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Weekly Challenge #15 - Dock with Gilly

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Hello Kerbonauts!

This week, we challenge you to... Dock with Gilly!

Primary: Land on Dock with Gilly.
Stretch: Dock with Gilly, plant a flag, and return safely to Kerbin.
Jeb: With just a jetpack, de-orbit, dock with Gilly, plant a flag, and return to your orbiting spaceship, then return to Kerbin.
Val: As above, but capture into the Eve system by aerobraking.


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2 minutes ago, Goddchen said:

What do you mean by "dock with" Gilly? Are you talking about landing or is this some inside joke that I don't know about?

It's a joke that Gilly's gravity is so weak it's more like docking than landing. 

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I submit for your approval the results of the latest weekly challenge, make of it2 what you will:

As you may discover if I continue with these, I tent to over-engineer% the [heck] out of my designs, especially the initial stage, so you can criticize my massiveNO inefficiency all you want, but I'm well aware of it - it's just my "style"

With that said, here's the initial stage - SRBs to get up high, the main drive to make sure I miss the ground, and provide a little jumpstart on the route to Eve, and the long range interplanetary hopper on top.  The intrepid explorers, led by the esteemed Tim C Kerman, felt something was off about their 'sparse' quarters, but couldn't see a problem with them, so they strapped in and began their voyage!




Arrival at Eve and Gilly - I overshot the aerobraking a bit0, it brought them a lot further into Eve's SOI than I intended so I had to burn back out to reach Gilly, but they made it eventually! 




BTW - Eve 2.0 is so pretty! 




This is where things went a little 'Kerbin'.  Apparently, "somebody*" decided to pull some fancy maneuvers while orbiting Gilly, and the passengers fell out...




While everyone made it back on board in one piece, Tim dropped his snacks...  He floated down to the surface and searched until he ran low on jetpack fuel and was forced to just mark the spot) and fly back empty-handed.  Poor Tim$




Another interlude - ran into something that can only be called bizzareO on Tim's return.  When he got back to the hopper, he actually grabbed the main command pod.  Since he was running low on MP I decided to send the pilot to Tim's chair so that Tim could just board the pod, then swapped them both back to their proper seats afterwards.  Until we find out exactly how he pulled off this stunt, Tim is on probation back at KSC.  (For the record, a save and reload caused Tim to reappear)




Eventually it was time to return home though, so our braveR explorers made their way back home.  Everyone was excited to see the familiar blue marble of Kerbin, and that's when they realized what nobody was telling them... only the command module had any recovery hardwareC!




Fortunately, their re-entry brought them above one of Kerbal's soft oceans, and they were able to bail out right before crashing15  Ironically, the command module was the one that experienced difficulty on landing - for some reason, it decided to remain submerged after splashing down.  It was actually rather amusing watching the pilot climb out, rise to the surface, and pop out of the water like a cork. 




So anyway, there we have it.  But for those wanting just a little bit more, here's Tim riding hid little rocket down to the surface.  It didn't end well4, but at least he learned to stop worrying and love the Kraken.  I wish it wasn't night, but I wasn't exactly planning this - I may reload a save while they're still in orbit and try for a daytime reentry.  Or I may not, depends on how distracted I get...




Just the footnotes, nothing coherent down here...


EZI figured this is a good place for an 'Airplane!' reference

CJust a tiny bit, I swear.  And for the record, I'm using 'engineering' VERY loosely here...

Grow upJust no

1You'll also learn I have a tendancy to exaggerate - but just a little!

11There may have been bribes taken to ensure "accidental" erasure of the relevant section of the logs, so I guess we'll never know what really happened...

:It wasn't intended while I was taking screenshots, but you can almost feel the sheer panic in the first image, then the sadness in the center, and the dejection at returning unsuccessful

GBTW, if anyone else finds Tim's snacks while exploring Gilly, there is a substantial reward for their safe return.  Probably, anyway

KWell, it could be called lots of things, but I like "Bizzare"

BIs it really bravery if they don't have a choice? 

TSome conspiracy theorists think it was all part of an elaborate plot to see what would happen to a Kerbal riding a rocket to the surface, but honestly I just forgot... I was originally planning to rendezvous with a recovery module in LKO, but decided at the last second to just ride the whole thing down and see what happens.  So maybe the theorists were right?

10I tried  to land the whole thing, and actually came pretty close - looks like the couplers kept blowing up, then causing the whole thing to explode

XIt didn't end well for Tim, anyway.  I rather enjoyed the little explosion he made.  And then felt guilty.  And then reloaded.  IT NEVER HAPPENED


Edited by febrion
Kraken ate a footnote, I totally didn't forget it
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I Couldn't wait to finish a Minimus Elcano before setting up for the next. Thanks to @GalileOh-No for the single dawn engine to keep attached to the surface. It works like a charm!

Have a couple of screenshots and a link to the start of a Gilly Elcano:


A link to a live stream if you're lucky enough to catch this while I'm online:

Fly Safe!

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The Val Level Challenge for Week #15 - Dock with Moho - Airbrake around Eve, Land on Gilly using just a jetpack, plant the flag and return to Kerbin.

Taking the original rocket created to go to Moho, before the lander was eaten by the Kraken.  So, rip the lander off and put a simple pod on the top, since we aren't going to need a lander.

Look mom, no hands.   no maneuver points.  We will let Eve pump the brakes!

Aerobraking around Eve...why did I choose a second stage that was purple?

And here comes Gilly...  ok, so I packed 3 times more fuel than I needed.

Here comes the sun, which means it is just about time to jump out of a perfectly good ship, without a parachute!

It was right about here that KSP2 crashed 3 times until I was able to jump out of the ship and head to the surface of Gilly, successfully.

Look mom no hands again, and no lander, and no parachute....wait, this seems like a bad idea now!

It turns out, when you are only going 20 m/s, landing is not very hard.  Note to self - next time make sure you are at the top left before pasting screenshot to ms paint.

Another note to self: take two kerbals on missions so one can stay on the mothership in orbit, because apparently, unmanned vessels like to deorbit when nobody is there to stop it.
Quick, we better get the heck off this rock and rendezvous with the mother ship before it crashes.  Wow, I didn't know you can do ship maneuvers without a ship...oh wait, you can't
because I don't have enough fuel? huh?  Well, at least I can see my trajectory after running real fast and jumping in the air and going straight to escape trajectory?  

I knew I parked that ship out here, somewhere...there it is!

Ok, course back to Kerbin is plotted and we are on our way back!

Look at that, perfectly lined up with the KSC,  and even though you can't see it, there is way more fuel than I needed.  But, every other time I have tried  one of these challenges, I failed
to make it home, because I didn't have enough fuel.  This time, I was going to be sure to have enough.

Ok, apparently I was coming in too fast and over-estimated how much the Kerbin atmosphere would slow me down and we overshot the KSC a little, by a hundred a thousand  meters or so.
But, at least the parachute deployed.  I thought for sure this was going to malfunction.352070856_1210796342954136_1278987148128351521333_576549201335415_89667367481544

And Samzon Kerman is the first of my kerbals to successfully complete a weekly challenge with documented evidence (I completed several the first 2-3 weeks after release, but failed
to document the landings, and failed to return back to Kerbin, because of Kraken attacks or poor planning on fuel requirements.352034142_795366241901923_31067246743482

Someone call me an Uber to get back to the KSC!

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Val level entry.


Preparing for the trip.



Launch vehicle and craft for this mission.






Final vehicle configuration.




Traveling to Eve/ Gilly.



Departing Kerbin.


Interplanetary burn.


Arriving at Eve/ preparing for aerobraking capture.



Aerobraking maneuver. (Note:  If you are attempting this part of the challenge the altitude I found the best for aerobraking at Eve is around 50-55km)


Burning for Gilly.


Arriving/ capturing at Gilly.


In orbit of Gilly.

Activities at Gilly.


First landing (lander)



Undocking the lander.


Deorbiting lander.


Landing burn.


Landed / First flag plant.


Taking off from Gilly


Rendezvous with the main ship.


EVA back to the main ship (I ditched the lander so I could save some extra dv for the trip home).

Second landing (using Tim C Kerman)



Deorbiting Tim.


Decelerating to landing speed.


Landed / second flag plant.


Returning to main ship.


Plotting an intercept.


Arriving back at the main ship.




Returning home.



Leaving Gilly.


Leaving Eve.


Interplanetary correction burn.


Arriving at Kerbin.


Deorbit burn.





Splash Down.

The entire mission took a 1 years 218 days to complete.

Edited by Sivako Aerospace
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Val Level Complete

This week we're fitting to get a bit silly on Gilly.  Since it's so easy to get there and back, engineering finishes up early, applies a nice coat of Eve-inspired purple paint and takes a well-deserved 3 day vacation, proud of their "Aubergenie".  When they come back, something seems slightly off.  No matter, the transfer window is here and we must launch.  Lubree Kerman is in the pilot seat, having met the requirement of having a name that rhymes with the destination.


Phase One: Awesome Aubergenie to LKO

Lubree gets to orbit without much of a hitch.  They notice a bit of unexpected drag during the gravity turn, but eh, stranger things have happened.








Phase Two: Eve Intercept Burn

As they cross the terminator, Lubree hits the crew lights and uh... hmm, that's different.  I guess that explains some of the drag from earlier - though there is word that it should be fixed soon :wink:.  Well, at least whoever did it was nice enough to add a huge battery to keep things lit.  Lubree basks in the glow, hoping it's not in the UV spectrum, kicks on some Prince and burns for Eve.  About halfway there, they correct inclination to approximate Gilly's orbital plane.








Phase Three: Eve Aerocapture and Gilly Intercept

Swinging into Eve's gravity well, the Pe is corrected to 53 km thanks to research done by @Sivako Aerospace.  All of the cool stuff is retracted - those panels are needed to keep the lights on, they're just too cool!  Lubree checks the telemetry after capturing, and looks like that inclination adjustment didn't work out so well with an atmosphere in play... Oh well, there's plenty of extra dV!  Once in Gilly's orbit, they take a minute to admire the scenery as they feel the bassline from Space Cowboy vibrate the hull.  @Socraticatmust have left a mixtape in here.










Phase Four: Gilly Docking and Return to the Aubergenie

Lubree takes a deep breath and jumps, everything goes silent. They drift away... slowly... very, very slowly from the Aubergenie's warming glow. SLOW. By the time they finally set foot on Gilly, the orbiter is still basically overhead, moving at about 12 m/s around the diminutive moon. Lubree sets the timer on their camera and takes a single shot on Gilly to send back to KSC.  A garbled transmission comes in saying something about "scratching" - must mean scratch the landing and return back, ASAP! Lubree bids farewell to Gilly on return to a parking orbit around Eve.












Phase Five: Kerbin Return

Lubree checks out the calendar and decides to make a few adjustments to the color scheme.  After another aerocapture around Kerbin, they decouple it from the bottom stage, leaving it in orbit as a tourist attraction so KSC can recoup some of the mission costs. They wave at the center before splashing down.  The cockpit sinks fast but Lubree eventually bobs up to the ocean surface, unscathed.

Mission Time: 2y, 76d.
















Edited by GalileOh-No
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I never did get back to my ship - got interrupted and never went back...

But the Aerobrake was pretty cool.

My ship came in at around 4900m/s with a periapsis of 47km (AP -6880km), exited with an AP of 378km and PE of 43km.

A bit too much, but it definitely was interesting.

Docked with Gilly around 7km above 'sea' level, which weirdly showed my ship trajectory as an impact. Hopped out, and noticed I was orbiting the wrong way, so did a 180 with the ship.

Hopped around a bit... and then I had to go do other stuff :p

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