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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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12 hours ago, hatterson said:

I had a fun re-entry coming back from Eeloo. :)


Don't worry everyone made it totally fine as long as we ignore the g forces

Spam in a can!!! LOL!!

Just now, Antnee said:

Spam in a can!!! LOL!!

Fun fact!! Eeloo yields ridiculous amounts of science, I was able to unlock almost all of tier 4 just by taking various radiation reports with a rover!!! 12 grand worth if i could grab the rover and return to KSC.


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12 hours ago, Kimera Industries said:

I saw "10,000" and almost imploded.

On my Jool 5, I actually encountered Kerbin twice to bleed off speed through a gravity assist.

It was an awful re-entry lol. I knew I could get back easily if I did some gravity assists, either via heading straight down to Kerbin or using Jool and/or Eve to help out, but honestly it was a long play session and it was late at night and I didn't have it in me.

So I just burned out of Eeloo at the wrong transfer window, ended up with my Pe inside of Moho's orbit and encounter Kerbin on my way back whipping around at like a 45 degree angle to it. My Pe was something like 5km.

Basically it was everything that you should absolutely not do on a re-entry. But hey, it took away less ablator than a reentry from LKO with a PE of 60k, so lol at that.

I had forgot to check it when I did it, so I reloaded a save and redid the entry. Flight Report says highest g-force experienced was 100.4g

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Finally tackled the "Eyes of Dres" mission.  To complete it I wanted to try out the new nuclear engines.  I have to say... they feel like they're more trouble than they're worth.  The deltaV benefits you gain from the exhaust velocity feel diminished by how little fuel the tanks can carry.  Still, it works OK.  I get close to 10 km/s once she's fully fuelled.  I came up with a new belly-lander, the good ship Crusader.  It's funny because, despite the name, the big balloon tanks make it seem very inoffensive.  It looks more like a boat dock that was picked up and dropped into space.   She can hold 5 Kerbals comfortably for the 2 or 3 year mission (depending on how badly I mess up my launch windows).



I really hope this location is actually the Eyes.  You can't track the eyes from the Tracking Station so I'm basically guessing.



I'm not sure if it's something I did wrong with the reaction wheels, or if it's a problem in general with KSP2's SAS, but the ship was extremely unstable during the belly landing.  The 4 Thud engines were OK for TWR, but even when I would manually guide SAS to retrograde and just tell it "You're here, where I need you to be.  Just hold it."  It would start to oscillate like crazy.  So I essentially did the whole landing on full manual.



Landed (after a few failed attempts).  Fun fact, the big hydrogen tanks claim they can withstand impact speeds of up to 20 m/s.  This is why I felt landing gear wouldn't really be needed.   In practice this is not true at all.  Hitting the ground at 5 m/s was enough to send half the tanks flying off.  So I had to aim for around 1 m/s to ensure survival of the vehicle.  Now I just need to go plant a flag and see if this is actually the Eyes of Dres.




Confirmed, we are at the Eyes of Dres.  Mission accomplished.


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Today I completed my Odyssey KSS :D Docking was fun, with the fairing glitches, exploding rocket glitches, and rockets dropping out of space, but is it Kerbal if it all goes to plan :P

Firstly the glamour shot:


And then the massively less impressive normal view:


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6 hours ago, PTNLemay said:

I have to say... they feel like they're more trouble than they're worth.  The deltaV benefits you gain from the exhaust velocity feel diminished by how little fuel the tanks can carry. 

But they are extremely light. A medium length 2.5m size tank with a single engine weighs 5.81 tons, 3 of which is the engine. Similarly sized methalox tank with a poodle (the most efficient engine for the size) weighs nearly 20 tons, 18 of which is the fully loaded tank. A stack of hydrogen tanks of the same mass, while larger, gave me 2.5 times more D-v. Your vessel, and I'm just guessing based on the looks (these are 3.75m tanks?) would be probably an order of magnitude heavier if it was methalox-based.


As for me.

I flew (not to the Mun)


I returned (not from the Mun)


(and thank the Kraken for RCS otherwise I'd be floating still in interplanetary space. The calculators are great but they don't take into account anything other than perfect circular equatorial orbits)

And I took a picture


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In pursuit of completing all missions I landed something excessively large on Minmus. Massing 216.96 tons at touchdown. Touchdown was achieved at a buttery soft 0.4 m/s


Next step is to throw a big heat shield on the bottom and about a billion parachutes and launch two of these to Duna, refueling one with the other while there.

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5 hours ago, The Aziz said:

(these are 3.75m tanks?)

5m actually.  So... yes your point definitely still stands.  With conventional methalox it would be a giant lead weight.  But still, I find it challenging to build large crafts with the hydrogen.  I wish there was more options for the giant spheres.  Like a version with more hard-points.  They're tricky to use when you can only build off of them from their extremities.

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I sent two stations to their resting place, Wilhelmina 1100 to Eeloo and Wilhelmina 875 to Moho. Both are out of hydrogen fuel, and are carrying methalox for the reusable science lander they possess… Eeloo science was nothing short of delicious, but not enough for the tech tree.


Here you can see 875 dropping an expended transit fuel tank mid-burn to Moho. Next operation was Moho, but the reusable science lander exploded mid ascent- I had to use the RCS blocks as back up thrusters to make sure the kerbals make it back to the station. Unfortunately, they didn't (for some reason…?) bring their samples and reports to the station for review.

Expansion for both stations is due. Tomorrow, Wilhelmina 875 will receive a new, Moho-ready lander with higher TWR and less blow-uppy design. Wilhelmina 1100 will receive a standard XKRAB3 rover.

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I started building project DebDeb (totally original name) on my science campaign

Project DebDeb is essentially a giant interplanetary (and interstellar if you really want it to be) ship that is both reusable and comfortable. The ship itself is actually the last step of the project, though. Right now I’m sending fuel stations into orbit of all the planets for refueling without having to go back to Kerbin. The next step would be to send Netflix satellites (that’s what I called my satellite network back in KSP 1) for communication between each planet. Then I will assemble the ship itself and eventually send up the landers and the space plane.


Not my biggest project (that would be the Jupiter Series in KSP 1) but it’ll be a fun challenge none the less.

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Spent some time launching these orbital science labs around Kerbin and Duna. The labs are kinda strange to use in low orbits. I wish you could keep the instruments deployed so resuming and pausing the studies didn't mean endless cycle animations for the experiments. 

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An update on the Rover Project.

Decreasing braking power on the front wheels helped, but what really made the difference was turning the 'suspension' options on all the wheels down to their lowest level.

I landed a second, identical Rover on the Mun for increased gravity, and kept the speed to 8m/s. I have just passed 10km from the lander.

Solar powered, it's still fully charged.

I'm giving thought to taking this thing all across the Mun biomes, and sending another lander later on to collect the samples/driver.

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Fixed joints exploding, corrected a two thousand Delta-V gap (oops!) swapped nuclear to 4 terrier because delta v calculations are weird or im insane (its just a Duna orbit!)

Missed my original Duna landing, but that's okay, more science!


And now my vessels will not dock. Sigh


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Just an Ike mission for today. I overengineered the vehicle a little bit, and ended up with 1600 more delta v than necessary, even after multiple biome visits on Ike. Not a lot of science on Ike though. At this point, I am starting to feel confident on crew returns, so I might take the same vessel to Duna as well.
Probably will also send a fuel tank right after them though, just in case.

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I docked for the first time in a couple years, when I last played KSP1, with helpful advice from folks here.




Then I put together my first-ever Apollo-style Mun mission. In KSP1, I used to just load up a single capsule and land it on the Mun, then hope I had enough fuel to get the thing home. This time I'm trying the LEM/Command Module thing, mindful that some people have had trouble docking with this arrangement.


I don't know if this configuration will work, but it will be fun to try. Too tired to finish now; back at it tomorrow. I turned on the purple lights to give my Kerbals a restful night light.


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Since I unlocked the SWERV I decided to do a more complex mission: a visit to Dres!

I'm especially happy with my little space bike -- a minimalistic lander that runs entirely on RCS. It's a blast to handle, easy to pilot into and out of the bay, and I think it looks pretty neat too!


The mothership is here, it has all the science things and a return module. The science stuff can be dumped when no longer needed, the command module will then dock back onto the propulsion module for the way home.


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