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hi, can we all cool down just a little? genuinely?


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27 minutes ago, Sylvi Fisthaug said:

All I see is someone beating the dead horse over and over again (not my words, stolen from someplace on these forums), and of course someone who percieves themselves as a shining knight of light and brilliance have to come from the darkness and say "you are awful for throwing those bricks, and I also disagree with what you wrote on the notes wrapped around them!"

I'll try to explain my picture of the world. In this case, I'm seeing a dying horse named "KSP Franchise". We entrusted this horse to T2/IG/ST/Nate, hoping that they would take good care of it (of course, no one really asked us, but we all have a great affection for this horse, we worry about it, we would like to ride it on meadows). We have serious questions for the developers and T2, but it seems that our questions do not bother them much, according to their reports, everything is fine, we can only grumble helplessly on the forum. But it turns out that this is not possible.

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17 hours ago, RocketRockington said:

Actually if you check the current dev post, we got just that with a promise of more to come  - and most likely due to criticism.



Ok I’ve been looking but haven’t found it. Reentry heat this update would get me to boot up the game again, where is it mentioned?

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13 minutes ago, moeggz said:

Ok I’ve been looking but haven’t found it. Reentry heat this update would get me to boot up the game again, where is it mentioned?

No, reentry was just mentioned as still being a thing being worked on (because people (and I) were concerned if they had put a halt to this). Reentry will not be in this update. "Only", some new parts and hopefully a lot of bugs fixes (what the game needs right now).

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35 minutes ago, Alexoff said:

...we can only grumble helplessly on the forum. But it turns out that this is not possible.

This is the exact grumbling I am talking about. It doesn't gather much attention from neither the developers, nor the community. All I see is a small group of people overflowing the forums with the same arguments over and over again. Eventually the echo will fall for deaf ears. 

This grumbling makes this forum a lesser place to be for me, for the "cheerers" of the game, for all of the people grumbling, for the devs and for the people sitting on the fence looking at all of us like @LittleBitMore have done before today. As you are stating, the grumbling is helpless. Which always makes me wonder why anyone will continue the grumbling. This only drags people who will belittle other people into the debate, which in turn pulls trolls and bigots into the forums, searing them with obnocious flamebaiting and in turn just degrading the general vibe of the forums.

(for the record, I don't consider you or any of the other people who have posted in this thread as bigots, nor obnoxious.)

I like it here. But I also dislike being here sometimes. I just want someone to help me make these forums a better place to be, and not spend my time combatting people, who in my own opinion, make them a lesser place to be.

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1 hour ago, Sylvi Fisthaug said:

Two days ago I got so fed up by playing KSP2 that I quit, and I haven't touched it since.

It's pretty hard to keep playing it the way it is now, especially if you are going to try to do anything large and complicated. The game just has too many ways to destroy hours of work in an instant and not enough new content to really motivate us to keep putting up with having to do stuff that ought to work the first time over and over again.  And although FWIW I intend to keep soldiering on with the Jool5 mission I'm playing now, once that's done I don't see much reason to keep going until there is significant improvement on multiple fronts. I have to believe it is not going to stay that way however, and moreover that there is still a large fanbase out there of people like me who have basically just gone into hibernation until matters improve.  I think the devs have a significant but not endless amount of time to get me and all those other people back, and I certainly hope they will rise to the occasion. KSP1 was also  in pretty rough shape when it first came out in EA, as I well remember, although back then the sheer novelty of the concept was easily sufficient to keep me interested in spite of the bugs.  Unfortunately this time the devs don't have that luxury, as they are dealing with a bunch of KSP1 fans who are jaded wrt what they could do in the old game, and won't really get very interested in the new one until it has something genuinely new to offer, even if they deal with the most egregious bugs and performance issues. For that reason, it doesn't surprise me that the number of people playing currently is so low, but OTOH it won't surprise me either, if and when they have thrown down something really worthwhile, to see a huge number of players come roaring back.

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14 minutes ago, herbal space program said:

It's pretty hard to keep playing it the way it is now, especially if you are going to try to do anything large and complicated. The game just has too many ways to destroy hours of work in an instant and not enough new content to really motivate us to keep putting up with having to do stuff that ought to work the first time over and over again.

Yes, I have tried to design a shuttle several times on different saves, just to have all craft files destroyed by a bug that causes subassemblies attached together vertically to end up in the floor of the VAB when reverting to it from flight. This is the main reason I stopped playing this week. 

But I talk to the bug hunter about the bugs instead, and try to post or add to the bug reports in the bug reports section in the forums. I feel this will help much more thant to just post old critiscism about the game. The game have to be critizised in it's current state, but I still believe that the developers will make and finish off a great product in the not-so-endless time they've got, as you stated.

14 minutes ago, TickleMyMary said:

I mean... Neither is yours... You've commented to let people know that you disagree with what they think.

Nowhere in this post do you reference the game, only the people 'bashing' it... The replies befit the post and seeing as they survived the mod cull, they must be within guidelines... Best policy is to ignore what you don't align with.

Yes, as this is my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. This thread is also about the forums in general and not about the game, so mentioning the game in my post would be straying off topic. 

Also, I mentioned the game here:

1 hour ago, Sylvi Fisthaug said:

Two days ago I got so fed up by playing KSP2 that I quit, and I haven't touched it since. The VAB is not a nice place to be right now.

I don't see the need to mention it again in the second post. My post is not about the people 'bashing' the game either, it is about many of the replies I see here, and probably some of the replies that have been removed. But a lot of the replies that got modded away into the realm of snipping, probably isn't entirely from the "bashers" either. This is just pure speculation though. 

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1 hour ago, Spicat said:

No, reentry was just mentioned as still being a thing being worked on (because people (and I) were concerned if they had put a halt to this). Reentry will not be in this update. "Only", some new parts and hopefully a lot of bugs fixes (what the game needs right now).

I think it would be a big mistake for them anyway to introduce any new ways your ship can get destroyed before getting rid of some of the existing ones from bugs. The last thing they need to do right now is make things even harder. That can wait until the other parts of the game are on a stable footing.

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8 hours ago, Sylvi Fisthaug said:

This is the exact grumbling I am talking about. It doesn't gather much attention from neither the developers, nor the community. All I see is a small group of people overflowing the forums with the same arguments over and over again. Eventually the echo will fall for deaf ears. 

In general, this is very bad. I am sure that if the developers see that everyone is happy, they will put in less effort. Moreover, other developers can use a similar behavior model. It's not that they don't do it, but it certainly shouldn't be encouraged.

Well, personally, you can just ignore someone's grumbling. About 5-6 years ago I played KSP1, and did not sit on the forum. I don’t know, maybe then someone was also indignant here?

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10 minutes ago, Alexoff said:

About 5-6 years ago I played KSP1, and did not sit on the forum. I don’t know, maybe then someone was also indignant here?

There probably always has been. But as the thread starter stated here, after KSP2 it has become much worse. I think each and everyone of us just wants it to stop, and stay together in supporting the developers in making a great game, and in turn make these forums a better place to be. 

We all agree on the game being a mess. But we don't agree on how critiscism is being thrown around on the forums, or how this critiscism is responded to by the other party. 

I just want it all to stop. 

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It's not like... Official posts got more "transparent" and rich because there was quite a lot of grumble, eh ? Fair enough, there is a LOT of repetition, of threads discussing why KSP2 is bad, of comments in each new official statement which are mostly criticism and people criticizing the fact that there is too much criticism. Sure. But, again (again (again ?))) most of these criticism are legit, are well written, basically no trolling, no flaming, no personal attacks, no free negativity to spare, just... Legit criticism. The only thing is, yeah, it keeps appearing again and again, to deal with a specific subject, which then get enlarged, or decline in the usual "why again criticism, you already said that" which trigger the now habitual 10+ posts to address the situation.

I definitely don't understand why people don't get that. When there is criticism and complaints, it's about a given subject, which might be the same as before because the official post actually tells about it but don't show much progress / is very concerning / seems overpromising / add any other reason here. And because / thanks to that, devs and communication team can't miss that most players are unhappy, that they keep saying it, that will still do as long as things does not feel going in a sufficient good direction. Sure, posts are now more transparent. Do you feel it's enough / that the now more transparent news are good ? I don't. Many others don't. We'll say so, politely, so that there is good feedback about it AND bad feedback if it's legitimate. If you keep repeating that "dang, stop complaining again and again", we'll answer again and again everything in this thread, creating 10+ more dedicated messages, while it should have stick to some good feedback, some bad feeback, some new, some repeating because it's the subject of the thread.


Yeah, keeping the complaints actually help, as long as it's constructive and legit. And polite. And cordial. You're only tripling the numbers of message by saying to stop.

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35 minutes ago, Alexoff said:

In general, this is very bad. I am sure that if the developers see that everyone is happy, they will put in less effort.

Nobody is saying the game is perfect, all people complain in some ways. What’s different between each other is the tone and the amount of hope they put in the future. So, you’re not a messiah or anything special by saying the game is in a bad state.

15 minutes ago, Dakitess said:

But, again (again (again ?))) most of these criticism are legit, are well written, basically no trolling, no flaming, no personal attacks, no free negativity to spare, just... Legit criticism. The only thing is, yeah, it keeps appearing again and again, to deal with a specific subject, which then get enlarged, or decline in the usual "why again criticism, you already said that" which trigger the now habitual 10+ posts to address the situation.

I see a lot of legit criticism (and you’re one that I actually like, even if I doesn’t agree with everything you say), but I also see some "opinions" that are here just to disrupt things. Using only sarcasm or the usual player count argument every single day on subject that have nothing to do with it, like it’s relevant to anything, that’s not what I call "legit criticism" and it’s quite tiring. Also I don’t think moderators remove post just because it’s criticism, there are not only peaceful interactions and that on "both side" (hate this categorization).

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3 hours ago, Alexoff said:

I am sure that if the developers see that everyone is happy, they will put in less effort.

You shouldn't be so sure, especially about how other people feel and are motivated.


I seem to remember a comment from HarvestR about his crew coming to work every day because they loved what they were doing.  Of course, that was then and this is now.

People are motivated very differently.  Some people thrive in a crisis/challenge situation and some people go to pieces under the whip, especially when they feel it is unfair, unreasonable and ungrateful.

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2 hours ago, Sylvi Fisthaug said:

stay together in supporting the developers in making a great game

I highly doubt it works that way. It seems to me that developers have received a huge amount of support and approval since 2019, but the result looks sad to say the least.

2 hours ago, Spicat said:

So, you’re not a messiah or anything special by saying the game is in a bad state

What is the meaning of this message? Only selected messiahs can criticize the developers? And the rest either remain silent or praise?

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16 hours ago, Alexoff said:

I'll try to explain my picture of the world. In this case, I'm seeing a dying horse named "KSP Franchise". We entrusted this horse to T2/IG/ST/Nate, hoping that they would take good care of it (of course, no one really asked us, but we all have a great affection for this horse, we worry about it, we would like to ride it on meadows). We have serious questions for the developers and T2, but it seems that our questions do not bother them much, according to their reports, everything is fine, we can only grumble helplessly on the forum. But it turns out that this is not possible.

I see alot of 'we' in your posts, but you can only speak for yourself, 'we' nor 'you' have entrusted the KSP franchise to T2/IG/ST/Nate, 'We' have no ownership on this game or franchise, it was sold by SQUAD and we're not stakeholders, we're merely potential customers.

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3 hours ago, Alexoff said:

What is the meaning of this message? Only selected messiahs can criticize the developers? And the rest either remain silent or praise?

That's like the opposite of what I was saying.

You act like people talking here are all happy with the game and that you're the only one complaining about it (or at least one of the very few), and that we should thank you because devs would not work if nobody criticizes the game. That isn't the case at all, everyone is complaining in some way.

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50 minutes ago, LoSBoL said:

I see alot of 'we' in your posts, but you can only speak for yourself, 'we' nor 'you' have entrusted the KSP franchise to T2/IG/ST/Nate, 'We' have no ownership on this game or franchise, it was sold by SQUAD and we're not stakeholders, we're merely potential customers.

That's what I wrote in brackets. "They" do what they want with the game, for some reason not everyone likes it

47 minutes ago, Spicat said:

You act like people talking here are all happy with the game and that you're the only one complaining about it (or at least one of the very few), and that we should thank you because devs would not work if nobody criticizes the game. That isn't the case at all, everyone is complaining in some way.

I didn't write that. This is a very strong exaggeration of my words at best.

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On 6/12/2023 at 11:00 PM, LittleBitMore said:

this is the most confused i've been all day (what exactly did i do to deserve this title? what exactly does this title mean? i may never know!), but thanks for the compliment!

It’s a awesome person who is really confident.

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1 hour ago, Dakota said:

Keep focused on what's in front of us. It's very easy to look back and say "oh they did XYZ wrong days/weeks/years ago" and speculate on why things happened one way or another, and you might be right - but none of that helps us move forward, towards Science, Colonies, Interstellar, Multiplayer, and beyond.

Can we even glimpse into this future? After all, we have never seen a working colony, we do not understand how colonies will be built. We haven't seen huge parts for megaships for a very long time. We don't even know what science will look like! Bug fixes and new engines are nice, but that's not what the new game was made for. Today the roadmap looks like a teapot of Russell - it is completely incomprehensible what is happening there.

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