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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 11
CPU,GPU and RAM: i9 9900KF, RTX 2060 (6GB VRAM), 32GB RAM 
Mods: 0
Description of the problem:
 The rockets bend very easily, making them quite difficult to launch, especially if they are large.

Solution: Modify in the PhysicsSettings.json file and increase the parameter called "JOINT_RIGIDITY"

Edited by Anth12
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My kingdom for a Beam.NG-style soft-body solver but, until then, let's get these rigid bodies to stay, ya know, rigid!

So far the arguments I've seen FOR wobbly rockets are "players should get feedback on when they've designed something poorly". Agreed! However, I think having elastic joints are just the wrong kind of feedback. I think @Kavaeric's Discord post here is right on the money:


Groaning/creaking and (imho, a purely cosmetic) rattling (like in the launch trailer) could tell the user that the joints are nearing their failure point, followed by catastrophic failure. I ran some tensor calculations on my Hello Kitty calculator and plotted this helpful chart:

Edited by whatsEJstandfor
Created a very good diagram. Edit 2: Miscalculated Young's modulus the first time
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24 minutes ago, whatsEJstandfor said:

My kingdom for a Beam.NG-style soft-body solver but, until then, let's get these rigid bodies to stay, ya know, rigid!

I love Beam.NG, but yes. Rockets should have soft body physics only if the tanks suddenly depressurize suddenly on the launchpad. 


Think soda can! You can stand on it while unopened, if empty can't handle much weight.

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I would like to add my voice to the enthusiastic and neigh-unanimous chorus that the time for the end of wobbly rockets has long passed.  @whatsEJstandfor has it right in his Hello Kitty calculator plot. The modeled behavior in KSP2 is unrealistic, unhelpful, and unfun. If you want something better, then listen to your players and toss out the stupid spring in the joints. They don't work like that in real life and they certainly shouldn't work like that in the game. Let them creak and groan and maybe even (COSMETICALLY ONLY!) vibrate. Let the failures be catastrophic (as they should be), and let there never again be a wobbly rocket in KSP.


Edited by schlosrat
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Yeah I find it unreasonable when attempting to make a SaturnV or starship rocket to kerbin scale be unusable and unplayable due to joints not being in a stable state, mean while the structure should be stable.

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I still think there should be a little bit of flex right as they are nearing the failure point to give some extra visual feedback. However, if having some flex requires implementing things in a way that is suboptimal, than I am okay with no flex at all. 

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 Wait, having beeping noises and the rocket cracking off like the trailer would be so much cooler. Maybe leave the wobble in ksp 1 and try something new for "bad designs". Honestly, with how impressive the sound design is in the game from Howard Mostrom ,I would want to fail to hear it lol.

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This is the 1 issue that is making me refuse to purchase this game. Wobbly rockets are not  what makes the game "Kerbal" The slapped together style and the safety 3rd attitude are what makes the game "Kerbal"

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It should all go on mass distribution. If I have a large mass on top of a small coupler, I'd expect wobble. But when I have a taper, or even a straight line with most of the weight at the bottom, I expect not to watch spaghetti.

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