 km I plotted an orbit to burn off the rest of the transfer stage.  Burned said maneuver and ended up with an Ap of 1200 km.  Not bad.  Saved the game.
  • Attempted to land on Duna.  I have 4600 dV in my lander, 4 radial drogue chutes, 4 radial chutes, and a large chute on top.  Got distracted during the landing, and went into Duna's surface at just over 20 m/s.  Lost all 4 legs and the engine.  Exited the game knowing I have it saved right after the capture burn.

All told, it was a decent morning.  I've been struggling to get an intercept and encounter with Duna, but patience has finally paid off.  I gotta try remembering that this isn't KSP1.

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Got into Eve's orbit.  Did not realize that in KSP2 you can see through the clouds - but you can.  What I thought was a crack shining through the clouds turns out to be differential reflections at the 'coastlines' - or whatever.  I had hoped to dip below the clouds - but aerobraking made my craft disappear. 

Thanks Pretentious Kerman


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Sent another mission to the Jool system, this time landing on Vall for the first time. While I was there, and since it will be almost a Kerbin year until the next return window and since my transfer vehicle has dV to spare, I decided to orbit Pol for the first time in KSP2.





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Drove about 500km today. Oddly, I have to deal with fewer PQS errors and random wheel detachments, and the rover seems tougher overall if I drive at 4X physics warp, something I would never have done in KSP1.


There's a huge mountain range right in the middle of this crap and if I ever do this again I'm going to take the long way around the coast, this stuff is very trying on the TR4 wheels.


"How the crap do we get down from here?"


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1 minute ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I've got a rover on Eve with those.  Won't go uphill for ANYTHING.

I do A LOT of switchbacking. Considering how ridiculous the TR-2L wheels are going up hills I'm thinking the TR4 needs a huge buff.

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1 minute ago, darthgently said:

Moar Wheels.  I usually have at least 8, sometimes as many as 16.  They need use a lot of juice though

Quite frankly six of those should be able to handle a 15 degree slope and the fact that they don't makes me very angry. Have you tried the TR-2Ls? They literally fly up hills, don't even slow down until you're doing like 30 degrees. I would have used them if they weren't so low profile, ugly, and "floatey".

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1 hour ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:


@regex - see above


Well dang.  Full disclosure, I don't even run KSP2, but in 1 I've gotten rovers climbing some steep grades with lots of wheels.  But I also dink with the traction control and suspension.   It really looks like those wheels have a lot less traction than their footprint would indicate.  Apologies for getting your hopes up and thanks for testing it out

Is there anything you can tweak on the wheels?  Especially traction control. 

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10 hours ago, darthgently said:

I don't even run KSP2

Give it a bit.  Post patch it is possible to enjoy the non buggy parts of the game - but there are a lot of things that are still buggy. 


If they are remotely as comprehensive in the second patch as the first - it should resemble what we expected EA to look like when they announced it

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1 hour ago, ArmchairGravy said:

I stranded Bill in orbit around Duna. I think he had enough dv to get to the surface, but not back into orbit. I'm pretty happy considering it was all guesswork and improvisation.

I stranded a probe in Duna orbit.  Landed it, got it back into orbit, but when I plot a return course and leave Duna's SOI, the trajectory is borked.

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The badlands defeated me. It was a good run but constant phantom colliders, quickloading, anemic TR4 wheels, and general frustration with all that finally beat me down. I did not make it to the coast.

Did anyone at Intercept actually drive Kerbin or were they just faffing around the KSC? I can't imagine it's any better on other planets. Anyway...

Pretty ominous...


Well there's your problem!


Where we called it


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1 hour ago, regex said:

Where we called it

Heck of an adventure!  That was a pure act of will, given the performance (cough!) of the TR-4s.

Thanks for sharing!

Edit - Why do posts merge when you don't want them to?


Enjoy Regex's Long [EditedWord] Drive for a moment!


I made a video showcasing gravity turns - forgot to turn up the throttle on my sustainer stage - and unexpectedly just flew to orbit under constant thrust.  Never had that happen before.

(Meaning, when I finally figured out that I could turn up the gas and got the AP where I wanted it... I already had a PE at a decent height.)


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